Dialogue Homes for Equal Dignity, or DigniHomes

The term DigniHome was coined by Inga Bostad on 2nd June 2014.

Brian Ward was so very kind and asked a friend of his to create this plaque for us that can be mounted near the door of a house, or on a wall! He did so in Timaru, New Zealand, in 2011, and again in Christchurch in 2023! Thank you so much, dear Brian!
Kindly click on the picture to see it larger!

In May 2012, Suely Artem and her friend Francisca in São Paulo, Brazil, saw Evelin giving away the last of Brian Ward's plaques, and they decided to make adhesives. Thank you so much! Whoever wishes to have one, ask us! Kindly click on the picture to see it larger!

HumanDHS is primarily grounded in academic work. We are independent of any religious or political agenda. However, we wish to bring academic work into "real life." Our research focuses on topics such as dignity (with humiliation as its violation), or, more precisely, on respect for equal dignity for all human beings in the world. This is not only our research topic, but also our core value, in line with Article 1 of the Human Rights Declaration that states that every human being is born with equal dignity (that ought not be humiliated). We agree with Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, who advocates the building of bridges from academia as follows, "I have always believed that good scholarship can be relevant and consequential for public policy. It is possible to affect public policy without being an advocate; to be passionate about peace without losing analytical rigor; to be moved by what is just while conceding that no one has a monopoly on justice." We would like to add that we believe that good scholarship can be relevant and consequential not only for public policy, but for raising awareness in general.

The idea of creating Dialogue Homes around the world was born in 1997. Håkon Gunderson, together with the then Egyptian Ambassador to Norway, Dr. Hefny Madgy, and Evelin Lindner, developed and created the "Global Forum" in Norway, a non-profit organization with the vision to provide conflict parties with facilities for the three-dimensional simulation of alternative futures.

The reasoning behind the concept of the "Global Forum" was that conflict parties would benefit from playing out alternative futures (to give an example: how the situation would develop if certain decisions were carried out as to how to distribute water, for instance, in Jerusalem).

The aim was to develop large sets of data that describe and define scenarios, then to change certain parameters and play out different alternative future outfalls. In order to make these scenarios accessible to conflict parties, the vision was developed to build a house specifically for conflict resolution, namely a Dialogue House, which contains large screens where scenarios could be played out in 3 D.

Plans for such a rather costly project died down after 1997, due to the global downturn in financial markets and the lack of funds for such large-scale undertakings. However, together with Evelin Lindner, in 2002, Maurice Benayoun, international avant-garde expert in the field of 3 D, at least developed a vision for the Dialogue House.

The idea has since broadened and now includes a panoply of other conceptualizations as well. We have learned that similar ideas have emerged elsewhere much earlier. For example, in 1994, Morton Deutsch presented the idea to establish institutes for conflict resolution and mediation at national and regional levels around the world. Please see his article Constructive Conflict Management for the World Today in The International Journal of Conflict Management (vol. 5, no. 2, April, 1994, pp. 111-129). On page 115, we read: "As Peck (1993) has suggested in her paper on preventive diplomacy, the UN could do more than serve as a model. It could also help to develop regional Institutes for Conflict Resolution and Mediation which would also have three main functions: (1) educating ihe political and other influential leaders in the various nations composing the region; (2) mediation of inter-nation disputes; and (3) an early warning and proactive function to identify potential and emerging conflicts which should start a process of constructive interaction about the issues involved in the conflict (Connie Peck (1993). Preventive diplomacy. In G. Evans (Ed.), Cooperating for peace: The global agenda for the 1990s and beyond (pp. 61-85). St Leonards, Australia: Allen & Urwin)."

Other stimulating conversations in November and December 2006 encouraged Evelin Lindner to differentiate the following functions for the envisioned Dialogue Homes. Warm thanks to David Vikner for is stimulating questions and insights!

