2006 Swiss Association of Applied Psychology (SBAP) Award for Applied Psychology

•  The event (with pictures)
•  Reactions after the event
•  Prior to the award (permission to accept it on behalf of HumanDHS)


Please click on the pictures to see them larger.


Dear Friend!

I hope you are well!

Earlier, in December 2005, I asked you whether I have your permission to accept the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology, awarded by the Swiss Association of Applied Psychology, on your behalf and on behalf of our Human Dignity and Humiliation network. The prize honors also YOU and YOUR contributions and support! I am very glad about your kind endorsement (see your messages further down)!

The prize has now been awarded!
Date and place were as follows: Thursday, 19th October 2006, 17.00 in the Auditorium Maximum, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETHZ), Main Building (Hauptgebäude), Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich.

Please read about the award ceremony in Punktum, the SBAP journal, December, 2006, pp. 22-23.

Introductory information:

•  more details on the event on www.sbap.ch
•  the invitation
•  a description of the SBAP prize
•  a short introcuctory statement

The event:

•  Opening speech by the SBAP President Heidi Aeschlimann
Greeting by Kantonsrätin Emy Lalli
•  Laudatio by Professor Ulrike Zöllner
(English translation by Verena Neuburger)
•  Auswirkungen von Demütigung auf Menschen und Völker by Evelin Lindner


•  Demütigung und Erniedrigung
Interview with Angelika Schett on Radio DRS2 Kontext.
Kontext, Montag, 6th November 2006, 09.05-09.35 h, DRS2
Kontext (Z), Montag, 6th November 2006, 18.30-19.00 h, DRS2

Diese Sendung ist auch auf CD im RadioKiosk erhältlich.
•  Demütigung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung
Interview with Angelika Schett on Radio DRS2 Aktuell, short version of above interview, broadcasted on 21st October 17.00.
•  Wir brauchen globale Ampeln

Interview with Marcel Hänggi, WOZ Die Wochenzeitung, Number 43, 26th Oktober 2006, page 16.

Please see here the full text of the invitation that welcomed everybody to the ceremony on 19th October 2006 in Zürich:

Dear Friend!

Dr. Evelin G. Lindner is the recipient of the 2006 SBAP. Award for Applied Psychology for her unique research and independent project management skills, as well as for her international presence as a well-known, committed, and multidisciplinary advocate for humanity in a global society. Her work on the effects of humiliation on individuals and communities has made a significant contribution to the study of peace.

You are warmly invited to the ceremony on Thursday, 19th October 2006, 17.00 in the Auditorium Maximum, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETHZ), Main Building, Rämistrasse 101, 8006 Zürich.

Prof. Dr. phil. Ulrike Zöllner will give the Laudatio.

We look forward to having you with us!

Heidi Aeschlimann
Präsidentin SBAP.

Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Angewandte Psychologie
Association Professionnelle Suisse de Psychologie Appliqué
Associazione Professionale Svizzera della Psicologia Applicata
Merkurstr. 36
CH 8032 Zürich

This is the day before the ceremony. Please see here Linda, Evelin, and Heidi. The left picture comes from Evelin's camera, the right picture from Linda's camera. Please click on each picture, to see more photos from the respective camera.
And please meet also Mariann Holti! Please click on her picture to see it larger!

The day of the ceremony! SBAP Präsidentin Heidi Aeschlimann spricht die Eröffnungsrede, Kantonsrätin Emy Lalli spricht die Grußadresse, Ulrike Zöllner hält die Laudatio (English translation by Verena Neuburger), Evelin Lindner hält den Vortrag. Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Evelin's camera.

The day of the ceremony! Peter Rotenbühler moderiert, SBAP Präsidentin Heidi Aeschlimann spricht die Eröffnungsrede, Kantonsrätin Emy Lalli spricht die Grußadresse, Ulrike Zöllner hält die Laudatio (English translation by Verena Neuburger). Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

The day of the ceremony! Evelin Lindner speaks about Auswirkungen von Demütigung auf Menschen und Völker. Please click on the picture to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

"Alte Zöpfe" muss man nicht abschneiden, man muss sie aufmachen und die "guten Haare" für die Zukunft nutzen!"
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

The day of the ceremony! Das Publikum! Please click on the picture to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera..

The prize is being awarded! Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Evelin's camera.

The prize is being awarded! Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

After the prize: Apéro! Everybody mingles and Nadja Räss sings. Please click on the picture to see more photos. Please see also World Music for Equal Dignity!

After the prize: Apéro! Please click on the picture to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

The day after the ceremony! Please click on the pictures to see them larger.


Reactions after the event (with the authors' permission, listed chronologically)

20.10.2006, Peter Rothenbühler schrieb freundlicherweise:
Lieber Evelin Lindner,
Leider musste ich viel zu früh zum Zug rennen.
Leider, denn ich hätte gerne noch mehr mit Ihnen gesprochen, die wichtigsten Fragen sind mir dann erst auf der Reise eingefallen.
Was mich (unter anderem) fasziniert an Ihnen, ist dieses persönliche Engagement, das bis zum Körpereinsatz (Haare) geht und eigentlich in totalem Widerspruch zum Verhalten "normaler" Wissenschafter steht, die genau das machen, was Sie im ersten Satz skizziert haben: Bis hier geht das Leben, dann kommt der Vortrag (sachlich, wissenschaftlich, unpersönlich)und anschliessend geht das Leben weiter.
Diese ganze andere Haltung, nämlich der Versuch, Leben zu teilen, ist für mich das Wesentliche an Ihrer Message.
Ich denke, ich weiss jetzt auch, warum Sie so viel wert darauf legen, zu sagen, dass Sie überall zu Hause sind. Weil Sie wollen, dass alle Menschen überall zu Hause sind....oder wenigstens so aufgenommen werden. Alte Vorstellung von Gastfreundschaft, alte Vorstellung von der fliessenden Liebe, die nicht ein Gut ist, das man nur Einzelnen schenkt (möglichst gut verpackt), sondern immer gerade dort fliessen lässt, wo man ist, gegenüber jedem Menschen, auch den weniger "liebenswürdigen" .
Sehen Sie, Sie wirken inspirierend und haben einmal mehr einen Volltreffer gelandet.
Die Moderation war für mich eine grosse Freude.
Mit ganz herzlichen Grüssen
Peter Rothenbühler

