Education Team
The education branch of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) aims at disseminating the research findings related to dignity and humiliation to a wide variety of audiences. We wish to contribute to the capacity of people to build peaceful societies and be mindful of how humiliation may disrupt the social fabric, and how social cohesion may be sustained by preventing humiliation from occurring. You are invited to develop ideas and projects that aim at dignifying our world, and preventing and healing humiliation. We wish to harness and nurture everybody's expertise for our HumanDHS educational activities, create cross-fertilizati
on and synergy, and hope that our efforts will grow organically from our discussions and meetings!
DONALD C. KLEIN † June 8, 2007, yet always with us in spirit! Donald C. Klein was a psychologist and behavioral scientist. He was also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team. After earning a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. in 1952 at the University of California, Berkeley, he was CEO of an experimental community mental health center, directed a multi-disciplinary graduate center at Boston University, served as NTL Program Director for Community Affairs, and helped to develop and became coordinator of the Applied Behavioral Science graduate program at The Johns Hopkins University. Subsquently, he was Professor Emeritus of the Graduate College of The Union Institute & University, which offers an innovative non-residential doctoral program for working adults. Don Klein has been one of the first to explicitly examine and write on the humiliation phenomena. His first publication on humiliation goes back to 1991 (Journal of Primary Prevention on the Humiliation Dynamic, Vol 12, no. 2, Winter, 1991; Vol 12, No. 3, Spring 1992). [read more] |
REBECCA ANN KLEIN Rebecca Ann Klein is also a Member in the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team and Global Core Team. She is interested in creating effective, culturally sensitive nutrition programs within the field of Public Health. She is currently a student at Tufts University, working for a Master of Science in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition, with the aim to gain skills to run international health projects, and/or work with the politics and policies that affect the global food supply. She also takes classes at Tufts' school of International Law and Diplomacy. [read more] |
LINDA M. HARTLING Linda M. Hartling, Ph.D., is the HumanDHS Director, and also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, HumanDHS Global Core Team, HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and HumanDHS Research Team. She is furthermore the Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS). Linda M. Hartling is the recipient of the Association for Creativity in Counseling Research Award (see the slides of her acceptance talk). Linda is affiliated with the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute (JBMTI) at the Stone Center, which is part of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. Until 2008, she was its the Associate Director. Dr. Hartling is a member of the JBMTI theory-building group advancing the practice of the Relational-Cultural Theory, which is a new model of psychological development. [read more] |
ULRICH SPALTHOFF Ulrich Spalthoff (Dr. rer. nat.) is the Director of Operations of Dignity Press. He most generously offers his time and energy as a gift. He is also the HumanDHS Director of Project Development and System Administration, and a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team. He is, furthermore, the Coordinator of the HumanDHS One Laptop Per Child project. Uli Spalthoff has studied chemistry in Mainz and Münster, Germany. After some years in industrial research on optical communication technologies, he held various positions dealing with marketing, quality management, technology strategy, and innovation management at Alcatel-Lucent in Germany and France. As Director of Advanced Technologies, he worked with a truly global team, mentoring start-ups and consulting high-tech companies in IT, telecommunication and semiconductor industries from countries all over the world. Being interested in a broad range of professional fields and diverse social contexts, he has acquired expertise in a large range of technical, economic, and social areas. [read more] |
PHILIP M. BROWN Dr. Philip M. Brown is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. Dr. Philip M. Brown established and directed the Center for Social and Character Development at Rutgers University, located within the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, where he served as principal investigator on research grants from the U.S. Department of Education. Phil has served for more than 25 years in various policy and program management positions in the Pennsylvania State Department of Health and the New Jersey Department of Education, where he created the first professional educational credential in the U.S. in the substance abuse prevention field. [read more] |
GRACE FEUERVERGER Grace Feuerverger is also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, and a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, and of the HumanDHS Research Team. Grace is Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (CTL) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. A child of Holocaust survivors, Professor Grace Feuerverger grew up in a multicultural and multilingual home in Montreal and brings her personal and professional experiences to bear on her teaching and research work. Grace was educated at a variety of institutions - McGill University, the Università per Stranieri in Perugia, Italy, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Alberta, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and the University of Toronto. [read more] |