•  Through Peace and Conflict Transformation to Dialogue!
Peace-building and conflict transformation through dialogue would benefit from having spaces dedicated to this purpose, because dialogue and peace need a symbolic locality, parallel to symbolic places such as churches or temples (David Vikner, ICU).

•  Simulating Futures: Make Mistakes Virtually, not in Reality!
It would be beneficial to include the latest information technology, so that conflict parties can simulate different futures, playing them out virtually, instead of paying the price for making mistakes in reality (Håkon Gunderson, Maurice Benayoun).

•  From Past Conflicts to Future Peace!
It is important to build a peaceful future by drawing on peace-promoting cultural practices from the past. Therefore it would be beneficial to connect building peace for the future with an exposure to traditional practices (such as traditional music, for example). Therefore, also the architecture of Dialogue Homes could entail traditional elements - a traditional house could be refurbished to be used as a Dialogue House, for example, or a modern design could include elements of traditional meeting places. Also museums, such as peace museums (see links further down), could house Dialogue Spaces (Cybele).

•  Building Peace Within!
A Dialogue House needs to offer space for replenishment to learn "peace within" (Cybele).

•  Good offices!
Not seldom, conflict parties do not have any opportunity to speak with each other. Many Israelis, for example, have never met a Palestinian, and vice versa. Dialogue Homes could offer space to spend time together as fellow human beings (see, for example, the way the Oslo Accord was negotiated, Håkon Gunderson).

•  Practice Global Citizenship!
Today's world faces global challenges. Most people, however, live their lives within national boundaries, even if they travel much. In Giving Life to the Human Family, How Becoming a Global Citizen Can Have a Healing Effect, Fostering Global Citizenship, or Living Globally: Global Citizenship of Care as Personal Practice, among others, Evelin Lindner makes the point that individuals need not to wait for governments, but can, and need to face these global challenges themselves, and more directly. Dialogue Homes around the world could offer space to people who would like to practice global citizenship.
See to this point also Evelin's explanation of her global life design (see more on Evelin's bio page):
"Today, I design my life as a global citizen, without a house of my own, moving around in the 'global village,' being housed by our HumanDHS network and supporters of our work, living digital and without paper, and with a minimum of possessions. I refuse being full-time part of any national institution. I wish to stay globally flexible. I am a prime candidate for a professorship at the World Dignity University. I am perhaps a Peripatetic, like Aristotle, who taught philosophy while walking in the Lyceum of ancient Athens. I walk in the global village, because I wish do to more than decry the world's ineptitude to address its global challenges. I wish to adapt my personal life to the world's global challenges, bring my life to scale so-to-speak. Living a global life is one of my ways of not just talk, but walk my talk...
In the Middle Ages, there were no capitals or seats of government. Rulers were always on the move. Local communities, with their lords, based on agriculture, were rather sedentary and not yet interconnected as they are today. Anybody who wished to shape larger communities from smaller ones, who wanted to create a higher level of unity, had to begin with bringing local units together by traveling to them as a bridge-builder. Today, global mobility and communication are much more advanced. Yet, still today, global unity is lacking. By being globally mobile, I attempt to further this global unity. Clearly, I am not a medieval king. Still, I take the unifying task very seriously. I regard our HumanDHS network as a seed for an alternative global community. Not only am I not a medieval king, unification in former times was typically imposed from above, not by persuasion but by the sword. I wish to forge a new global identity and consciousness bottom up, a global unity-in-diversity identity, by bridge-building and inviting others to do likewise. As one historical example Otto I (936–973) may serve. He was a traveling king for 180 days a year. 1,000 years before I was born, in Europe, he represented a unifying force in Europe (albeit with the sword, against a common enemy; see the Diet of Auerstadt). Or, anybody, who has visited French castles will have noticed that they all have a room for the king, even if the king never came by. In this spirit, we encourage everybody in our HumanDHS network, if they have a guestroom, to declare their home to be a Dialogue Home for our network members. In this way, we aim at "democratizing" the efforts of former kings, by emphasizing their bridge-building and unifying work (while de-emphasizing any aspect of domination and staying clear of mistaking uniformity for unity)."