20.10.2006, Ulrike Zöllner schrieb freundlicherweise:
Liebe Frau Lindner
Ich sehe, Sie sind schon wieder früh aktiv!
Ja, ich habe den Anlass auch sehr gelungen gefunden - es war das erste Mal in diesem Rahmen - und auch die Musik war hervorragend! ...
Für Ihre Arbeit wünsche ich Ihnen herzlich viel Erfolg! Das Engagement ist Teil von Ihrer Person und wird immer zu Ihnen gehören, denke ich. Wo ich kann, werde ich in meine Kontakte den Hinweis auf Ihre Arbeit einfliessen lassen.
Nun hoffe ich, dass Sie noch etwas Zürich geniessen können!
Ihre Ulrike Zöllner

23.10.2006, Emy Lalli schrieb freundlicherweise:
liebe Evelin Lindner
Auch Ihnen herzlichen Dank für das Mail, für Ihre Arbeit die sie leisten, sie ist unentbehrlich, gerade in der heutigen Zeit und ich bin immer wieder froh und hoffnungsvoll, wenn ich Menschen wie Sie kennenlerne, die sich für die Humanität einsetzen, die die Auswirkungen von Demütigung und Erniedrigung klar definieren und deren Auswirkungen aufzeigen und auch nach Lösungsansetzen suchen. ...
Es freut und ehrt mich sehr, dass sie meine Rede berührt hat. Es fällt mir nicht schwer zu diesem Thema zu sprechen, weil es mich selber eben auch sehr berührt...
liebe Grüsse
emy lalli

24.10.2006, Beat Messerli schrieb freundlicherweise:
Liebe Frau Lindner
Ich möchte mich sehr herzlich bei Ihnen bedanken für Ihren Vortrag an der ETH. Sie haben mich sehr beeindruckt. Das Thema ist ja tückenreich. Man meint, man wisse sofort, worum es geht, und von daher besteht die Gefahr, dass man zur Tagesordnung übergeht und die vielfältigen Erscheinungen in unserem täglichen Leben entweder übersieht oder achselzuckend als gegeben hinnimmt. Sie demonstrieren, dass die Ermittlung der Gründe und der Auswirkungen der Demütigung einer wissenschaftlichen Vertiefung bedarf, wenn es gelingen soll, das Übel an der Wurzel zu packen und einen effektiven Beitrag zum Frieden zu leisten.
Ich habe vor Jahren einmal an einer amerikanischen Universität studiert. Ihre mitreissende und direkte Art des Lehrens, die intensive Kommunikation mit den Zuhörern und das Entwickeln eines Themas scheinbar aus dem Nichts haben mich spontan an jene Zeit erinnert. Ich kann mir lebhaft vorstellen, wie Sie Leute für Ihre Sache begeistern.
Ich wollte Ihnen noch von einer interessanten Querverbindung berichten. Einer meiner Lehrer im Verfassungsrecht, Herr Prof. Dr. Jörg Paul Müller, hat kürzlich in Zürich einen Vortrag gehalten, in welchem es um die Verbindungen zwischen der Psychologie und der Jurisprudenz im Zusammenhang mit sozialen Konflikten ging. Müller erwähnte ebenfalls (wie Sie) das Beispiel Südafrikas, um zu zeigen, dass die Wiedergutmachung begangenen Unrechts unter Umständen eines innovativen Ansatzes bedarf, in dessen Zentrum nicht (nur) die Vergeltung (und, so würde ich jetzt ergänzen, die Erwiderung einer Demütigung mit einer neuen Demütigung), sondern der Einbezug der ‚Parteien’ in einen Friedensprozess steht. In der Tat: die Anwendung des Strafrechts muss bei grossen sozialen Auseinandersetzungen meistens scheitern, weil die Täter nur selektiv erfasst werden können, die grosse schweigende Mehrheit, welche ein ungerechtes System unterstützt, ungeschoren davon kommt, und die Opfer ausgeblendet bleiben. Die Nürnberger und späteren Naziprozesse in Deutschland sind dafür ebenso Beleg wie das Kriegsverbrechertribunal für Ex-Jugoslawien. Damit soll nicht gesagt sein, die strafrechtliche Aufarbeitung sei überflüssig; sie ist aber ungenügend und kann die nachhaltige ‚Befriedung’ sogar gefährden, weil sie als bequemer Ersatz für einen langwierigen Friedensprozess ‚missbraucht’ werden kann.
Ich werde Sie und Ihren Vortrag in Erinnerung behalten. Und ich werde versuchen, Ihre Anliegen meinen Mitmenschen nahe zu bringen.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Beat Messerli

25.10.2006, Franziska Bolt schrieb freundlicherweise:
Sehr geehrte Frau Lindner
vor wenigen Tagen hatte ich die Ehre, an Ihrer Preisverleihung in Zürich teilzunehmen. Eine Freundin hatte mich dazu eingeladen, ich wusste nicht, was mich erwartete.
Ihre flammend leidenschaftliche Rede und die Art, wie Sie verschiedene thematische Ansätze zu einem wunderbaren Teppich verknüpften, hinterliessen mich sprachlos und begeistert.
Möge Ihr Feuer nie verlöschen, Ihr Mut nie schwinden, Ihre Freude nie versiegen, solange die Erde Sie trägt.
Während ich Ihnen zuhörte, fühlte ich die tiefe Freude und Ermutigung, die mich immer dann erfüllen, wenn ich auf Menschen treffe, die auf ihre ganz eigene, kraftvolle Weise dazu beitragen, den Kurs dieses globalen Schiffes von der vermeintlichen Katastrophe in eine neue Richtung zu lenken ...
Auch ich bin Ärztin, habe aber vor drei Jahren aufgehört, in der Klinik zu arbeiten. Das Thema von Krankheit und Genesung hat sich von der Ebene des menschlichen Körpers auf den Körper dieses Planeten verlagert, das ist alles.
Ich wünsche Ihnen nur das Beste, möchte mich noch einmal für Ihren Vortrag bedanken und grüße Sie herzlich,
Franziska Bolt

26.10.2006, Sara Meyer schrieb freundlicherweise:
Liebe Evelin!
Der Abend war wirklich sehr schön und Ihr Referat hat mich auch sehr beeindruckt!
Herzliche Grüsse aus der Schweiz


Reactions prior to the award, giving Evelin the permission to accept it (with the authors' permission, listed chronologically)

02.11.2005 (Morton was informed earlier), Morton Deutsch kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Wonderful news! Congratulations, you deserve the prize!!
Warmest regards,

26.12.2005, Stephanie Heuer kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
How exciting!! Yes, you deserve a reward and recognition for your contributions and dedication. Take pictures!!
Hugs to you,

26.12.2005, Chellie Kew kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin!! How wonderful!! yes yes and yes, I say!
All love and sincere congratulations!!