DORON SHULTZINER Doron Shultziner is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team. Doron Shultziner is a lecturer and researcher. Professor Shultziner is the head of the Politics & Communication Department at Hadassah Academic College Jerusalem since 2018. Among his research interests is the topic of human dignity in law. He published several papers in this field. His paper with Itai Rabinovici proposes an approach to understanding this concept in relation to self-worth, through a comparative legal-psychological investigation into three legal systems (US, ECtHR, and Israel). [read more] |
DAKSHINAMOORTHI RAJA GANESAN Dakshinamoorthi Raja Ganesan is is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. He is the former Head of the Department of Education at the University of Madras, India. [...] Dr. Ganesan earned his doctorate on Psychoanalysis and Buddhism at the Dr. Radhakrishnan Institute for Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras. At present, he is a Nominee of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, on the Indian Council of Philosophical Research as well as a Member of its Research and Projects Committee. [read more] |
MICHAEL L. PERLIN Michael L. Perlin is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. Michael L. Perlin is professor emeritus a New York Law School and an adjunct professor at Emory University Law School, specializing in all aspects of mental disability law. He is also the co-founder of Mental Disability Law and Policy Associates. An internationally-recognized expert on mental disability law, Michael L. Perlin has devoted his career to championing legal rights for people with mental disabilities. [read more] |
HEATHER ELLIS CUCOLO Heather Ellis Cucolo is an adjunct professor at Emory Law School and at New York Law School (NYLS) and the facilitator of the joint JD/MA program with John Jay College of Criminal Justice. In addition to those roles, Professor Cucolo is co-owner of the Mental Disability Law and Policy Associates educational company and on the Board of Trustees as Director of the International Society of Therapeutic Jurisprudence. As a professor of law, she has taught a variety of courses. [read more] |
ROBERT ANDERSON Robert M. Anderson is an adult-learning professional with over 30 years of experience in the fields of communication, leadership and conflict resolution. In 1989, he established McDonald Anderson, a management training and consulting firm based in New York City. He has conducted leadership and communication workshops for Fortune 500 companies, universities, and international nonprofit organizations in 35 countries. [read more] |
BETH BOYNTON Beth Boynton, RN, MS is a nurse consultant and author specializing in respectful communication, collaboration, and culture in healthcare and other businesses. Her books, blogs, videos, and other publications build on the idea that respect for self and others is essential for healthy relationships, teams, cultures, and all human systems. [read more] |
DUSTIN HAUSNER Dustin Hausner is a member of HumanDHS and the Global Education Team. He graduated from Columbia University with a Masters in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. Over the years he has received multiple types of training including Basic Mediation & Divorce Mediation from the New York Peace Institute, Mediation of Ethno-Religious Conflict from the International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation and Nonviolence Studies from the Metta Center for Nonviolence. [read more] |
YA'IR RONEN Ya'ir Ronen is currently full time lecturer and researcher at the Department of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University, in Israel. Trained in law and counseling, he has been involved in child advocacy and social activism adopting the perspective that law should act as a healing therapeutic force. As a child advocate, he worked with youth at risk, youth in conflict with the law, Palestinian and Israeli youth involved in the Palestinian Israeli conflict, and he promoted legal and policy reform in Israeli child law. [read more] |
ALISA KLEIN Alisa Klein is a public policy consultant specializing in the prevention of, and response to sexual violence; sexual violence in and after situations of disaster; sex offender-related public policy; and restorative justice. She serves as the as the lead researcher and writer for the National Project to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Violence in Disasters; as the Public Policy Consultant to the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers; and as a researcher, writer, and public policy analyst and advocate for other organizations working on the prevention of interpersonal violence. [read more] |
MANI BRUCE MITCHELL Mani Bruce Mitchell is also Member of our Global Core Team. My name is Mani Bruce Mitchell, I am an Educator, a Counsellor, Mentor, Change Agent, Artist – film maker and an intersex person (a person born with atypical genitalia), an issue that has for the last 100 years been shrouded in great mystery, silence and shame. I am also a teacher, a dreamer and in my early 40's (I am now in my 60's) I 'found my voice', I found it with gentleness, the result of attending the residential workshops designed by gifted grief and loss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. [read more] |
