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Democracy News - March 29, 2006

The WMD's DemocracyNews
Electronic Newsletter of the World Movement for Democracy - www.wmd.org
March 2006

We welcome items to include in DemocracyNews. Please send an email message to world@ned.org with the item you would like to post in the body of the message.



1. New Online Newsletter from FORUM-ASIA
2. 2006 John Humphrey Freedom Award Seeks Nominations
3. Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy Holds Seventh Annual Conference, May 5-6, 2006, Washington, DC
4. SEEMO Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe
5. U.S. Department of State Launches New Online "Democracy Dialogues" Initiative

6. Crisis Group calls for Security Reform in Democratic Republic of Congo
7. Call for Papers: Israeli-Palestinian-International Conference on "Education for Peace - Education for Life,"

8. Blogging Local Government Elections in South Africa
9. Civic Campaigns in Belarus Ahead of March 2006 Presidential Elections

10. Participant of the World Movement for Democracy Imprisoned
11. Appeal for Peace in Chechnya
12. Riot Police Arrests Hundreds of Peaceful Demonstrators in Zimbabwe
13. Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation Launches Electronic Database of Human Rights Abuses in Iran

14. Asian Democracy Activist Gather at the Regional Conference on "Democracy Change by the People: Asia-Pacific Partnership on Burma"

15. Somali Youth Group Holds Seminar on Good Governance and Democracy
16. Twenty Six Free Expression Groups Urge Egyptian President to Decriminalize Press Offences
17. A Media Group Announces Publication of a Media Handbook for South East Europe

18. Seventh Annual Global Youth Service Day, April 21-23, 2006
19. Leaders for Democracy Fellowships for Young Democratic Leaders from Middle East and North Africa

21. Working Paper: Poor People and Democratic Citizenship in Africa

22. Call for Collaboration: Promoting Political Integrity Globally

23. Report on the Proceedings of the International Consultation on Women Human Rights Defenders
24. Peace and Security Fellowships for African Women
25. ACHR Review Addresses the Issue of Rape and Impunity of Rape Perpetrators in Pakistan




1. New Online Newsletter from FORUM-ASIA
In February, FORUM-ASIA introduced the first inaugural issue of their electronic weekly e-newsletter. The newsletter is a weekly digest of news, events, and information on FORUM-ASIA's activities. Full stories are available through attachments. The latest issue of the newsletter was dedicated to International Women's Day and focused on women human rights defenders and women's issues.
Go to: www.forum-asia.org/

2. 2006 John Humphrey Freedom Award Seeks Nominations
The Montreal-based Rights & Democracy is currently accepting nominations for the John Humphrey Freedom Award for 2006. The award is presented every year to an organization or person who has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of human rights and democratic development. The award includes a $25,000 prize and a tour of Canadian cities for the purpose of raising public awareness of the recipient's work on behalf of human rights. It is named in honor of the Canadian human rights law professor who prepared the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2006.
For details, go to: http://www.dd-rd.ca/site/humphrey_award/index.php?subsection=about_the_award&lang=en
For more information on Forum-Asia and its activities, go to: www.forum-asia.org/

3. Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy Holds Seventh Annual Conference, May 5-6, 2006, Washington, DC
The Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID)'s 7th Annual Conference "The Challenges of Democracy in the Muslim World" will take place on May 5-6, 2006, in Washington, DC. The Conference will bring together 300-400 leaders and experts from around the world in the subject of "Islam and Democracy." The CSID is also looking to raise funds from private donors, individuals, and institutions to sponsor participation of Muslim Democratic leaders and scholars (both political and religious) from Arab and Muslim countries, and members of the Network of Democrats in the Arab World (NDAW) to this conference. Those interested in sponsoring one or more Muslim democrat from the Arab/Muslim world should contact CSID.
To register for the conference, go to: https://secure.entango.com/donate/QUuB7SPr4Ug
For more information about the conference and contact information for CSID, go to: http://csidonline.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=5&id=54&Itemid=94