26.12.2005, John Steiner wrote:
Of course! Congratulations...

26.12.2005, Per Bakken kindly wrote:
God ettermiddag!
Dette ser jo imponerende ut, gratulerer for dette, en svært god bekreftelse på at det du gjoer er viktig!

26.12.2005, Øystein Gullvåg Holter kindly wrote:
Absolutely Evelin! I very much appreciate your efforts, as do all men's researchers over here. Every word of the text is true - this is well deserved.
Happy new year!
Greetings, Øystein

26.12.2005, Friedrich Flachsbart kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin!
I wish You all the best forever
Sincerely Yours

26.12.2005, Francisco Gomes de Matos kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
What great news! I join the choir of all the privileged human beings who know you and rejoice over the distinction which the Swiss Association of Applied Psychology will bestow on you. Not only do you have my permission - what a  dignified, humble way of putting it, Evelin - but my sustained admiration.
In deepest solidarity
Sunniest awards,

26.12.2005, Floyd Webster Rudmin kindly wrote:
Congratulations. Wonderful. A great start to a new year.

26.12.2005, Henrik Syse kindly wrote:
Congratulations, Evelin. And Merry Christmas!

26.12.2005, Kjell Skyllstad kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin:
Do we still have the permission to be your associates, learning from the prize statutes what a supreme acknowledgment by the most representative professional evaluative authority this means?
In admiration

26.12.2005, Olivier du Merle kindly wrote:
Congratulation Evelin ! You deserve it !
Happy new year.
Olivier du Merle

26.12.2005, Den Gordon wrote:
You most definitely must accept the award!. You earned it and you deserve it.
I hope your workshop at TC went well and things are going well at home.
Happy New Year.
best wishes.

26.12.2005, Beth Fisher-Yoshida kindly wrote:
Congratulations Evelin!! Go forth and proudly accept this well deserved award.
Hapy holidays.

26.12.2005, Ndahimana Rubanda kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
On receiving this mail, I immediately thought that you have received your best Chrismas gift. As far as I am concerned, please go ahead and receive on our behalf this deserved award. So many congratulations!!! During the months preceding the ceremony and after, the network should continue to think how best this big contribution to the humanity can be well known all aver the world.
Ndahimana Emmanuel

26.12.2005, George Kent kindly wrote:
Evelin, congratulations! You deserve this recognition.
Aloha, George

26.12.2005, Dov Cohen kindly wrote:

26.12.2005, Monty Marshall kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin,
Congratulations on your award! Sorry I can not be there. Hope all is well with you. Bets wishes in the New Year!
Best regards,

26.12.2005, Sibyl Schwarzenbach kindly wrote:
Congradulations, Evelin! all the best, Sibyl

26.12.2005, George Woods, kindly wrote:
Of course! Congratulations, Evelin. g

26.12.2005, Robert Pollack kindly wrote:
congratulations for this well-deserved honor.
I would like to see the text of your talk, as I am sure they will ask you for a talk at that event. [...]

26.12.2005, Barnett Pearce kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
What a wonderful honor! Congratulations!

26.12.2005, Elliott Leyton kindly wrote:
Congratulations, Evelin.  Well done.
Elliott Leyton

26.12.2005, Victor Valle kindly wrote:
Congratulations Evelin. You deserve it. Of course, you have my endorsement to accept the Award.
See you in 2006
My warmest regards
Victor Valle

26.12.2005, Sharon Burde kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
I am so pleased that you are receiving recognition for your many years of effort. It is an honor to be associated with you and your body of work. I hope that this award is the beginning of many that will further the cause.

26.12.2005, Kaethe Weingarten kindly wrote:
Best wishes for a healthy new year.

26.12.2005, Lee Ross kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
Congratulations on this well deserved recognition for your work. I hope it will also give you some tangible assistance of a sort that furthers your efforts'.

26.12.2005, Kathleen Modrowski kindly wrote:
Congratulations! What a wonderful honor and so well deserved.
I wish you continued success in the coming year and  years to come.
Love, Kathleen

26.12.2005, Devrim Boy kindly wrote:
Bravo for the prize.
Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année,

26.12.2005, Michael Dahan kindly wrote:
This is amazing! Congratulations
I am encouraged by the fact that your work is recognised and appreciated...
Best wishes for the holiday,

26.12.2005, International Institute of Peace Studies kindly wrote:
Yes you most certainly do.. well done !

26.12.2005, Didier Sornette kindly wrote:
Congratulations Evelin!
best regards

26.12.2005, Noam Ebner kindly wrote:
I am so thrilled! Good for you!!!!!!!!!! "You rock!!!"

26.12.2005, Manas M. Ghanem kindly wrote:
Congratulations dear Evelin!! That is great news and you worth this award!!
Big hug for you, I wish you more success and much happiness. May 2006
bring all what you are wishing for!
Merry Christmas and Happy 2006!

26.12.2005, Dan Bar-On kindly wrote:
Very nice, Congratulations!

26.12.2005, Miriam Marton kindly wrote:
Congratulations, Evelin!  An award much deserved - how I wish I could join you in Zurich physically, but I will be with you in spirit!

26.12.2005, Carlos Sluzki kindly wrote:
Congratulations and well deserved, Evelin! In addition to the soothing realization that talent and dedication IS occasionally recognized, to everybody's joy.
Happy Holidays, and a big hug,

26.12.2005, Noor Akbar kindly wrote:
Please accept my heartiest congratulations, dear Evelin. I wish you a very good trip of Swiss..

26.12.2005, Corinna Carmen Gayer kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
my congratulation to the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology!! That is wonderful!
Best wishes,

26.12.2005, Arran Stibbe kindly wrote:
Hi Evelin,
That's wonderful news, congratulations! Hope you have a chance to get some holiday peace and relaxation...
best wishes,

26.12.2005, Victoria C. Fontan kindly wrote:
Congratulations Evelin,
I would love to be able to make it... who knows :-)?
I am very happy that you received this award which honours your dedication and courage to devote your entire self to human dignity. Thank you for working for all of us and encouraging us constantly. You are our driving force.