PATCHANEE MALIKHAO Patchanee Malikhao received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Queensland in Australia, a Master's of Arts degree in Mass Communication from Thammasat University in Thailand, a Master's of Science degree in Printing Technology from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Rochester, New York, and a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Photographic Science and Printing Technology from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. [read more] |
OVE JAKOBSEN Ove Jakobsen is professor in ecological economics at Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland, Norway. He has master’s degrees in philosophy (University of Bergen), management (Norwegian School of Economics), and marketing (Buskerud University College). He received his Dr. Oecon. from the Norwegian School of Economics Ove’s main research interests are the need for a shift to an organic worldview in economics and business administration and describing and discussing the consequences of organic thinking in ecological economics, business ethics and spriritual leadership. [read more] |
VIVI STORSLETTEN Vivi M.L. Storsletten (1976) is a researcher in ecological economics at Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland. Her research interests are; ecological economics, business ethics and spriritual leadership. She has a master degree in ecological economics, studying the correlations between economic efficiency and quality in kindergartens. The context of interpretation was theory in neo-classical and ecological economics, moral philosophy and motivational theories. She has a master degree in business administration, specially focusing on the retailing industry, sustainability and global responsibility correlated to leadership models based on founding principles within mechanistic and organic worldviews. [read more] |
RAGNHILD S. NILSEN Ragnhild S. Nilsen holds a M.A. in Communication Arts and Movement Therapy and an M.A in Music and Education. Ragnhild is partner in CoachTeam as. She is reckoned as one of Scandinavia 's most skilled course holders and lecturers and is a sought-after coach and communication artist. Furthermore, Ragnhild S. Nilsen is the author of several books, both fiction and non-fiction, that are sold worldwide. [...] Ragnhild S. Nilsen has served on the Board of the Norwegian Strømme Foundation, and has developed humanitarian projects worldwide, from East-Timor to Africa and South-America. She is founder of Global Fair Trade and member on the board. [read more] |
BETH FISHER-YOSHIDA Beth Fisher-Yoshida is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. Beth Fisher-Yoshida is the Academic Director of the Master of Science Program in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at the School of Continuing Education at Columbia University, New York. She received her Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems and M.A. in Organizational Development from Fielding Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. She graduated with honors when she received her M.A. from Teachers College, Columbia University. She also received both a B.A. and a B.S. from Buffalo State College. [read more] |
VICTORIA C. FONTAN Victoria Christine Fontan is a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team. She is furthermore the former Co-Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS). Victoria is an analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the international affairs industry, specifically higher education. She has diverse experience in Nonprofit Organizations, Scientific Capacity Co-operation, Peace and Conflict Studies, Intercultural Communication, Politics, and Political Science. Currently working on the professionalization of the humanitarian sector. [read more] |
HANS KOLSTAD Hans Kolstad is Associated Researcher at INCEVIDA. He is specialized in European continental philosophy. He has a French D.E.A.-degree in Philosophy from University of Strasbourg and is Doctor of Philosophy (dr.philos.) from University of Oslo. His main interest is the study of philosophical analysis and its application to the theories of knowledge and education in order to establish new methods and models of understanding. [read more] |
JAMES ALEXANDER ARNFINSEN James Alexander Arnfinsen grew up in Oslo with a Norwegian father and English mother. Since 2005 he has studied and lived in Trondheim, Norway. He has a teacher education from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and additional training in dialogue facilitation and conflict mediation. Today he works as a mediator through the Norwegian Mediation and Reconciliation Service. [read more] |
JOHANNES BAKKER Dr. Johannes I. (Hans) Bakker has been a Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Guelph for thirty-two years. He retired September 1, 2012 in order to write and travel. He is the author of Toward A Just Civilization (1993) and has edited The World Food Crisis (1990), Gandhi and the Gita (1993) and Sustainability and International Rural Development (1995), as well as 47 articles in refereed journals and books. [read more] |
MECHTHILD NAGEL Mechthild Nagel is professor of philosophy, Director of the Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies (CGIS) at the State University of New York, College at Cortland. Dr. Nagel is also a visiting professor at Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany. She is author of seven books... Dr. Nagel is founder and editor-in-chief of the online feminist journal Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies ( [read more] |
