Video-taped Dialogues on Dignity



We often use #dignism when we upload videos on YouTube
See Evelin Lindner's channel, and Gaby Saab's WDUi channel

13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict / 28th Annual Conference of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016

We thank Mariana Ferraz for stepping up and doing such wonderful video-taping! And to Noriko Ishihara for helping out when needed!
Please be aware that these are all unedited videos.

• 00 Mini-Documentary of the Annual Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict "The Globalization of Dignity," December 8 - 9, 2016
The 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for making this wonderful mini-documentary! Thank you, dear Mariana, and also you, dear Gaby Saab, for inviting so many of us into this documentary, from Janet Gerson to David Yamada, Michael Perlin, Philip Brown, Kebadu Mekonnen Gebremariam, David Yau-Fai Ho! How great that you chose the song "A Wonderful World" in the background, the very song that David Yamada brought to us! Linda Hartling is the Director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network. Evelin Lindner is the founding president of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network.

Video Messages for the World Dignity University (WDU) Initiative:
Day One, December 8, 2016
•  10 Co-Created Dignilogues in the Making
•  11 Co-Created Dignilogue 1 "Being an Effective Ally"
•  12 Co-Created Dignilogue 2 "Mindful Communications"
•  13 Co-Created Dignilogue 3 "Systemic Humiliation"
•  14 Co-Created Dignilogue 4 "The Path of Forgiveness"
•  15 Co-Created Dignilogue 5 "Creating a Dignity Classroom"
Day Two, December 9, 2016:
•  27 Co-Created Dignilogues in the Making
•  28 Co-Created Dignilogue 6 "How to Respond in a More Dignified Way to a New Reality"
•  29 Co-Created Dignilogue 7 "DigniLego, or DigniPlay"
•  30 Co-Created Dignilogue 8 "The Dark Side of Empathy"
•  31 Co-Created Dignilogue 9 "The Bright Side of Empathy"
•  32 Co-Created Dignilogue 10 "A Dignifying Experience"

• 01 Linda Hartling Welcomes Everybody, December 8, 2016
Linda Hartling welcomes everybody on the morning of December 8, 2016, to the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Linda Hartling is the Director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  02 Danielle Coon Welcomes Everybody, December 8, 2016
Danielle Coon welcomes everybody on the morning of December 8, 2016, to the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Danielle Coon is the Associate Director of the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR). We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  03 Linda Hartling Introduces Our Appreciative Frame, December 8, 2016 (Pdf 2014)
Linda Hartling introduces our Appreciative Frame, on the morning of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Linda Hartling is the Director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  04 Christine de Michele Brings Everybody Together, December 8, 2016
Christine de Michele brings everybody together on the morning of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Christine de Michele is a vocalist, songwriter, and educator, see We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

• 05 A Global Dignilogue with Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner, "The Globalization of Dignity," December 8, 2016 (Video | Questions Prepared by Linda)
Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner engage in a Dignilogue (Dignity + Dialogue), on the morning of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Linda Hartling is the Director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network. Evelin Lindner is the founding president of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

• 05.1 Ljoba Jenče Shared Her Art in the 27th Dignity Conference in Dubrovnik in September 2016
Ljoba Jenče is a Slovenian folklorist and Director of the Slovenia-Norway Rural Development project. Please see The Same Boat: Young Guardians of Heritage, 2014-2016, Heritage House. We so much thank Rachel Aspögård for the video-taping!

•  06 David Yamada Explains the Dignilogue Format, December 8, 2016
David Yamada explains the Dignilogue format, on the morning of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. David C. Yamada is is a tenured Professor of Law at Suffolk University Law School in Boston. His primary area of teaching and scholarship is employment law. He also is heavily involved in pro bono community and public interest activities. Professor Yamada is a leading authority on workplace bullying and abusive work environments. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  07 Pre-Planned Dignilogue 1 "How Are Human Dignity and Humiliation Relevant to Destructive Conflict?" December 8, 2016
Pre-Planned Dignilogue 1 "How Are Human Dignity and Humiliation Relevant to Destructive Conflict?" on the morning of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  08 Christine de Michele Shares "Island" December 8, 2016
Christine de Michele shares "Island," on the morning of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Christine de Michele is a vocalist, songwriter, and educator, see

