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Brzezinski on Humiliation

Here is another use of "humiliation" to explain current interntatinal crises, this time by Brzezinski, who was President Carter's equivalent to Kissinger:

pasted from


Original source is

US must pursue talks with Iran, says Brzezinski
London, Dec 5, IRNA (which is Iran's government news agency)


"The destructive war in Iraq, the hypocritical indifference to the human dimensions of the stalemate in Israeli-Palestinian relations, the lack of diplomatic initiative in dealing with Iran and the frequent use of Islamophobic rhetoric are setting in motion forces that threaten to push America out of the Middle East, with dire consequences for itself and its friends in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia."

Brzeziniski, who served in the Carter administration during the Islamic Revolution in Iran, has previously called on the US to finally come to terms with the takeover of the American Embassy in Tehran after more than 25 years.

It is time to start closing that chapter of "humiliation" that Americans felt so strongly, instead of remaining haunted by the memories, he said in an interview with the Financial Times last year.

Posted by Evelin at December 7, 2006 08:12 AM