NANCY PROVOLT Nancy Provolt is currently an online course creator and instructor for universities across the United States. Nancy earned an M.A and was awarded for academic excellence in Women and Gender Studies from Eastern Michigan University, USA, as well as earning Certificates in Nonprofit Management and Entrepreneurship. [read more] |
Dr. Brian D’Agostino is an interdisciplinary social scientist, educator, author, and speaker, with publications and other professional qualifications that span psychology, mathematics, political-economy, and public policy. He is a researcher and consultant and holds a Ph.D. and two other degrees from Columbia University. [read more] | |
RAINER ROSENZWEIG is a perception scientist and lecturer at the Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg (Technische Hochschule Nürnberg)... He was born in Nuremberg in 1968, studied mathematics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, where he received his diploma in 1995. He earned his doctorate in perceptual psychophysics at the University of Wuerzburg in 2003. From 1999 - 2000 he was managing director of the Humanist Association of Bavaria (HVD Bayern, then HVD Nuremberg) and 2000 - 2003 assistant of the management at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. [read more] Picture by Evelin Frerk. |
ZAYNAB BERNOUSSI Dr. Zaynab El Bernoussi ("Z") is an assistant professor of international studies at the International University of Rabat, Morocco, and a member of the Hillary Clinton Center for Women's Empowerment (HCC). She holds a PhD in political and social Sciences from the Université Catholique de Louvain. ... She is now working on the constitutional process of post-Arab Spring Tunisia, on global understandings of dignity and development paradigms, and on Sino-Arab relations. [read more] |
ZEHLIA BABACI-WILHITE Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team. Dr. Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite is a multi-lingual educator and researcher with a Doctorate in Education and Development from the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. Her research interests include Language and Rights in Education, Development Aid and African Higher Education. Her dissertation explores the consequences of linguistic choices for quality education as a right in education. [read more] |
HEIDRUN SØLNA OVERBY Heidrun Sølna Øverby is a Norwegian drama educator, writer and facilitator/director. She has an MA in theatre/drama from NTNU, Trondheim, Norway where she wrote the following thesis: “Theatre as a method to communicate climatic awareness in rural areas. A study for the RASPAP project in South Africa,” where she did an Internship with a South African NGO. She is currently working as a museum educator at MiA, the museums in Akershus. [read more] |
JOY DUMSILE NDWANDWE oy Dumsile Ndwandwe is an indigenous prophet, writer, facilitator, researcher, and public speaker with municipal working experience in Eswatini (former Swaziland), Zambia, and South Africa. She is a member of the World Dignity University, as the Founding President of the Indigenous Knowledge Hub in Eswatini... In 2024, Joy has been nominated and appointed Dean of the Royal Faculty on Historical Legacy with the University of the State of African Diaspora. [read more] |
CANDICE MAMA Candice Nompumelelo Mama started her work in forgiveness, reconciliation and trauma after her story of forgiving apartheid assassin and her father’s murderer, Eugene De Kock, made international news. Having been inundated with requests to show people how she did it, she started travelling the world as a peace ambassador and forgiveness activist. Candice has spoken at The Global Leadership Summit, The UN Femprow Initiative, as well as multinational organisations and leading universities. [read more] |
BATHABILE K.S. MTHOMBENI Bathabile K.S. Mthombeni, J.D., founder and owner of Untangled Resolutions: The Problem Is the Answer in New York City, NY, USA, is a seasoned mediator, negotiator, educator, entrepreneur and online radio talk show host. A cum laude graduate of Princeton University, she earned her law degree from Columbia University. She has been mediating for nine years. [read more] |
SUSAN WILDING Susan Wilding is a South African Citizen who has over a decade experience in human rights in both government and civil society. Susan works at the international policy level, mostly engaging with the United Nations Human Rights Council and its mechanisms. Susan also works with the humanitarian sector, development and private sector with the aim of bringing human rights to the forefront of critical global discussions and ensuring citizens participation in policy making. [read more] |
OLAV OFSTAD Olav Ofstad is an independent researcher and consultant in the field of conflict management, humanitarian assistance and development. A lawyer by background, he has been a public prosecutor, deputy judge, senior partner in a private law firm and a lecturer. Ofstad shifted to the humanitarian field in 1992, working as a diplomat at Norwegian embassies in Pakistan and India with responsibility for development aid programmes and later with UNHCR in Bosnia and the Norwegian Refugee Council in Serbia. [read more] |
KHALED FATTAH Dr. Khaled Fattah is a guest lecturer at Lund University in Sweden. In addition to a number of post graduate studies in the fields of intercultural communication, cultural psychology and development studies, Dr. Fattah holds a PhD in international relations from the University of St Andrews in the UK. He has worked as a lecturer and trainer for the Netherlands Royal Tropical Institute, and as a lead researcher, senior consultant and regional expert for the German international development cooperation sector, the EU and UN organizations in the Middle East. [read more] |
