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Call for Papers: Diasporic Futures - Women, the Arts and Globalization

Call for Papers: Diasporic Futures - Women, the Arts and Globalization

A one day conference to be held at the Victoria and Albert Museum
Monday 3rd July 2006

Diasporic Futures: Women, the Arts and Globalization is a one day conference designed to assess and evaluate the specific relationship between women, the arts and the impact of globalization on the articulation of diasporic and migrant identities, past, present and future.

The conference seeks to test the limits of extant maps of globalization, contemporary art practices and migration by exploring how women artists and practitioners and womenıs creative practice operates within the dominant patterns of the marketplace and/or how it maps the world against the grain, developing alternative networks and new meanings. The emphasis upon Œfuturesı in the projectıs title is strategic; the conference seeks to develop the theoretical and methodological tools needed to move debates concerning diasporas, migration and identities forward, rather than to fix them in the historical past.

Papers/presentations are invited which acknowledge and develop current theoretical work in the field, contribute to new dialogues and understandings of transnational and transcultural practices and/or encourage collaborative strategies for the negotiation of globalized networks in gendered terms.

Please submit enquiries and/or 300 word abstracts to Dr Dorothy Rowe, d.rowe@roehampton.ac.uk, Dr Marsha Meskimmon, m.g.meskimmon@lboro.ac.uk or Professor Fran Lloyd, F.Lloyd@kingston.ac.uk by Friday 21 April 2006.

Please see here the booking form!

Posted by Evelin at March 29, 2006 12:48 AM