* We thank David Faubion for his comments and advice as to the title of this page.

The Dialogue Home plaque has found its way into many homes around the world since 2011. Here is one example: Pamela Hiley took this wonderful picture of the plaque in Oslo, Norway, in February 2012. Kindly click on the picture to see it larger!

Wonderful generous members of our network have already offered their premises as our first Dialogue Homes!

• Linda Hartling and Rick Slaven opened our first HumanDHS Dialogue Home in Oregon, USA!
Please see their kind invitation! And see the opening celebration on August 8, 2009!

• Brian Ward had the idea to make a plaque in Timaru, New Zealand, in 2011. Kindly see some pictures of the wonderful design that he came up with, and a pdf file. Thank you so much, dear Brian!

• Howard Richards in Chile, please see also his Chileufu page on Facebook!
Howard wrote on 8th September 2008: "A good location for a dialogue house would be in the south of Chile where the ethnic conflicts with the Mapuche are in need of dialogue. Unfortunately I do not have a house there, but I have good contacts among people promoting Mapuche dialogue if somebody wants to build or buy or seek a house there.
Another good place for a dialogue house would be on the pampa in Argentina where there are incessant conflicts related to agribusiness. We have already been holding dialogues here, although we did not have the dialogue house idea. Our house might also be used by people who come to Chile from other places. We could hold international conversations in English, but any attempt to work with Mapuches or Argentine farmers would have to be in Spanish."

• Maria Elena Lopez Vinader, Embajada de la Paz in the Misiones province of Argentina

• Babs Sivertsen in Nesodden, a boat ride from the centre of Oslo, Norway

• Pamela Hiley in Oslo, Norway

• Safia Abdi in Oslo, Norway

• Wellington Marinho de Lira in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

• Hélio Hamarana Dias in Marabá, Pará, Brazil

• Alvany Maria Santiago, Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil

• Annette Engler in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

• Anne-Grete Bjørlo in Oslo, Norway

• The Haus Pro-social in Berlin, Germany

• Maline Cecilia Westerberg in Skien, Norway

• Joy Ndwandwe in Swaziland, Africa (from around 2015)

• Catherine Odora Hoppers, Pretoria, South Africa

Rajesh Dixit and Amita Neerav, Indore, state of Madhya Pradesh, Central India 
Please click here and here to see pictures taken by dear Amita with her remote control arrangement on 29th and 30th August 2017

Mara Alagic and Glyn Rimmington, Wichita State University, Kansas

• The home of Dorothee and Georg in Hameln, Germany

We always look for interested people, who would like to contribute to our DHED project. Please see our Call for Creativity.


Please note that the entire HumanDHS website is maintained by volunteers, since its inception in 2003, and this is mainly done by Evelin Lindner. Until 2012, she usually pasted interesting news into this Links section. From July 2012 until 2017, she tagged interesting information on delicious.com. From 2017 onward, you see Evelin's personal list of interesting web links on Twitter:

Servas is a global network that promotes peace, tolerance, and cultural understanding through person-to-person connections between hosts and travelers in over 100 countries. Its mission is to build friendships, broaden perspectives, and encourage environmentally sustainable lifestyles with less ecological impact. By facilitating in-person and online interactions, Servas aims to create a more just and peaceful world.

AFS Intercultural Programs
The AFS Intercultural Programs is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world (originally the American Field Service, of which Martha Eddy's father was part). In 2007, almost 13,000 participants traveled abroad on AFS cultural exchanges between 65 countries, as supported by 44,000 active volunteers.

Hollyhock is a leading retreat on Cortes Island
This health retreat offers educational travel programs, guided meditation, business and leadership and more. See more at http://www.hollyhock.ca/.