4. SEEMO Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe
The South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO) is pleased to announce the Dr. Erhard Busek-SEEMO 2006 Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe. Sponsored by Dr. Erhard Busek, special coordinator for the Stability Pact, the 2,000-Euro award will be given to a journalist, editor, media executive, or person educating journalists in South Eastern Europe, whose work promotes a climate of better understanding among people in the region and contributes towards ending minority problems, ethnic divisions, racism, and xenophobia. Deadline for application is May 1, 2006.
For details on application and nomination processes, go to:

5. U.S. Department of State Launches New Online "Democracy Dialogues" Initiative
"Democracy Dialogues" is a new Online initiative of the U.S. Department of State intended to stimulate discussion and dialogue between Americans and overseas audiences on issues related to democracy in the 21st Century. "Democracy Dialogues" offers a range of resources on democratic governance, including key U.S. and international documents, background essays, suggested discussion questions, lesson plans, and more. New topics are introduced every two months. The initiative also sponsors a series of regularly scheduled public Web chats, as well as an ongoing discussion board. The Web site portal page and core elements of the various topical Web pages are available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Persian, Russian and Spanish, as well as English.
Go to: www.democracy.gov.


6. Crisis Group calls for Security Reform in Democratic Republic of Congo
According to recent report from the Crisis Group, the issue of security sector reform is vital in determining the Democratic Republic of the Congo's prospects for peace and
development. The security services must be able to maintain order during the national elections scheduled for April 2006 and reduce the country's staggering mortality rate from the conflict (still well over 30,000 every month). The report also recommends creating an effective, unified army with a single chain of command, rather than simply demobilizing militias and giving ex-combatants payout packages.
Go to: www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=3946&l=1

7. Call for Papers: Israeli-Palestinian-International Conference on "Education for Peace - Education for Life,"
Israel Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) is calling for papers and presentation abstracts for the Israeli-Palestinian-International Conference on "Education for Peace - Education for Life" to take place in Antalya, Turkey, on November 19-23, 2006. This is not a formal academic conference; therefore, abstracts will be evaluated on a wider basis than the normal academic criteria. IPCRI is looking for creative, exciting and innovative approaches to peace education. Selected participants will be funded by the conference (based on available financial resources). The organizers' goal is to bring together some 300 people for this conference - one-third Israelis, one-third Palestinians, and one-third internationals. Deadline for submitting abstracts is July 15, 2006.
For more information, go to: www.ipcri.org/


8. Blogging Local Government Elections in South Africa
The Mail and Guardian Online, South African newspaper online, invited South Africa's biggest political players to write blogs, or online diaries, in the run-up to the local elections, thus providing them with new means of communicating with voters and promoting debate. All major political parties were approached with this offer. The local elections were held on March 2, 2006.
Go to: http://electionblogs.mg.co.za/

9. Civic Campaigns in Belarus Ahead of March 2006 Presidential Elections
The Pontis Foundation's Institute for Civic Diplomacy has been assisting civil society organizations in Belarus and monitoring the country's development since 2000. Based on its qualitative and quantitative surveys and monitoring, Pontis has prepared an update about selected civic campaigns and projects targeting presidential election that took place on March 19, 2006.
Go to: www.nadaciapontis.sk/en/11263


10. Participant of the World Movement for Democracy Imprisoned
On March 17, 2004, a Singapore court sentenced Dr. Chee Soon Juan, leader of Singapore Democratic Party, to one day in jail and fined him S$6000 ($3,700) for contempt of court after questioning the independence and integrity of the judiciary system. The court had ordered to increase the jail sentence to seven days if Mr. Chee failed to make the payment within one day. Dr. Chee was sued in 2002 by former Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong for defamation. After a summary procedure, in which Dr. Chee was not allowed to retain counsel, the court awarded the case to the plaintiff ordering Dr. Chee to pay $300,000 in damages. In February 2006, he was declared bankrupt and thus deprived of some of his civil rights, in particular the right to stand for office. At the bankruptcy hearing, Dr. Chee made a statement protesting the unfair trial and citing the patterns of such trials against many opposition figures. As a result of this statement, charges of contempt of court were filed against him. The hearings on the case, which found him guilty, took place on March 16, 2006. Following the sentencing on March 17, Mr. Chee was immediately arrested and transferred to the Queenstown Remand Prison. It was feared that Mr. Chee would receive a much more sever sentence, but thanks to the pressure from the international community a long sentence was avoided. Dr. Chee is a participant of the World Movement for Democracy. Also, he is a member of Steering Committees of the Alliance for Reform and Democracy in Asia (ARDA) and of World Forum for Democracy in Asia (WFDA).
Go to: www.wmd.org/democracyalerts/mar1506.html