26.12.2005, Steven J. Bartlett kindly wrote:
Dear Dr. Lindner,
I want to add my congratulations to those of others for the award you will receive. Alas, I cannot attend though would like to.
With all best wishes,
Steven Bartlett

26.12.2005, Laurie Pearlman kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
What an honor! Congratulations. You very much deserve this recognition. My heart will be with you in Zurich (I don't think my body can attend)....
I'm so pleased for you. What a wonderful beginning to the new year.
Thanks for sharing the news and invitation.
Warm regards,

26.12.2005, Herb Lurie kindly wrote:
Congratulations Evelin.

26.12.2005, Asbjørn Eide kindly wrote:
Congratulations! Very well deserved

26.12.2005, Ada Aharoni kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Best congratulations for your most merited Award.
Ada Aharoni

26.12.2005, John D. Loike kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
It is so wonderful to hear that you are receiving this prize. Keep up the good work.

26.12.2005, Michael Harris Bond kindly wrote:
wonderful, Evelin! yes, of course you have my endorsement to accept this award on my behalf and i expect on behalf of all all those nameless souls whose life has been diminished by vicious, thoughtless, and inhumane practices from the past.

26.12.2005, Barbro A. Bakken kindly wrote:
Kjære Evelin!
Så fantastisk hyggelig og så velfortjent. Dette var en stor og gledelig nyhet. Håper prisen gir deg ekstra energi og kraft til den siste inspurten med boken.

27.12.2005, John Braithwaite kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
How well deserved. Congratulations. That is wonderful vindication to receive.

27.12.2005, Zahid Shahab Ahmed kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
I am really glad over your this achievement and wish you all the best in future.

27.12.2005, Cora Quisumbing-King kindly wrote:
evelin, congratulations to you and colleagues!
what a great honor and acknowledgement of your work!
all the best,

27.12.2005, Virginia Swain kindly wrote:
How wonderful, Evelin! You deserve much recognition for your work and for assembling a network of scholars and practitioners who have committed to learn to respect and appreciate each other. We need nurturing and respect as much as everybody else! Thank you for your inclusive, groundbreaking vision and broad world view. I hope the New Year is filled with more honors for your work. Love and Happy New Year!  How was your Christmas by yourself writing your book?  I am so grateful for you and your gifts to the world.
Love, Virginia

27.12.2005, Vidar Vambheim kindly wrote:
Congratulations (well deserved!)! I am very greatful for the invitation, and will do my best to be there!
Happy new year!!

27.12.2005, Hisako Kobayashi-Levin kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations, what a wonderful news! It is a very good way to end and start a new year. I hope I can participate next year's annual meeting. I will await for the information on the meeting next year!
Happy holidays!
Hisako Levin

27.12.2005, Neil Walsh kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
I wholeheartedly give you permission to use my endorsement for your name for this award. Best Wishes.
Neil Walsh.

27.12.2005, Jack Goldstone kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
My warmest and heartiest congratulations on this wonderful honor, which your originality has so richly earned.  I am delighted for you, and for our network.
I will try to attend the ceremony if at all possible.
I hope this brings the broader recognition to your work that you have fought for.
Warmest regards and best wishes for the holiday season,
Jack Goldstone

27.12.2005, Judy Kuriansky kindly wrote:
So well deserved!

27.12.2005, Dan Braha kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology!
Best and Happy Holidays,

27.12.2005, Børge Bakken kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations, of course you have my permission if you need it. And a Happy
New Year too.
Best wishes,

27.12.2005, Judit Révész kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin, This is fantastic! Congratulations to your very well deserved award! I am very happy!
Lots of love, Judit

27.12.2005, Ralph Summy kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on being awarded applied psychologist of the year. From what I've seen thus far I cannot think of a more worthy recipient. You do the entire Human Dignity and Humiliation network an honour just to be associated with. If Hilary and I are anywhere close to Zurich in October, we shall certainly take up the invitation.
For a more peaceful world in 2006...

27.12.2005, Dennis Smith kindly wrote:
Well done Evelin - and Happy Christmas!!

27.12.2005, Jutta Treviranus kindly wrote:
This is wonderful, congratulations, a very well deserved award!

27.12.2005, Amy Hudnall kindly wrote:
Warmest congratulations! They award is well deserved and although it is most kind of you to extend this request to the network I think we would all agree that Human Dignity and Humiliation would not exist without your vision and your gentle but constant nudging and energy. At least not in its early life. This award is well placed in you. Please go and accept with my heartfelt support. I honor all the things that have and are accomplishing and am pleased to be a small part of the process.
All the best!

27.12.2005, Maurice Aymard kindly wrote:
All my congratulations for this prestigious Award, and my best wishes for the new year, that, for you, is already a success. I hope the next months will confirm this glorious beginning.
I keep in mind the date of October the 19th.
With my bes regards,
Maurice Aymard

27.12.2005, Mary Balikungeri kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
First of all let me wish you and your family a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year. Congratulations to the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology. You truly deserve it, and I wish you many more awards for the great and hard work you are doing in the field of Psychology. If by any reason I will be in that part of the world, I will gladly be part of this great day. Will keep you informed and in the meantime you have all the blessings from me and the entire staff at the
Rwanda Women's Network.
Wishing you well.
Mary Balikungeri

27.12.2005, Gerd Inger Polden kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin.
Congratulations!!! You not only have our permission, but our blessing to accept this Award.  You deserve it very much, and it is so wonderful to see that your work is being appreciated.  Thank you for the invitation to the ceremony. We will mark the day, and see what is possible in October.
Gerd Inger and Ulf

27.12.2005, Howard Zehr kindly wrote:
Congratulations - certainly, it sounds great.

27.12.2005, Keitaro Morita kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin,
Congratulations! I'd like you to accept such honorable award! And I think that you deserve it.
I too am happy,

27.12.2005, Mari Fitzduff kindly wrote:
Congratulations Evelin - I am delighted to hear this wonderful news..
Best regards - mari

27.12.2005, María Cristina Azcona kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
Congrats for a relevant and unique Prize

27.12.2005, Maurice Benayoun kindly wrote:

27.12.2005, Nitza Escalera kindly wrote:
Evelin, this is a wonderful experience. Thank you for sending this to me. You don't need my permission, but you definitely have it. Continue your great work and I look forward to completing the work for the organization (charities registration and federal tax-exemption). Happy Holidays.  Nitza

27.12.2005, Ragnhild Grødal kindly wrote:
Selvsagt. Jeg vil forsøke komme. Jeg er så stolt av deg!!!
Kyss fra Din Ragnhild

27.12.2005, Reidar Ommundsen kindly wrote:
Congratulations!!!! Go ahead and accept; you deserve it!
I very much hope to attend the ceremony, but I can't commit my self at this moment.
Best wishes for 2006!