2007 State of the Future
By Jerome C. Glenn and Theodore J. Gordon
Article by Yuwei Zhang in the UN Chronicle Online Edition:
Providing a comprehensive overview of global trends and challenges, the 2007 State of the Future was launched at UN Headquarters in New York on 10 September 2007.
Produced by the Millennium Project, under the auspices of the World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA), the State of the Future report contains insights into the Project’s work from a variety of creative and knowledgeable people, obtaining information from and getting feed back on emerging crises, opportunities, strategic priorities and the feasibility of actions. The report comes in two parts: an extensive 99-page executive summary, and a compact disc containing over 6,000 pages of research, including the Millennium Project’s 11 years of cumulative research.
“The Millennium Project brings together futurists, scholars, business partners and policymakers who work for international organizations, Governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and universities,” said UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Kiyo Akasaka, who hosted the book launch. As one of the primary products of the Millennium Project, “it collects and assesses judgments from several hundred participants to produce the annual State of the Future report”, he remarked.
“All of us have been in situations where we’ve been asked to provide a big picture of economics, education, politics … but that is extremely difficult to do”, Jerome Glenn pointed out, adding that producing such a complex annual report was a daunting task when he first started the research in 1992. He explained: “We can document a range of potential futures and we have an ongoing and continuous feedback system with our nodes around the world.” It is a decentralized and globalized think tank, said Mr. Glenn, who has over 30 years of experience in futures research for Governments, international organizations and private industry. Co-founder and Director of the Millennium Project, Mr. Glenn told the UN Chronicle that it was an ongoing and accumulative project with specialized studies for each year’s report. Chapter 3 of the 2007 report presents 19 possibilities that could influence future education and learning by the year 2030 in a special study which distills insights from more than 200 participants from around the world.
A new idea mentioned in the report is “trans-institution”, according to Mr. Glenn, which is a kind of new institutional invention that allows independent organizations—Governments, corporations, NGOs, universities, individuals and the United Nations or international organizations—to act like a trans-institution and cooperate with each other. The report states: “Each trans-institution could improve global resilience as coalitions of the willing, composed of national resilience officers and their counterparts in corporations, NGOs, universities and international organizations.” Mr. Glenn also suggested that trans-institutions should be created for each of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are referred to throughout the report.
Speaking at the book launch, Stephen Schlesinger, former Director of the World Policy Institute at the New School University, said: “This is quite an extraordinary project. It is a balanced, nuanced, forward-looking and prerogative document.” The 2007 State of Future report is about bringing nations together and working in unison. “The notion of the UN itself is collective security, which is about nations working together for the benefit of all humankind”, Professor Schlesinger noted. Hoping the report will be well-circulated both within and outside the Organization, he said that as we are reaching the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, it would be a most reliable guide, which would help form the UN agenda for the future.
For more information on the Millennium Project, please visit: http://www.millennium-project.org
The Executive Summary of the report can be viewed at:

UNESCO Launches a Tool to Put Social Science Research at the service of Public Policy-Making
Immediately following UNESCO's 34th General Conference, which re-affirmed the importance of creating the conditions for a genuine dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and the members of civil society in order to address the multiple challenges of the contemporary world, UNESCO is launching a new tool to support policy-making based on research results from international social and human sciences.
Designed and developed under the aegis of the Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme, this service will be freely accessible on the website of the Organization from 15 November 2007. It will provide customized access to policy-relevant material (case studies) according to specific locations (city, country, region) and/or themes related to social transformations (urbanization, migration phenomena, human rights, sustainable development, etc.)
The server will first be running on a collection of documents produced within the framework of the UNESCO Forum for Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, and will be gradually enriched by research from around the globe, notably through the network of UNESCO Chairs in social and human sciences.
The tool is currently available in English, French and Spanish, and will soon be extended to the other United Nations official languages.
To access the server: MOST Policy Research Tool.