11. Appeal for Peace in Chechnya
The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights has initiated an appeal for peace in Chechnya. The appeal is addressed to the United Nations and has been signed by thirteen Rafto Prize laureates, two of whom are also laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize. The appeal was announced in Oslo on February 23, 2006, to commemorate the Russian 1944 deportation of the Chechen and other Caucasian people from their home lands to Siberia and Kazakhstan. Ms. Lidia Yusupova, former Director of Russian Human Rights organization Memorial's Grozny (Chechnya) office, spoke at the event. Lidia Yusupova was awarded Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize for Human Rights in 2005.
To view the appeal, go to: http://www.rafto.no/DesktopModules/ViewAnnouncement.aspx?ItemID=200&Mid=42

12. Riot Police Arrests Hundreds of Peaceful Demonstrators in Zimbabwe
On February 13-14, 2006, a number of peaceful demonstrators in Bulawayo and Harare, Zimbabwe, were dispersed by the police. The demonstrations were organized by Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) as part of their social justice campaign. 174 women, 7 men, and 14 infants were detained, and in Harare, an estimated 242 women and 5 infants were arrested, many of whom spent more than three days in custody under terrible conditions. WOZA is determined to continue its campaign for social justice.
Go to: www.kubatana.net/html/archive/women/060217wozadex.asp?sector=WOMEN&breaking=True

13. Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation Launches Electronic Database of Human Rights Abuses in Iran
Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation for Promotion of Human Rights in Iran (ABF), based in Washington, DC, recently launched an electronic database of human rights violations in Iran. This virtual Memorial is dedicated to the victims of the Islamic Republic since it was established in 1979. The goal of this project is to be an impartial historical record that includes victims of human rights violations since December 10, 1948, when the Declaration for Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations. The database provides an individual file for every victim, which details human rights violations in his or her particular case. Visitors to the website may search the list in English or Farsi by using several criteria: the victim's name, gender, nationality, religion, the date, place, mode of execution, or the charges made against the victim.
Go to: www.abfiran.org


14. Asian Democracy Activist Gather at the Regional Conference on "Democracy Change by the People: Asia-Pacific Partnership on Burma"
The regional conference "Democratic Change by the People: Asia-Pacific Partnership on Burma" held on February 17-19, 2006, in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand,brought together 80 democracy and human rights activists from around the word. Participants included the 88 generation students, members of Parliament in exile, NGOs working along the Thai-Burma border, representatives from ethnic groups, regional organizations, International Burma support groups, and academics. The purpose of the event was to establish partnership with Burma support groups across the Asia-Pacific region and develop and implement a common strategy to mobilize concrete and coordinated regional civil society movement for Burma.
Go to: www.forum-asia.org/news/in_the_news/19feb06_burma_meet.shtml


15. Somali Youth Group Holds Seminar on Good Governance and Democracy
On March 9, 2006, the Somali Youth for Peace and Democracy (SYPD), a youth organization launched in August 2004 by a group of Somali youth activists, held a one-day seminar and discussion on Good Governance and Democracy. Youth groups from different community sectors took part in the event, which consisted of two main parts lectures on issues of good governance and discussion. Participants identified some of the obstacles to youth participation and formulated recommendations for increasing political and civic participation of youth.
For the report from the even, go to: www.sypd.org/Lecture.doc