•  09 Phil Brown, Gabriela Saab, and Linda Hartling Shape the Co-Created Dignilogues, December 8, 2016
Phil Brown, Gabriela Saab, and Linda Hartling shape the Co-Created Dignilogues for December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Dr. Philip Brown has established and directed the Center for Social and Character Development at Rutgers University, located within the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  10 Co-Created Dignilogues in the Making, December 8, 2016
Co-Created Dignilogues are in the making on December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  11 Co-Created Dignilogue 1 "Being an Effective Ally," December 8, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 1 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "Being an Effective Ally," on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  12 Co-Created Dignilogue 2 "Mindful Communications," December 8, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 2 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "Mindful Communications," on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  13 Co-Created Dignilogue 3 "Systemic Humiliation," December 8, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 3 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "Systemic Humiliation," on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  14 Co-Created Dignilogue 4 "The Path of Forgiveness," December 8, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 4 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "The Path of Forgiveness," on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  15 Co-Created Dignilogue 5 "Creating a Dignity Classroom," December 8, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 5 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "Creating a Dignity Classroom," on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  16 Public Event: Fred Ellis and His Students Sing, December 8, 2016
Fred Ellis and his students contribute wonderfully to the Public Event on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Fred Ellis is a New York City Elementary Public School Music Teacher and Music Therapist. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  17 Public Event: Michael Perlin: "Dignity and the Nobel Prize: Why Bob Dylan Was the Perfect Choice," December 8, 2016
Michael L. Perlin shares his insights on "Dignity and the Nobel Prize: Why Bob Dylan Was the Perfect Choice" at the Public Event on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Michael L. Perlin has just retired as a Professor of Law, the Director of the International Mental Disability Law Reform Project at the Justice Action Center, and Director of the Online Mental Disability Law Program at the New York Law School in New York, and he will now teach and work globally. We very much thank Noriko Ishihara for the video-taping!

•  18 Public Event: Betty Reardon, the Mother of Peace Education, Honors Us with Her Presence, December 8, 2016
Betty Reardon, the Mother of Peace Education, honors us with her presence at the Public Event on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Noriko Ishihara for the video-taping!

•  19 Public Event: Edna Adan Ismail: "Dignity Through Courage!," December 8, 2016 (Powerpoint)
Edna Adan Ismail shares her path of "Dignity Through Courage" at the Public Event on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Edna Adan Ismail is the former Foreign Minister of the (unrecognized) Republic of Somaliland (North-Western Somalia) in the Horn of Africa. She held this office from 2003 until 2006. She had previously served as Somaliland's Minister of Family Welfare and Social Development. She is the director and founder of the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital in Hargeisa, Somaliland. She is an activist and pioneer in the struggle for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and is President of the Organization for Victims of Torture, Somaliland. We very much thank Noriko Ishihara for the video-taping!

•  20 Public Event: Sylvain Leroux, Magali Regis, and the Fula Flute, December 8, 2016
Sylvain Leroux and Magali Regis share their wonderful Fula Flute music at the Public Event on the afternoon of December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Noriko Ishihara for the video-taping!
Downbeat Magazine "Rising Flute Star,” Sylvain Leroux studied classical flute in Montreal at Vincent d'Indy – improvisation, composition and World music at the Creative Music Studio, and Fula flute in Guinea. He is a notable player on New York City's African and improvised music scene as leader of the groups Fula Flute and Source, sideman with the Mandingo Ambassadors, and participant in Adam Rudolph’s Go: Organic Orchestra and Karl Berger’s Improviser’s Orchestra. His CD productions include: the cult classic Fula Flute (2002), Source w/ Abdoulaye Diabate (2006), Mansa America (2008), Quatuor Creole (2012)–which was hailed by critics as "perfect contemporary music release,” and Les Enfants de Tyabala (2014), a set of field recordings of children in Guinea. He is the inventor of the chromatic tambin–a modification of the traditional Fula flute–which can play in all keys. Since 2013 has conducting a successful innovative music literacy program in Guinea based on his invention.

•  21 Bonnie Selterman Shares Her Poem "No Shoes," December 9, 2016 (Pdf)
Bonnie Selterman shares her wonderful poem in the morning of December 9, 2016, Day Two of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  22 Welcome and Practical Details, December 9, 2016
Linda Hartling and Rick Slaven welcome everybody and share practical details in the morning of December 9, 2016, Day Two of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  23 Michael Britton's Don Klein Memorial Lecture, December 9, 2016
Michael Britton gives the Don Klein Memorial Lecture in the morning of December 9, 2016, Day Two of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Michael Britton is concerned with integrative thinking across neuroscience, in-depth psychotherapies and historical/cultural living, Michael's work looks at how participation in the historical life of our times and interior life are deeply intertwined. We thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  24 Pre-Planned Dignilogue 2 "How Can We Cultivate Dignity?" December 9, 2016
Pre-Planned Dignilogue 2 "How Can We Cultivate Dignity?" in the morning of December 9, 2016, Day Two of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  24.1 Christine de Michele's Interlude, December 9, 2016
Christine de Michele shares her great voice art on December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Christine de Michele is a vocalist, songwriter, and educator, see