The Earth Federation Movement
The Earth Federation Movement includes a worldwide association of World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) Chapters and affiliated independent organizations, such as many youth, environmental, and human rights organizations, that affirm the creation of a non-military, democratic Earth Federation under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. We have several web sites associated with our work for global peace with justice, environmental sustainability, and prosperity such as www.earthfederation.info.
Dr. Glen T. Martin is the Secretary-General of WCPA and President of the Institute on World Problems. Since its founding in 1958, the WCPA has focused on creating a non-military, democratic Constitution for the Federation of Earth. It has done this through four Constituent Assemblies of World Citizens meeting from 1968 to 1991, when the Constitution was finally completed in its present form.
WCPA now works to get the nations and people of the world to ratify the Constitution through the criteria specified in Article 17. The Constitution is permeated by the concept of human dignity, focused especially in Articles 12 and 13 on human rights. WCPA sees the ratification of the Earth Constitution as a central structural change, creating global democratic institutions of unity in diversity, that can facilitate the deep spiritual change toward planetary maturity that is also necessary for a world of peace, with justice and sustainability.

Joseph P. Baratta
Joseph P. Baratta (2004)
The Politics of World Federation
Vol.1: The United Nations, U.N. Reform, Atomic Control.
Vol. 2: From World Federalism to Global Governance

Westport, CT: Praeger
Please see here the Introduction to both volumes.
Please see here an editorial on the work of Joseph Baratta and Virginia Swain.

Garry Davis: World Citizenship, World Passport, World Presidency, World Service Authority, World Government of World Citizens, World Government House
Wikipedia: Sol Gareth "Garry" Davis (July 27, 1921 – July 24, 2013) was an international peace activist who created the World Passport, a fantasy travel document based on his interpretation of Article 13(2), Universal Declaration of Human Rights and on the concept of world citizenship. Previously Davis had worked as a Broadway stage actor and served as an American bomber pilot in World War II. He was a devoted World Federalist, although a consistent critic of the World Federalist Movement (quoted from Wikipedia).
Our dear Garry Davis went into hospice care on 18 July 2013, and died six days later. We mourn him in deep admiration for his life work and resonate with every word in Rene Wadlow's lovely reflection on Garry Davis: « And Now the People Have The Floor »
See also:
Garry Davis’s Speechat the 2007 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University in New York
Garry Davis at the 2009 Dignity Conference in Honolulu, Hawai'i
World Citizen Radio with Garry Davis interviewing Evelin Lindner, Global Radio Alliance, Sunday, November 11, 2012
Garry Davis and Mariana Vergara in Dialogue on the World Passport at the 2012 Workshop on Transforming Humiliaton and Violent Conflict at Columbia University in New York:

Please click on the picture above or here to see all the 177 photos of Day One of the 2012 Workshop

• Please see also The World Is My Country, and the documentary on Garry Davis by Arthur Kanegis:


Rosika Schwimmer and World Government
Rosika Schwimmer or Bédy-Schwimmer "Rózsa" Rózsika (1877-1948) set out to create a world government. In 1935 she formed the World Centre for Women's Archives with Mary Ritter Beard. She received a World Peace Prize in 1937 and formed the Campaign for World Government with Lola Maverick Lloyd. In 1947 she was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize but no one received it the next year...
Please read more on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosika_Schwimmer, or, please read also Remarks on the History of Hungarian Feminism by Judit Acsády.

ICU Conference Center

Rubin Museum for Art
The Rubin Museum of Art opened on October 4, 2004. It is the first museum in the Western World dedicated to the art of the Himalayas and surrounding regions.
The museum's mission is to establish, present, preserve and document a permanent collection that reflects the vitality, complexity and historical significance of Himalayan art.

Nobel Peace Center
Oslo, Norway

The establishment of the Nobel Peace Center was approved by parliamentary resolution in 2000. At that time, it was planned as a "Peace Prize Center" after having first been conceived of as a Peace Prize museum. The name was later changed to the Nobel Peace Center.

The Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities
Oslo, Norway

The Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities has two main fields of interest: the Holocaust on the one hand and religious minorities on the other. Within these two fields of interest the Center will contribute with new research, education and information activities, exhibitions and conferences. Moreover, it is the explicit aim to be a meeting-place for people who want to participate in the enduring controversy concerning all kinds of religious, racist and ethnic motivated repression. At the end of January 2005 we moved to Villa Grande, Nazi collaborator Vidkun Quisling's residence during World War II.

Falstad Center
Falstad, Norway
Falstad is a Memorial and Human Rights Centre. The foundation was established in 2000. Education, documentation and communication concerning the history of imprisonment during World War II and Human Rights constitute the core activities of the centre. In October 1941, Falstad Special school for handicapped boys was taken over by the German occupying power and transferred into SS Strafgefangenenlager Falstad, a detention camp for political prisoners. Later, Russian POW's were imprisoned here together with Yugoslav partisans and Polish forced labourer's. The camp contained prisoners from 13 countries during the War years. A total of 5000 prisoners were registered at Falstad. Today, the Museum gives the younger generation an insight in conditions during WW II that eventually lead to the Declaration of Human Rights as a resolution in UN in 1948.

Uppsala Peace Museum
Uppsala, Sweden

The Uppsala peace museum held its opening ceremony in 2005, in connection to the unveiling of a sculpture of Dag Hammarskjöld at the 100th anniversary of Hammarskjöld's birth. The museum is displaying material about peace keeping activities, the UN and about Dag Hammarskjöld.

The Kyoto Museum for World Peace
Kyoto, Japan

The Kyoto Museum for World Peace is the first peace museum in the world created by a university. Ritsumeikan University's decision to establish this peace museum was based on a desire to represent Japanese war history as accurately as possible. In the thirteen years since its establishment, over 450,000 people have visited the museum, and approximately 260,000 people have attended the over fifty special exhibitions hosted by the museum over the years. The peace museum is particularly proud to have hosted student groups from over 3,000 different schools, approximately half of those being elementary schools. RU's peace museum has developed into a leader of peace education in both national and international circles.

Osaka Human Rights Museum
Osaka, Japan

The museum focuses on historical human rights material associated with discriminated groups, women, handicapped, and environmental issues. In addition to permanent exhibitions, there are special exhibits and lectures. Please see HumanDHS's Equal Dignity and Purity for All page.

Osaka International Peace Center
Osaka, Japan

Peace Osaka, also known as Osaka International Peace Center, is a museum that documents the horrors of World War II. The permanent exhibition room on the first floor shows photographs and other documents related to the the war, highlighting the horror and pain caused by Japan's aggressions in China, Korea and South East Asia. It also documents the US invasion of Okinawa and the atomic bombings.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
Hiroshima, Japan

The Japan Peace Museum

A-Bomb WWW Museum
Hiroshima, Japan

Goals of the project are to provide all readers with accurate information concerning the impact the first atomic bomb had on Hiroshima, and to provide the context for a constructive discussion of what the world can learn from this event and why such weapons of total destruction should never again be used.

What are some facts about the bombing of Hiroshima?

The Peace Museum
Chicago, Illinois, USA

The Peace Museum is a non-profit organization and a licensed Illinois 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The Peace Museum is the first and only of its kind in the United States, exploring the imapact of war and peace through the arts. The museum was founded in 1981 by Mark Rogovin, a leading Chicago muralist, and Marjorie Craig Benton, former U.S. Representative to UNICEF.