16. Twenty Six Free Expression Groups Urge Egyptian President to Decriminalize Press Offences
On February 22, 2006, 26 organizations promoting freedom of expression assembled at the General Meeting of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) in Brussels, Belgium. The groups issued a statement expressing their deep concern about the failure of the Egyptian government to initiate legislation to decriminalize press offences. According to the statement, two years after the Egyptian government had pledged to implement such legislation, not only it remains unfulfilled, but journalists continue to be sentenced to prison, harassed, and assaulted simply for doing their job.
To read the statement, go to: www.ifex.org/en/content/view/full/72553/

17. A Media Group Announces Publication of a Media Handbook for South East Europe
The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in South East, recently published its new edition of the annual South East Europe Media Handbook 2005/2006. The handbook provides important information on the media situation in countries in South East Europe, media laws and regulations, press freedom violations in 2005, and a list of selected media in the region. SEEMO invites journalists and media experts to send any information concerning media and press freedom violations in South East Europe, which can be used for preparation of the SEEMO Media Handbook 2006/2007. SEEMO is Europe an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI)
Go to: www.seemo.org/south_east_europe_media_handbook%202005.htm


18. Seventh Annual Global Youth Service Day, April 21-23, 2006
This annual event is the world's largest celebration of young volunteers. On April 21-23, 2006, millions of young people in countries everywhere will highlight and carry out thousands of community improvement projects. Currently, applications are being accepted from organizations seeking to act as National Lead Agencies or local organizers for Global Youth Service Day.
For more information, go to: www.gysd.net/home/

19. Leaders for Democracy Fellowships for Young Democratic Leaders from Middle East and North Africa
Thhe U.S. Department of State Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) announces Leaders for Democracy Fellowship (LDF). The LDF will provide 20-25 emerging democratic reform leaders between the ages of 25 and 40 from the Middle East and North Africa with the opportunity to complete both academic coursework and a skill-building internship in their field of choice in the United States. Fellowships will begin at the end of January 2007 with a four-week academic program at a prestigious American university. Fellows will complete relevant seminars and workshops on the key elements of democratic governance, including: the development of democratic institutions; constitutional law; political parties and campaigning; electoral laws; rule of law and legal codes; transparency/good governance; citizenship and civic education; and the relationship between democracy and other social and economic factors. Interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a personal essay to the US embassy in their home country no later than March 31.
For more information, go to: www.wmd.org/documents/mar06-younleaders-0306.doc

20. The "Dream Deferred"-- Essay Contest on Civil Rights in the Middle East
This essay contest takes its title from a 1951 poem by Langston Hughes: "What Happens to a Dream Deferred?" The poem helped propel the civil rights movement in the United States. Today, it will hopefully inspire the young people (25 and younger) in the Middle East and the United States to describe their dream deferred for the Middle East, which the United Nations calls the world's least free region. Participants have to write a brief essay (600-2,000 words) in English, French, Arabic, or Farsi addressing one of three questions listed in the announcement. Winners will receive a $2,000 prize, with other prizes for top essays. Contestants must either reside in Arab League member countries and Iran, or the United States. Deadline for submitting the essays is March 31, 2006
For further information, go to: www.hamsaweb.com/essay-contest.php#details#details


21. Working Paper: Poor People and Democratic Citizenship in Africa
Afrobarometer, an independent non-partisan research project that measures social, political, and economic atmosphere in Africa, has recently produced a paper exploring the relationship of poor people to democratic citizenship in Sub Saharan Africa. The paper stipulates that: on the one hand, poor people in Africa are clearly dissatisfied with the quality of governance provided by elected national leaders. On the other hand, they prefer to by-pass the formal channels of the democratic state in attempting to redress political grievances. Instead, the poor majority, especially the older and rural poor, remains embedded in informal relations of patron-clientelism. The paper concludes that not only do poorer people lack certain key capabilities of democratic citizenship, they have yet to find ways to make the institution of democracy work in their favor.
G to: http://afrobarometer.org/papers/AfropaperNo56.pdf


