Video-taped Dialogues on Dignity



We often use #dignism when we upload videos on YouTube
See Evelin Lindner's channel, and Gaby Saab's WDUi channel

Brian Ward's Contributions to the World Dignity University (WDU) Initiative

Brian Ward welcomed the participants of the 17th Annual Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand, as follows: "Dear HumanDHS Friends: My name is Brian Ward and I have been an associate of HumanDHS since 2006. As a New Zealander, living in the South Island of New Zealand, I look forward to meeting everyone at the 2011 HumanDHS Conference in Dunedin! May I recommend the wider experience of the South Island both with its friendly people and beautiful scenery! For some information for intending visitors please google ‘South Island New Zealand’ or have a look at the links:, or
See also, as interesting background material, the New Zealand Treasury Paper 11/02 Working Towards Higher Living Standards for New Zealanders.
You can learn more about Brian at the website or watching his introductory video.
Please see also the video-taped conversation with Brian Ward for the World Dignity University initiative that took place on 5th September 2011, in Timaru, New Zealand. The interviewer is Evelin Lindner. The discussion touches on systems thinking, sustainable business principles, and equal dignity. Brian is the sole director of a startup business in the renewable energy field (in New Zealand).