The following list is quoted from http://offbeattravel.com/peace-museum.html (we thank them for their permission to post this list here, with slight amendments):

International Museum of Peace and Solidarity
Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan

Samarkand, once the crossroad of trade of the Great Silk Road, is still the cultural center of Central Asia. It's also the home, since 1986, of the non-profit, non-governmental International Museum of Peace and Solidarity. It runs a wide range of educational activities and international projects, as well as housing about 20,000 exhibit pieces from over 100 countries. It's probably the only place in the world where visitors can see a piece of the Berlin Wall, fragments of Soviet and US nuclear missiles, a part of an A-bombed roof tile from Nagasaki, soil from Auschwitz, in one place.
The museum emphasizes universal human values, and the costs of war -- destruction of WWI and WWII, atomic bombardment, the mission of the UN and the Red Cross and Crescent societies, racism, poverty, human rights.

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum
(Musee International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge)
Geneva, Switzerland

The Red Cross and Red Crescent was the world's first humanitarian organization (set up in 1863) and has become synonymous with international rescue and assistance.
The museum uses photographs, films, writings and a collection of unusual artifacts to bring visitors into the experience. "Visitors are not considered as mere spectators of other people's suffering but are encouraged to think and to act. They too can help build a peaceful world in which human dignity is a value cherished by all."
The museum's collections also include objects actually created by prisoners of war and given to Red Cross delegates. There's a database of over 10,000 documents for research, and over 900 film titles starting from the 1930s. Special exhibits, concerts, and lectures are also among the activities of the museum.

Museum of Tolerance
Los Angeles, California, USA

This museum, the educational arm of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, has a dual focus. It seeks to explore the dynamics of racism and prejudice in America, and the history of the Holocaust.
The high-tech exhibits include the Tolerancecenter which stresses the message of personal responsibility through the Millenium Machine which speaks of human rights abuses throughout the world and possible solutions. Ain't You Gotta Right? Is a 16-screen video wall using archival footage and interviews to depict the struggle for civil rights in America. Seeking to expand the message of tolerance into current history the In Our Time film focuses on Bosnia, Rwanda and contemporary struggles for human rights.

The National Civil Rights Museum
Memphis, Tennessee, USA

On April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot to death while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The National Civil Rights Museum is the memorial for the man who led the civil rights movement in the United States promoting nonviolence as the best means toward that end. His famous speech, I Have A Dream, still rings through the world as a goal we hope someday to achieve.
The museum itself, housed in the Lorraine Motel, contains over 27,000 square feet devoted to exhibits and an auditorium. In addition to its permanent exhibits chronicling the history of the civil rights movement in the USA it showcases touring exhibits on loan from other museums, galleries and collections. Over the past few months these have looked at: Latino Life in the United States; Anne Frank: A History for Today; and Speak Truth to Power: Human Rights Defenders Who Are Changing Our World.

The National Liberty Museum
Philadelphia, PA

Created to celebrate the United States' heritage of freedom and the diverse society it has produced, the museum includes exhibits honoring 1000 men, women and young people of all walks of life who have helped make the world a better place, array of hands-on exhibits that demonstrate easy, practical and fun ways to resolve conflicts peacefully, and a gallery devoted to the contribution of immigration to the diversity of American society. National Liberty Museum also maintains a unique collection of more than 100 works of fine art which reflect the theme of the fragility of liberty.

Dayton International Peace Museum
Dayton, Ohio, USA

The historic Pollack House, built in 1877, in Dayton houses permanent exhibits, as well as peace activities, and special events that focus on changing our culture of violence to a culture of peace. Member of the International Network of Museums for Peace.

The Bruderhof Peace Barn
Farmington, Pennsylvania, USA

This is a project of the 5th through 8th grade students of the Spring Valley Bruderhof School in Farmington, PA. Two days after 9/11/2001 these students wanted to do something for peace. They decided to convert an old barn into a museum for peace and a memorial for the victims of terrorism and war. In addition they have handcrafted memorial benches for each passenger and crew member of Flight 93, which are at the crash site in Shanksville, PA. Tourists from all over the United States and the world are welcomed stop by the Peace Barn.