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The International Women's Day Is Coming Soon: Please Contribute!

Dear AMARC member,

MARCH 8, the International Women's Day is coming soon!
Join us in the international radio broadcasting on the International Women's Day.

There are many ways to collaborate to the March 8 broadcast. For more information visit: www.win.amarc.org or sent an e-mail to sophie toupin at sophie@amarc.org

* *Send us already produced or original audio material* (deadline
for submissions is February 27th). To transfer your programmes by
SFTP contact me.

* *Re-broadcast programs on your radio station* via the Internet on
this special day. Programmes from all over the world and in
different languages will be available on the AMARC Women's
International Network (WIN) web site soon!

* Celebrate the International Women's Day with us by listening to
the different programmes!

* Help *organize* the event in your region: translate, phone, fax,

* Conduct *training* at a local level for newcomers to your radio.

Story ideas

* Factors which tend to perpetuate women's discrimination (economic,
social, political, etc.);
* Impact of economic globalization on women (feminization of
poverty, sweatshops, Export processing zones (EPZs), trafficking
in women, etc.);
* Gender discrimination toward migrants, refugees, asylum seekers
and displaced persons;
* Violence against women (domestic, sexual and psychological
violence, etc. );
* Discrimination toward indigenous women;
* Recognition of women's rights (reproductive rights, etc.);
* Women's empowerment and emancipation;
* Impact of Mass Media in perpetuating gender stereotype;
* The Feminists movements;
* Women and community radio.

General Guidelines for Submission

Here are the General Guidelines for Submissions (deadline is february 27).

Don't forget to vist our website at www.win.amarc.org and send your Submission form.

Need more information? Contact Sophie at sophie.toupin@amarc.org or call : 514-982-0351


*DEADLINE for contributions is February 27


Pre-produced contributions should not exceed 20 minutes. Those sending longer contributions should contact Sophie at sophie@amarc.org


Material can be sent in any format (Minidisc, DAT, CD, cassette or as an audio file per e-mail in mp3, wave or ogg format)

We encourage producers to use and experiment with different genres and styles for their contributions: documentary, panel discussion, drama, interview, talk-shows, etc.


Contributions are admitted in any language. Please include a brief content description in English, French or Spanish

Sending contributions

Contributions should be clearly marked and accompanied by a short introduction, either as text or as part of the piece, briefly explaining its content. Programs should end with music. The title, duration and language of the piece(s) should also be specified in writing. Also include the name(s) of the producer(s), radio station with contact details.

Thanks for your contribution
Sophie Toupin
AMARC International Secretariat

Posted by Evelin at February 24, 2006 07:20 AM