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Conference: Peacebuilding and Trauma Recovery - Integrated Strategies in Post-War Reconstruction

Peacebuilding and Trauma Recovery: Integrated Strategies in Post-War Reconstruction

University of Denver, February 22-24, 2007

The conference will examine the important interface between peacebuilding
and trauma recovery during post-war reconstruction. Conference
participants will explore, through panel discussion, topic-specific
workshops and informal discussion, the research and practical applications
of trauma recovery processes within the larger peacebuilding process.
Peacebuilding theorists and practitioners, psychologists, cultural
anthropologists, indigenous healers, and others engaged in the work of
transitional justice, post-conflict healing, and peacebuilding are invited
to participate in this important conference.

Panel themes will include: The nature of collective vs. individual
trauma, the importance of cultural variables, justice and healing, TRC’s
and their recommendations, the role of spirituality, integrating
peacebuilding and trauma recovery, guidelines for informed field practice

For further information, including the Call for Papers, please visit

Co-sponsored by the Conflict Resolution Institute and the Graduate School
of Professional Psychology’s International Disaster Psychology Program at
the University of Denver, and the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at
Eastern Mennonite University

Posted by Evelin at December 1, 2006 04:21 PM