•  25.1 + 2 Philip M. Brown Receives the Human Dignity (Half!) Lifetime Award, December 9, 2016 (Video by Mariana Ferraz | Video Snapshots by Hua-Chu Yen)
Phil Brown receives the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (Half!) Lifetime Award, on December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Dr. Philip Brown has established and directed the Center for Social and Character Development at Rutgers University, located within the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  26.1 +2 David Yamada and Linda Hartling Shape the Co-Created Dignilogues, December 9, 2016 (Video by Mariana Ferraz | Video Snapshots by Hua-Chu Yen)
David Yamada and Linda Hartling shape the Co-Created Dignilogues for December 8, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. David C. Yamada is is a tenured Professor of Law at Suffolk University Law School in Boston. His primary area of teaching and scholarship is employment law. He also is heavily involved in pro bono community and public interest activities. Professor Yamada is a leading authority on workplace bullying and abusive work environments. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  27 Co-Created Dignilogues in the Making, December 9, 2016
Co-Created Dignilogues are in the making on December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We so much thank Mariana Ferraz for the video-taping!

•  28 Co-Created Dignilogue 6 "How to Respond in a More Dignified Way to a New Reality," December 9, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 6 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "How to Respond in a More Dignified Way to a New Reality," on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  29 Co-Created Dignilogue 7 "DigniLego, or DigniPlay," December 9, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 7 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "DigniLego, or DigniPlay," on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  30 Co-Created Dignilogue 8 "The Dark Side of Empathy," December 9, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 8 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "The Dark Side of Empathy" on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  31 Co-Created Dignilogue 9 "The Bright Side of Empathy," December 9, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 9 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "The Bright Side of Empathy" on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  32 Co-Created Dignilogue 10 "A Dignifying Experience," December 9, 2016
"Message to the World" from Co-Created Dignilogue 10 (Dignity + Dialogue), titled "The Bright Side of Empathy" on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  33 Evelin Lindner Shares the Story of the Jewelry from the Oasis Siwa, December 9, 2016
Evelin Lindner shares the story of the jewelry from the oasis Siwa on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping! Correction: Please note that Evelin was a medical student in Bangkok in 1981 (not in 1998)!

•  34 Closing Thank-You Round, December 9, 2016
Closing thank-you round, on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  35 Closing Ceremony, December 9, 2016
Closing ceremony, on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for doing the video-taping!

•  36 Good-Bye Snapshots by Hua-Chu Yen
Thank you, dear Hua-Chu Yen, for taking such lovely snapshots when we said good-bye to each other on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the end of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Hua-Chu Yen (Ed. D.) is an artist, educator and digital media specialist. (Please be aware that this is an unedited video.)

•  37 Good-Bye Snapshots with Linda and Rick
Thank you, dear Hua-Chu Yen, for taking such lovely snapshots when we said good-bye to each other on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the end of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Hua-Chu Yen (Ed. D.) is an artist, educator and digital media specialist. (Please be aware that this is an unedited video.)

•  38 Good-Bye Snapshots with Janet and Bhante
Thank you, dear Hua-Chu Yen, for taking such lovely snapshots when we said good-bye to each other on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the end of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Hua-Chu Yen (Ed. D.) is an artist, educator and digital media specialist. (Please be aware that this is an unedited video.)

•  39 Good-Bye Snapshots with Zsuzsa, Martha, Glyn, and All
Thank you, dear Hua-Chu Yen, for taking such lovely snapshots when we said good-bye to each other on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the end of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Hua-Chu Yen (Ed. D.) is an artist, educator and digital media specialist. (Please be aware that this is an unedited video.)

•  40 Good-Bye Snapshots by Hua-Chu Yen with Sharon and Evelin
Thank you, dear Hua-Chu Yen, for taking such lovely snapshots when we said good-bye to each other on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the end of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Hua-Chu Yen (Ed. D.) is an artist, educator and digital media specialist. (Please be aware that this is an unedited video.)

•  41 Good-Bye Snapshots by Hua-Chu Yen with Naoko and Evelin
Thank you, dear Hua-Chu Yen, for taking such lovely snapshots when we said good-bye to each other on the afternoon of December 9, 2016, at the end of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, which took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. Hua-Chu Yen (Ed. D.) is an artist, educator and digital media specialist. (Please be aware that this is an unedited video.)

• 42 Interview with Evelin Lindner - Challenges of our Time; Learning to Connect, December 8, 2016
The 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict took place at Columbia University in New York City, December 8 - 9, 2016. We very much thank Mariana Ferraz for making this interview! Thank you, dear Mariana, and also you, dear Gaby Saab, for inviting so many of us into wonderful interviews!