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Non-violent Strategies for Confronting Global Terrorism and for Promoting Peaceful Social Change

New Directions in Peace and Conflict Research:
Non-violent Strategies for Confronting Global Terrorism and for Promoting Peaceful Social Change
A CPS research conference, University of Tromsų, Norway, 7th-9th September 2005

Conference theme

The nature and political potential of non-violence continues to be a central concern of Peace Studies in general and of the Centre for Peace Studies (University of Tromsų) in particular. This conference aims to explore the possibilities of non-violence in the context of contemporary forms of violence, and social resistance and political activism.

The principal aims of the conference are to illuminate the research dimensions of these specific themes and more generally to examine the character and purpose of Peace Studies both as a multidisciplinary discipline and as a catalyst for non-violent social change.

As keynote speakers we have among others Professor Anat Biletzki, Chair of the Dep. of Philosophy, University of Tel Aviv, Israel, who will talk about "The language of Terrorism."

The presuppositions behind "Nonviolent Strategies for Confronting Global Terrorism: include the obvious existence of violent strategies for confronting global terrorism, but also the consensual perception of terrorism itself as being violent, the idea that there is such a thing as global terrorism, and, finally, the dichotomy between terrorism and its enemies. My suggestion in this talk is that these presuppositions are fallacious, at worst, and facile and rhetorically cynical, at best.

Professor Anat Biletzki

Submission information
Extendet deadline:
Abstracts of proposed papers: August 12th 2005.
Registration fee: 1200,- NOK (regular) 600,- (students)
See our web page for further details http://uit.no/cps/
Place: Campus University of Tromsų
Contact: Conference Coordinator Line N. Sandanger, linsan@sv.uit.no

Line N. Sandanger
Conference coordinator
Senter for fredsstudier
SV-fak, Uitų, 9037 Tromsų
Tlf.: 776 46304
e-post: linsan@sv.uit.no

Posted by Evelin at August 4, 2005 12:49 AM