27.12.2005, Renate Launer kindly wrote:
Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Das ist ja wunderbar.

27.12.2005, Stephan Marks kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin: congratulations for this award!
Hope to meet you this year!
Happy new year,
PS: My new project will be funded by a foundation - from april 2006 to march 2009: teachers continuation on 'shame, humiliation and dignity'.

27.12.2005, Howard N. Meyer kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
It is a blessing when one who labors quietly receives recognition that itself helps her cause.
"Permission" is therefore not needed!
Howard Meyer

27.12.2005, Ragnvald Kalleberg kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
My warmest gratulations for the award you will receive next year!
Best wishes from

27.12.2005, Raymond Helmick kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
I'm glad to hear that you have been awarded this award and encourage you to receive it. I doubt that I will be able to travel to Zurich for the occasion, but congratulate you heartily.
Raymond G. Helmick, S.J.

27.12.2005, Samir Basta kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin
Yes, this is wonderful news.. !!!
I know there will be many more such prizes..
In the meantime, hope you had a good Xmas. May 2006 bring you lots and lots of happiness, health, good cheer and more success.

27.12.2005, Kevin Avruch kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
What do you mean, "permission?!" You have my heartiest congratulations for this well-deserved honor.
Best wishes for the new year,

27.12.2005, Mercedes Gonzales St. Elin kindly wrote:
dearest Evelin!!
congratulations !!!
love, Mercedes

27.12.2005, Milton Schwebel kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
I'm delighted that your enormous contributions to peace have been recognized.
Wish I could attend.

28.12.2005, Lourdes Quisumbing kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
I am so happy and excited about the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology you will receive from the Swiss Association of Applied Psychology! You certainly deserve this honor for all the reasons cited by the President of the SBAP.
I am so proud of you, as I am sure all your friends are, especially those who have been able to be involved in your Human Dignity and Humiliation studies and advocacy. Indeed, you are an internationally known, committed and sincere advocate for humanity and peace. You are an exceptional woman who has dedicated her talents and her whole person to bring about the transformation and healing of our wounded society through respect for human dignity and the worth of every individual.
With all my heart,

28.12.2005, Pandora Hopkins kindly wrote:
Hi Evelin!
Congratulations! It is most gratifying to hear that you are receiving the recognition you deserve. All best wishes,

28.12.2005, Norman Sartorius kindly wrote:
Congratulations, well deserved,
Norman Sartorius

28.12.2005, Imelda Deinla kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin, you most richly deserve the honor! Keep up the excellent work.
I wish you and your loved one a wonderful Christmas and a meaningful New Year.

28.12.2005, Dennis Rivers kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
You certainly have my permission to accept the honor described below on our behalf, but the truth is that you are a very special person and deserve this award yourself. You are also modest, also, which is unusual in a person with two doctorates. I am sure that everyone who participates in the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Network will be happy to spiritually stand beside you as you accept this award, as a way of saying thank you (to you) for allowing us to become part of your extended circle of colleagues. May we all encourage the spirit of caring, in whatever circles we travel.
Love and blessings,

28.12.2005, Jan Øberg kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
This prize to you and, thus, to the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Network is an indication that there is still some justice in the world. No one could deserve that better than you, pioneering as you have one of the most important but neglected fields in social sciences.
I hope this will lend you strength to go on researching and disseminating materials on the terribly important relationships between humiliation on the one hand and war, terrorism and other types of violence on the other.
I am of course particularly happy for you getting this Prize since you are also a TFF Associate. Let's have even more co-operation in the years to come.
I would love to be among those who celebrate you in Zurich. But I never know where I am that much in advance...
Congratulation and a big hug from Christina too and
TFF Director

28.12.2005, Adair Linn Nagata kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin,
How wonderful and how well deserved!
Looking forward to seeing you in Tokyo in 2006,

28.12.2005, Anie Kalayjian kindly wrote:
WOW!! Good for you, of course, accept it with honor and full knowledge that you deserve it.
Much congratulations,

28.12.2005, Leonard Ira Morgenbesser kindly wrote:
For sure my dearest colleague Evelin G. Lindner
thanks for sharing this great news as I continue to celebrate the festive Chanukah/Hanukkah commemorating liberation from the oppression of the earlier days under a Greek Tyranny 
May freedom ring and may the world be free from violence
Please stay in touch and keep warm
Peace in 2006 worldwide
Most fondly
Leonard I Morgenbesser PhD

28.12.2005, Magnus Haavelsrud kindly wrote:

28.12.2005, Myra Mendible kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin,
Congratulations on this very well deserved honor! We are all so proud of you!
I will be enjoying the festivities along with you in spirit!
Best regards and happy holidays,
Myra Mendible

28.12.2005, Josh Weiss kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
My sincerest congratulations on this award it is much deserved for all the great work you are doing!

28.12.2005, Mari Blikom kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin!
Congratulations on getting the award, you have off course my permission
to accept it! You ve deserve it!
Hope your having a nice christmas and that you allow yourself some time
Best wishes,

28.12.2005, Ruth Lister kindly wrote:
That's great Evelin. Of course and well done. And best wishes for 2006.
Hope the new york conference went well. Am looking forward to hearing about
it from Maggie.

28.12.2005, Sara Cobb kindly wrote:
My deepest congratulations Evelin, and I concur that this award is surely well deserved.

