Video-taped Dialogues on Dignity



We often use #dignism when we upload videos on YouTube
See Evelin Lindner's channel, and Gaby Saab's WDUi channel

Communication and Dignity,
Thematic Network Meeting, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in Oslo, Norway, together with 'Impuls' - Student Journal of Psychology at the University of Oslo and Education for Peace, 22nd - 24th January 2014

Verdighet eller ydmykelse?
Årlig foredrag ved Psykologisk institutt ved Universitetet i Oslo, 22. januar 2014, 10.00-12.00, Aud 3, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3 A, 0373 Oslo, Norway. See bilder. Foredraget er del av PSYC3203 - Anvendt sosialpsykologi. Se foredragene fra 2009 til 2013 ved (søk etter "Lindner"). Oversikt ov er emnene (pensum, tider, eksamen etc.): liste over alle emnene, semester oversikt, oversikt over profesjonsstudiet i psykologi.

• 23rd and 24th January:
All videos you see further down are on YouTube marked as "unlisted," which means that only people who know the URL of the particular video can accesss it and it cannot be found by googling. Please let me know whether you wish to have certain videos to be "public" so that they can be found by the wider public, or if you wish to have certain videos to be "private" so that only I can give you private access.
Please see the URLs here:

• 23rd January (thank you, dear Randi Gunhildstad, for documenting everything so wonderfully with the video camera!):
- 01 Babs Sivertsen explained how the participants of the "Communication and Dignity" meeting are to introduce themselves to the other participants: Everybody identified another participant they had not met before, interviewed him/her, and then presented him/her to the plenum
- 02 Elisabet Kristiansen and Evelin Lindner presented each other to the other participants
- 03 Per Glad and Jorun Pareli presented each other to the other participants
- 04 Trine Eklund and Lisbeth Glad presented each other to the other participants
- 04.2 Trine Eklund was presented by Lisbeth Glad to the other participants
- 05 Ingar Evje and Berit Waal presented each other to the other participants
- 06 Sigurd Støren and Elsa-Britt Enger presented each other to the other participants
- 07 Ludmilla and Thomas Daffern presented each other to the other participants
- 08 Ingrid Brudevoll and Caroline Øverland presented each other to the other participants
- 09 Randi Gunhildstad and Rachel Aspögård presented each other to the other participants
- 10 Babs Sivertsen invited into her work with empathic communication
- 11 Elsa-Britt Enger invited into her work with empathic communication
- 12 Evelin Lindner explained the Dignilogue approach (dignity + dialogue) that the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network has developed over the years, taking its inspiration from the Open Space Technology by Harrison Owen, who is also a member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board
- 13.1+2 Thomas Daffern presented his Global Peace Philosophy Part 1 | Part 2 (we apologise that part 1 ends abruptly, due to technical reasons; we thank Randi Gunhildstad for documenting part 2 with her mobile phone)
- 13.3 Evelin Lindner explained her "sunflower identity" conceptualisation (we thank Randi Gunhildstad for documenting this sequence with her mobile phone; see also "Living Globally: Global Citizenship of Care as Personal Practice," the long version of Lindner's contribution to the anthology Norwegian Citizen - Global Citizen, 2013)

• 24th January (Evelin did the video-recording):
- Bjørn Ekelund (unfortunately, to our great regret, due to technical problems, this presentation could not be video-recorded at the time. Please see: Diversity Icebreaker Applied in Conflict Management, presentation recorded for the proceedings of the 'Communication and Dignity' meeting of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network, 22nd - 24th January, Oslo, Norway, published on 3rd March 2014.
- Veslemøy Wiese (unfortunately, to our great regret, due to technical problems, this presentation could not be video-recorded)
- 14 Rachel Aspögård
- 15 Berit Waal
- 16 Elisabeth Kristiansen
- 17 Lisbeth Vilkan Glad and Per Glad
- Ingeborg Breines (without video)
- 18 Thomas Daffern
- 19 Babs Sivertsen