22. Call for Collaboration: Promoting Political Integrity Globally
The Romanian Academic Society (SAR), Romanian think-tank and leader of the Coalition for Clean Parliament in Romania, seeks collaboration with other organizations around the world with experience and interest in promoting political integrity to share best practices and initiate a program of global promotion of political integrity. The SAR strives to make political integrity a crucial issue on the public agenda; encourage and support the creation of a civil society group or alliance to monitor and inform regularly on political integrity in various countries; to put political integrity on the agenda of political parties and stimulate parties to create internal mechanisms to screen candidates for integrity; and to enact a mechanism of monitoring that can eventually be used during electoral campaigns based on the model of the Romanian Coalition for Clean Parliament.
For collaboration and more information, email: office@sar.org.ro


23. Report on the Proceedings of the International Consultation on Women Human Rights Defenders
The full report on the International Consultation on Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRD) held on November 29-December 2, 2005 in Colombo, Sri Lanka is now available online. The report documents discussions and analyses of violations and abuses committed against female human rights defenders through a framework of four key sources of violations: state actors, non-state actors, family and community, sex and sexuality-based attacks. It also contains strategies and recommendations made by participants to better protect women human rights defenders. This consultation was a key event in the International Campaign on Women Human Rights Defenders, organized by a coalition of 12 national, regional, and international NGOs, including Forum Asia.
Go to: www.defendingwomen-defendingrights.org/pdf/WHRD-Proceedings.pdf

24. Peace and Security Fellowships for African Women
As part of its new knowledge building and mentoring program, the Conflict, Security, and Development Group at King's College, London, announces the establishment of Peace and Security Fellowships for African Women. The Fellowships will bring together African women at the early stages of their career to undertake a carefully designed training program in conflict, security, and development at the King's College London. The fellowship will be followed by a practical experience at an African regional organization. Ultimately, the project will train young African women to develop a better understanding of African peace and security issues in order to increase their participation in conflict management processes and other areas of security concerns for African women. Deadline for applications is March 31, 2006.
For eligibility requirements and details on how to apply, go to: www.blackukonline.com/black/2793/online.html

25. ACHR Review Addresses the Issue of Rape and Impunity of Rape Perpetrators in Pakistan
The latest issue of the ACHR REVIEW, a weekly commentary and analysis of the Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) on human rights and governance issues, addresses the problem of rape in Pakistan. According to ACHR, impunity is the single most important factor for increasing atrocities against women. A law, called Hudood Ordinance introduced in 1979 by a military dictatoror Zia-ul-Huq, provides such impunity to those accused of rape. It requires a rape victim to produce evidence of at least four adult male Muslim eyewitnesses, who have physically seen the act of rape against the victim in order to prove her case. Hudood Ordinance victimizes the traumatized victims of rape thereby discouraging them from seeking justice. Moreover, the victim can be held guilty if she fails to prove the accusation.
Go to: www.achrweb.org/Review/2006/114-06.htm


* Alliance for Reform and Democracy in Asia (ARDA) -- www.asiademocracy.org/
* Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy -- http://csidonline.org/
* Crisis Group -- www.crisisgroup.org
* Forum-Asia -- www.forum-asia.org/
* Israel Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) -- www.ipcri.org/
* Pontis Foundation's Institute for Civic Diplomacy -- www.nadaciapontis.sk/en/
* Rights & Democracy -- www.dd-rd.ca
* Romanian Academic Society -- www.sar.org.ro
* World Forum for Democracy in Asia (WFDA) -- www.wfda.net


To subscribe send an email to subscribe-democracynews@lyris.ned.org.

If you do not have access to the Web and would like to access the materials mentioned above, please contact us by e-mail(world@ned.org)or fax (202-293-0755).

DemocracyNews is an electronic mailing list moderated by the National Endowment for Democracy as the Secretariat of the World Movement for Democracy.
The material presented in DemocracyNews is intended for information purposes only.
The WMD's DemocracyNews
Electronic Newsletter of the World Movement for Democracy - www.wmd.org

Posted by Evelin at March 29, 2006 05:20 AM