28.12.2005, Sophie Schaarschmidt kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
you should certainly accept the award! I'm very happy for you! [...]
Warmest greetings,

28.12.2005, Sami Zeidan kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin

28.12.2005, Odd-Bjørn Fure kindly wrote:
Mine hjerteligste gratulasjoner!
Hilsener og klem fra

29.12.2005, Olav Ofstad kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
What wonderful news!
I am really VERY glad that your are getting such a precious recognition of your work!
It must be double joy for you given the personal sacrifices you have made in order to pursue your challenges.
Applied psychology,- for peace. I love it.
When you think of it, the world is packed with excellent books and studies produced by brilliant minds,
outlining great ideas and analyses. And so much of it remains exactly that,  ideas and analyses that are never applied.
Some times I almost feel like a weirdo when applying social psychology in conflict contexts.
All this knowledge that is there for the taking, and the conflict community does not even know about it.
So yes, "applied psychology, a significant contribution",
I love the sound of it.
All the best

29.12.2005, Philip Brown kindly wrote:
>Dear Evelin --
Congratulations on your award!  I know your hope is that this honor will help extend the reach of our network and your efforts to find pathways to peace.
An honor richly deserved.
All my best regards,
Philip Brown

29.12.2005, Rajaganesan Dakshinamoorthi kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
My heartiest congratulations on being honoured by your tireless contribution to the field of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies. It is an honour for our study group. Wish you many more laurels in recognition of your work.
I also wish you a Happy, Successful and Prosperous New Year.
Thanking you
Very truly yours
D. Raja Ganesan

29.12.2005, Mette Newth kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
first of all, how wonderful news that you are the recipient of such a meaningful award! How truly deserving. I am so proud  on your behalf, and so grateful for all the wonderful work you do.
Take care, Evelin and have a wonderful new year!
Best love,

29.12.2005, Moira R. Rogers kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on your award!! You certainly deserve it! I am very glad that this organization recognizes the immense value of your work.
Warm greetings,

29.12.2005, Nora Sveaass kindly wrote:
Kjære Evelin og gratulerer med flott pris - det er veldig fortjent - håper det er bra med deg - ønsker deg alt godt i det nye året - og beste hilsner
fra Nora

29.12.2005, Gay Rosenblum-Kumar kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations. This is so wonderful. I wish I could be there to cheer you on. 
Keep up your brave, ground-breaking, committed, loving work.

29.12.2005, Gary Jones kindly wrote:
My Dear Evelin,
See - this is proof that there is a justice in the world!
Congratulations, and so very well deserved. What an achievement!
As I've remarked to you before, I don't think you quite realize what a truly wonderful human being you really are. Collectively, you are all our hope for a better tomorrow.
Go take your award and take in the praise, because it's for you, and it's right that you do...
So very well done.
Go well, Gary

29.12.2005, Tony Jenkins kindly wrote:
Of course!!!!! Many, many congratulations to such a deserving person! 
Many, many best wishes for a peaceful, hopeful, and loving New Year!

29.12.2005, Ramona Cuevas kindly wrote:
Congratulations!  That is wonderful news. You deserve it for all of your amazing work.
It was great seeing you, even if only briefly.

29.12.2005, Anne M. Wyatt-Brown kindly wrote:
Oh, I see. Of course accept the prize. You deserve it.

29.12.2005, Maggie O'Neill wrote:
Hi Evelin Of Course!!! well deserved
with love

29.12.2005, Pierre Hassner kindly wrote:
Congratulations!We are all very proud of you.Best wishes for the New Year.Warm regards Pierre H.

30.12.2005, Cyrien Kanamugire kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
We are already at the end of 2005. I am happy with you for that price, and I accept the invitation. If I can't be there, I will offer you a very nice drink at NY or Montreal.
I wish a happy new year 2006 to yourselfand your family, une anne pleine de succès, de prospérité et de bonheur.
Avec toutes mes amitiés
Cyrien Kana

30.12.2005, Rina Kashyap kindly wrote:
My dear Evelin,
Congratulations for the award. You more than deserve it. I would love to come for the ceremony. I have my fingers crossed.
Wish you a wonderful 2006.

30.12.2005, Denis Cunningham kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
Please accept my sincere congratulations!
Kind regards

30.12.2005, Sowan Wong kindly wrote:
dear Evelin! wishing you a wonderful new year! and congratulations to you for receiving the Award for Applied Psychology. i think your work is really great and hope i can get involved more in the future!
take care and have a great 2006! love, - sowan

31.12.2005, Azza Karam kindly wrote:
Evelin my dearest, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is such an honor and I am so very proud of you!!!
God bless you my dear and may your name and work continue to gain the positive attention they deserve.

31.12.2005, Annette A. Engler kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin,
Thank you for sharing this delightfully wonderful news with all of us concerning this precious award. This is such a marvelous invitation, one that you so deserve for this amazing work on humiliation. Your work is so invaluable to our ever changing world, like a pearl in a vast ocean of violence! You, dear Evelin have found this pearl and soothe this turbulent ocean of violence with a vision of hope!
As a part of your work I take very little credit for the compassion, strength and hopefulness you have given to those who suffer humiliation. Yet I am honored to hold your hand and walk beside you on this precious journey. I am confident that if I am only privileged to stand in the shadow of your dreams I would have fulfilled my destiny. Thank you dear Evelin for providing such a passionate ray of sunlight to my own dim vision of social change. You are such a dear person whose heart is filled with so much humility and love for others... I am happy to share this space in time with you as we go on into better future together.
Congratulation Dear Evelin... Congratulations on this warm invitation!
Warm hugs to you always,

31.12.2005, Gerda Pagel kindly wrote:
Hi Evelin, du Gute
unsere besten Glckwünsche zum award kommen von uns aus Würzburg. Wir freuen uns sehr mit dir.
Ansonsten erst einmal alles alles Liebe zum Neuen Jahr
Gerda und Paul

31.12.2005, Dharm P. S. Bhawuk kindly wrote:
Congratulations! Please keep up the good work. Writing from Taipei airport. Bhawuk

31.12.2005, Christoph Rosenau kindly wrote:
Liebe Evelin,
Ich hoffe zur Preisverleihung kommen zu können [...]
Auf alle Fälle freue ich mich auf unser nächstes Treffen
in Liebe,
Dein Christoph

31.12.2005, Suzy Khouzam kindly wrote:
Alf Alf mabrouk Evelin ....we are all so proud ....I will really see if me and my mother can arrange to come and see you getting the award.

01.01.2006, Britt-Marie Drottz Sjøberg kindly wrote:
Congratulations! You are really a very good choice for such an award! All the best, Britt-Marie

01.01.2006, Pierre Dasen kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations for receiving this price. I am pleased to see that Swiss psychologists are interested in your work and appreciate your contributions.
I have noted the date, and will also inform my team when the time comes closer. [...]
I wish you all the best for the New Year,
Sincerely, Pierre

02.01.2006, Tine Faltin kindly wrote:
Hei Evelin
Gratulerer med utnevnelsen. Jeg kan dessverre ikke være til stede, men håper det blir en fin stund.
Godt nytt år og lykke til videre, hilsen Tine

02.01.2006, Christine Locher kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
well of course! I won't be able to be the cheerleader, but I will be there in my heart!
Have someone to take pictures if possible!
That is great!

