Video-taped Dialogues on Dignity



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10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict / 22nd Annual Conference of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013

• 01 Tzofnat Peleg-Baker and David Balosa: Moving into Action, December 5, 2013
Tzofnat Peleg-Baker and David Balosa summarized their insights from their Moving into Action session on December 5, 2013, as part of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013.

• 02 Moving into Action: Human Dignity Across the Lifespan (summary by Lucien Lombardo | video), with Mark Johnson, Jillian Post, Lucien Lombardo, and Martha Eddy, December 5, 2013
Mark Johnson, Jillian Post, Lucien Lombardo, and Martha Eddy summarized their insights from their Moving into Action session on December 5, 2013, as part of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013.

• 03 Talia Shafir and Bathabile K. S. Mthombeni: Moving into Action, December 5, 2013
Talia Shafir and Bathabile K. S. Mthombeni summarized their insights from their Moving into Action session on December 5, 2013, as part of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013.

• 04 Brandon Scott and Janet Gerson: Moving into Action, December 5, 2013
Brandon Scott and Janet Gerson summarized their insights from their Moving into Action session on December 5, 2013, as part of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013.

• 05 Linda Hartling Opens the Public Event of the Workshop on Transforming Humiliation on December 5, 2013
On December 5, 2013, Linda Hartling opened the Public Event of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013. Linda is the director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network.

• 06 The Paradox of Freedom and the Quest for a Moral Disturbance by Inga Bostad on December 5, 2013 (Manuscript)
Inga Bostad gave the lecture titled "The Paradox of Freedom and the Quest for a Moral Disturbance" on December 5, 2013, at the Public Event of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013. Inga Bostad is a member in the Global Advisory Board of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network and the host of the launch of the World Dignity University initiative in 2011 at the University of Oslo, Norway.

• 07 Refugee Women, Human Rights and Belonging: Educating for Dignity by Maggie O'Neill on December 5, 2013.
See also Searching for Asylum, produced by Jan Haaken and Maggie O'Neill (this video documents a participant action research project carried out with a group of women asylum seekers in the UK, published on 21 Jul 2013)
Maggie O'Neill gave the lecture titled "Refugee Women, Human Rights and Belonging: Educating for Dignity" on December 5, 2013, at the Public Event of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013. Maggie O'Neill is a member in the Board of Directors of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network.

• 08 Imagine a Global Human Community - A Pledge Offered by Morton Deutsch for Dialogue on December 5, 2013 (video, December 11, 2013 | transcript)
At the Public Event of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013, Morton Deutsch offered the following pledge for dialogue:
Imagine a global human community in which you, your children, and grandchildren as well as all the others in our shared planet and their children and grandchildren: …Are able to live in dignity and are treated fairly. …Have freedom from the fear of violence and war and can live in peace. Have freedom from want so that you do not ever have to live in such impoverished circumstances you and your loved ones can not have adequate care, food, water, shelter, health services, education, and other necessities for physical and emotional well-being as well as a dignified life. …Have freedom of information, publication, speech, beliefs, and assembly so that you can be free to be different and free to express open criticism of those in authority individually or collectively. …Have the responsibility to promote, protect, and defend such freedoms as those described above for yourself as well as for others when they are denied or under threat. …Will work together cooperatively to make the world that their grandchildren will inherit free of such problems as war, injustice, climate change, and economic disruption. Are you willing to be a member of such a global human community? If "yes", please make the following pledge: I pledge to promote these rights and responsibilities in my own life, in my community, and in the global community as best I can through nonviolent personal actions and working together with others. I also pledge to seek a constructive resolution of conflict about implementation of the foregoing values, when it arises, by working cooperatively to resolve the conflict with those who I am in conflict.

• 09 Improvisation as a Metaphor for Relationship and Reconciliation: A Musical Offering by George Wolfe, alto saxopone, and Chris Layer, flute, December 5, 2013
George Wolfe and Chris Layer played saxophone and flute at the Public Event of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013.

• 10 Irish Uilleann pipe by Chris Layer, December 5, 2013
Chris Layer played the Irish Uilleann pipe at the Public Event of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013.

• 11 Dignity: A Multidimensional View Book Launch
This is a video created by Francisco Cardosos Gomes de Matos for the occasion of the global launch of his book Dignity - A Multidimensional View published in Dignity Press in 2013. Francisco Gomes de Matos is the President of the Associacao Brasil America (ABA) Board, and in this video he addresses this workshop as one of the locations for the global launch of his book on dignity. The video was created at the Associacao Brasil America (ABA) in Recife, Brazil, and published on 29th November 2013.

• 12 Caroline Amollo: Introduction to Research on Dignity
This is a video in which Caroline greets the participants of the workshop, among them her academic adviser Inga Bostad. Carol is the first PhD candidate of the World Dignity University initiative, in partnership with the University of Oslo, Norway. This video was recorded on 2nd December 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya, by Nicole Dorie.