02.01.2006, Heidi Høivik kindly wrote:
Congratulations, you really deserve that recognition.
Alles Gute fur 2006. [...] Gruss Heidi

02.01.2006, Hroar  Klempe kindly wrote:
Hei Evelin!
Godt nyttår! Jeg håper alt står bra til!
Gratulerer med denne prisen. Det var virkelig vel fortjent.
Vennlig hilsen

02.01.2006, Jessica Benjamin kindly wrote:
Congratulations for receiving this acknowledgment of your work, Evelin. Wishing you all the best in the new year,

02.01.2006, Sigmund Karterud kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations! Yes, you deserve it. Definitely.
Wishing you also all the best for the New Year.
Fondly, Sigmund

02.01.2006, Monika Toman kindly wrote:
Kjære Evelin!
Godt nytt år - det begynner bra for din del!!! Gratulerer, dette har du virkelig fortjent. Jeg blir så glad når jeg ser at arbeidet ditt fører frem. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne overvære seremonien. Jeg skal i hvert fall spre gladmeldingen blant felles kjente. Mange stolte klemmer fra

02.01.2006, Dan J. Stein kindly wrote:
Congratulations, and all the best for 2006.

02.01.2006, Lila Abu-Lughod kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
congratulations on the award.
Lila abu-Lughod

03.01.2006, Howard Adelman kindly wrote:
Mazel Tov! Only you would ask for permission. Congatulations and be well.

03.01.2006, Marion Boultbee kindly wrote:
Congratulations, Evelin! Well deserved recognition!
With best wishes for 2006,

03.01.2006, Nils A. Butenschøn kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations! I am delighted that your work gets such an recognition.
A happy new year and good luck with your continued struggle for human dignity!
Best regards,

03.01.2006, Kathleen Freis kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
What a wonderful award that you deserve!!! Congratulations and thank you for the work you are doing for others and for inspiring us to continue down the road with you!! I am only sorry that I am unable to join you in Zurich - you must know that we peace educators are all present in spirit! Enjoy this honor!
Sincere wishes,

04.01.2006, Susan Podziba kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on your much deserved award! I wish you all the best as you receive it.
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and wish you success and fulfillment in 2006.
Warm regards,

04.01.2006, Stephanie Gliege kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on receiving the award!!! It was great to meet you and participate in the HumanDHS conference. I am looking forward to participating again in September here in Costa Rica.
I am inspired by your work and the mission of this organization to lead investigations into relatively untrodden territory. I am looking forward especially to participating in the movement to promote and respect human dignity in all its various shapes and sizes. 
Take care,

05.01.2006, Dr. David Hamburg kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on receiving the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology from the Swiss Association of Applied Psychology.  Your superb work in building the Human Dignity and Humiliation network certainly calls for such high recognition.  Also, you asked about using my most recent communication with you in your own network.  Please feel free to do so.
I found your meeting at Columbia very stimulating and constructive.
With every good wish for the coming year,
As always,

05.01.2006, Richard Alapack kindly wrote:
This is so fantastic! So fine that a deserving woman has won a prize!
Bib, big hugs

05.01.2006, Trevor Ballance kindly wrote:
Hello Evelin, and a Happy New Year to you!
Congratulations on getting this award. I'm sure everyone in our Human Dignity and Humiliation Network would be honoured for you to accept on our behalf.
Thank you for always supplying us with new motivations to work for a more peaceful world!
Love and best wishes,
Trevor and Kinuko

05.01.2006, Jessica A. Los Banos wrote:
Hi Evelin,
Happy New Year. Wishing you more success, happiness and opportunities in 2006.
Warmest congratulations to you! It's an award you truly deserve.
best regards.

05.01.2006, Linda Hartling kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin,
Jean Baker Miller would be very impressed with your collaborative/inclusive way of accepting an award, i.e., " [...]
Thank you so much for including us in the invitation to celebrate this achievement with you!! If there is any way I can attend at that time, you know I will be there!  I'll keep you posted
Much, much love, many hugs!

05.01.2006, Ashraf Salama kindly wrote:
my warm regards,

05.01.2006, Kenneth Suslak kindly wrote:
Congratulations on your well deserved award!

06.01.2006, Hilde Nafstad kindly wrote:
Kjære Evelin,
Gratulerer!!!!!! Dette var virkelig hyggelig og en stor anerkjennelse av den organisasjonen du har bygget opp! [...]
Men enda en gang: Gratulerer!!!!! Dette var kjempeflott!
Rolv hilser og gratulerer.
Beste hilsen,

06.01.2006, Grace Feuerverger kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
I just saw the message about your upcoming Applied Psychology Award ceremony in Switzerland. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Nobody deserves it more than you do!
May 2006 bring us all good health, peace and joy.
I look forward to hearing from you when you get a chance, my dear .
With love and many hugs,

06.01.2006, Cornelia Berens kindly wrote:
My warmest congratulations to this prize!

07.01.2006, Jeff Victoroff, M.D., kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations! I am so glad to hear about your wonderful recognition by the Swiss Association! We often labor in quiet obscurity, sometimes doubting that our work will have a meaningful impact on human lives, or that anyone will notice the passion and rigor of one's effort. To achieve this award is a terrific acknowledgement not only of your own great efforts, but of the growing international movement for scientific peace psychology.
I am most awed and pleased to hear of it.
Warmest wishes for a Happy New Year,

09.01.2006, Hassan Abdi Keynan kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin.
Of course and congratulations. I am sure many more will come.
All the best,

09.01.2006, Alexander Thomas kindly wrote:
Liebe Frau Lindner!
Meine herzlichen Glückwünsche zum "2006 Award for Applied Psychology".
Sie haben den Preis mehr als verdient und ich freue mich mit Ihnen,
wenn ich auch leider zur Preisverleihung nicht kommen kann.
Mit herzlichen Grüssen
Alexander Thomas

09.01.2006, Jörg Calliess kindly wrote:
Liebe Evelin, besten Dank für die nette Einladung. Vor allem aber meine ehrfürchtigste Gratulation!!!!!!
Gruss & Tschüss

11.01.2006, Michael Schulte kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
first of all congratulations! We are very glad to hear such excellent news.
Congratulations again,
and yours best,

12.01.2006, Jean B. Ndayizigiye kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Thank you so much for the invitation. I think you deserve the award. Your did a great job. Let me know how I can be more active in our "Humiliation and Human Dignity Institute" I am so interested to using the whole concept of humiliation in the analysis of the conflicts in Burundi.
Thank you so much Evelin for your great work.
Jean B. Ndayizigiye
Eastern Mennonite University

12.01.2006, Ingeborg Breines kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin!
Happy new year - and again congratulations with this well earned award!!
I will do my very best to be with you in Zurich 19 October.
Love ingeborg

15.01.2006, Holger Kinzel kindly wrote:
Hallo Evelin,
erst einmal ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch zu der Auszeichnung!
Dir liebe Grüße,
Holger plus Familie 

16.01.2006, Atle Hetland kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Your work is fantastic, and you just keep going and going... which is probably the only way to see results. Wishing you continued success in your important work. I shall be glad to give you public support any time! Fantastic is the work.
Tell Kari & Ola and others.
Kind regards from Atle in Islamabad

16.01.2006, Erga Netz kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin -
Congratulations on your award - you deserve it!
Hope to keep in touch -

15.01.2006, Jackie Wasilewski kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Belated all kinds of holiday greetings, and ...
Belatedly, you have my permission to accept the award! My goodness ... how wonderful!
Jackie  ((^_^))

17/01/2006, Mary Bakhoum kindly wrote:
My dear Evelin, I have known you for more than twenty years and during this time you were so sweet, kind, filled with much love and humility for others. So you deserve the award more than anybody else.                         
CONGRATULATIONS, we all, are so proud of you and of your work. You proved that there is still justice and hope for peace and better life.
Thank you for your invitation, sure Suzy and i will arrange to enjoy the festivities if i'll be all right.
Take care and we wish you a very happy NEW YEAR with lots of hugs and kisses.

18/01/2006, Stein Tønnesson kindly wrote:

18/01/2006, Dag Hareide kindly wrote:
Hilsen Dag Hareide

18/01/2006, Inger Skjelsbæk kindly wrote:
Dear Evein,
Congratulations!  How wonderful to receive such a well-deserved token of appreciation!
Best wishes,
Inger Skjelsbaek

19/01/2006, Edward Newman kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
I hope this finds you well. If it is not too late to say, may I wish you Happy New Year and all the best for 2006. Congratulations, also, for the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology, awarded by the Swiss Association of Applied Psychology.
Ted Newman

19/01/2006, Reidulf. G. Watten kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin - Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Of course you should accept the award I am proud on your behalf. I am grateful to be invited to the reception and will do everything I can to come to Zürich on oct. 19th.

20/01/2006, Teresa Ruelas kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
And wonderful congratulations on your award! Im sure it is well-deserved and Id love to hear more.
Very Best to all,

20/01/2006, Halvdan Buflod kindly wrote:
Kjære Evelin,
Gratulerer med prisen. Bare i løpet av vårt korte møte i Forskningsrådet fikk jeg et klart inntrykk av at den var meget velfortjent.
Jeg har dessverre ikke anledning til å være tilstede ved overrekkelsen i Zurich.
Lykke til med det videre arbeidet!
Halvdan Buflod

20/01/2006, Jon Elster kindly wrote:
Congratulations! I don't think you need anyone's permission to accept, and certainly not mine.

20/01/2006, Stephen von Tetzchner kindly wrote:
Kjære Evelin,
Gratulerer med prisen og takk for hyggelig invitasjon. Dessverre må jeg takke nei, det er for mange andre ting å gjøre.

22/01/2006, Elin Toft kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
congratulations with your prestigious award! It it very well deserved - your work is most important!
All the best from
Elin Toft

23/01/2006, Tohru Tada kindly wrote:
Dearest Evelin-san !
And let me say again, congratulations to you on your acceptance of the 2006 Award
for Applied Psychology !
Regards !

23/01/2006, Anna von der Lippe kindly wrote:
Congratulation! I have a feeling your energy is unending and I am very pleased on your behalf.
All the best.
Anna von der Lippe

24/01/2006, Ole Danbolt Mjøs kindly wrote:
Evelin Lindner,
Gratulerer med en meget fortjent award.
Vennlig hilsen

24/01/2006, Wahid Khalil kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin
thanks for your invitation. I am happy you thought about me. I shall try my best to be there. ...
take care

25/01/2006, Carol Zaugg kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on your award and we look forward to working with you ...
Most sincerely,

27/01/2006, Zsuzsa Lucskay kindly wrote:
...And CONGRATULATIONS for the award. Although we have never meet I feel sort of proud of You :)
You certainly deserve it.
Take care,

27/01/2006, Bernt Hagtvet kindly wrote:
Kjære Evelin,
Dette gleder meg meget. Si fra når du er i Oslo igjen!
Beste hilsen fra Bernt

30/01/2006, Kit-Fai Næss kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin, congrats. How very kind of you to ask for our permission for acceptance. You have only our best wishes and we think you deserve it.
Write and tell about the ceremony and once again congratulations.
kit-fai (and Arne Næss)

31/01/2006, Laila Bokhari kindly wrote:
Please accept my warm congratulations, dear Evelin!
Hope all is well.

12/02/2006, Kerry Bowden kindly wrote:
Congratulations on receiving  the 2006 Swiss Prize for
Extraordinary Performance in Applied Psychology,  Well done and very
well deserved I imagine!!!

17/02/2006, Dagfinn Føllesdal kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
Congratulations on the 2006 Award for Applied Psychology!  I am very happy that your work gets this recognition and I would have liked to participate in the Prize Ceremony.  However, I shall be at Stanford in October and November and am very sorry that I cannot come.
I wish you all the best for your work and am sure you will have a very fine and memorable time in Zürich.

18/02/2006, Hilarie Roseman kindly wrote:
Never under estimate the wonderful graces that are coming into the world through you Evelin. I know of no-one else who is doing excactly the work that you are doing, with the precision that you are doing it, and with the open handed ability to learn something every time one goes to your website, and not only learn, but be able to put it into practice immediately! This is surely straight from the Lord. I know that you work day and night for it, but all our work, to be really 'alive' has to be blessed and rise from strong theological frameworks, which your work is.  love Hilarie

05/04/2006, Ali Ahmed kindly wrote:
Dear Evelin,
This is just a quick note (albeit belated) to congratulate you for the award. And thank you for the wonderful things you have been doing for us, all.
Once again, Congratulations.
All best,