TIMOTHEE NGAKOUTOU Timothée Ngakoutou is also is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. was born in Sibut (Central-africa Republic) and is a national of Chad. [...] He has been the Secretary General of the African Association of Psychology, as well as the Regional Adviser for Social and Human Sciences in Africa, and Head of the Regional Office of Unesco in Africa, in Dakar. He has also been Head of the Democracy and Governance Section at Unesco in Paris, and the Director of the Division of Social Sciences, Research and Policy at Unesco in Paris. [read more] |
SAMIR SANAD BASTA (4th August 1943 – 2023, but always with us in our hearts!) |
MICHAEL MALUAL DUT Michael Malual is the holder of two Master’s degrees in the closely related fields of International Relations and Conflict, Peace & Security studies. He has also a Commonwealth Executive Master of Business Administration as his third Master’s degree. He is a career diplomat with the rank of Minister Plenipotentiary and a Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan in Oslo, Norway. He is aspiring to work on a PhD in Peace Studies. [read more] |
DANIEL L. SHAPIRO Daniel L. Shapiro, Ph.D., is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, and Senior Advisor of the Public Policy project. He is the Associate Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project at Harvard Law School. He is on the faculty of Harvard Law School and Harvard Medical School's Department of Psychiatry. Trained in clinical psychology, his research and teaching focus primarily on the role of emotions in negotiation and international conflict management. Dan is teaching a course on Negotiation: Dealing with Emotions at Harvard Law School. [read more] |
KAREN MURPHY Karen Murphy is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. Karen Murphy gained her Ph.D. in the Program in American Studies at the University of Minnesota in 1996. Since 1997, Karen has worked for Facing History and Ourselves, an international educational NGO. She is the Director of International Programs for Facing History. [read more] |
EDWARD J. EMERY Edward J. Emergy is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and HumanDHS Research Team. He is the Chief Representative to the United Nations for World Information Transfer, an international NGO in Genral Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council at the UN. He is also a Senior Partner with Ethical Futures and a psychoanalyst in private practice. Dr. Emery has lectured and taught internationally. [read more] |
AMY C. HUDNALL Amy C. Hudnall is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, and Co-Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS). She is furthermore HumanDHS's representative to the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS). Amy is a Lecturer in the History and Women's Studies Departments at Appalachian State University and a Research Assistant Professor at the Institute of Rural Health, Idaho State University. Amy Hudnall is teaching an interdisciplinary course on the development of warfare and peacemaking and preparing an interdisciplinary course on genocide that will have a heavy focus on psychology. [read more] |
TONY JENKINS Tony Jenkins is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team. He is the Coordinator as well as Director of Administration and Research at the Peace Education Center of Teachers College, Columbia University and the General Coordinator of the International Institutes on Peace Education (IIPE), planning and coordinating institutes in the Manila, Seoul, and Istanbul and in 2005, Rhodes, Greece. His current work focuses on pedagogical research and educational design with emphasis on disarmament, gender and human rights education. [read more] |
JUDIT RÉVÉSZ Judit Révész is also a Member in the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, the HumanDHS Global Core Team and the Global Coordinating Team. She generously donates her free time, since 2003, to handle all the messages sent to our website through our Contact Us page. Judit is the Ombudsperson at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva since 2019. From 2016 until 2019 she was at Barnard College as ombuds officer, following many years as a Consultant Case Officer at the United Nations Office of the Ombudsman for Funds & Programmes (UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS), providing services for those whose want to resolve their workplace related conflict within the informal conflict resolution system. [read more] |
RAJESH DIXIT Professor Dr. Rajesh Dixit was part of the team that hosted the 2017 Dignity Conference in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. He is a poet, author, thinker, and orator. He is the Vice Chancellor (President in the U.S.A.) of the Renaissance University in Indore, state of Madhya Pradesh, Central India. Prior to that he was the principal of the Renaissance College in Indore. He has earned his doctorate from Vikhram University of Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. His doctorate was written in Hindi, on Dr. Dharmvir Bharti, who was a great poet and novelist (Dr. Dharmvir Bharti ke Sahitya ka Samagra Anushilan). [read more] |
AMITA NEERAV Dr. Amita Neerav is a writer and thinker, currently working on a novel on a mythological character of India called Madhvi. She has written many poems that were broadcasted by Akashvani Indore. Her stories are being published in national and internationl magazines. She earned her doctorate in political science from Vikhram University of Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. Her thesis was a comparative analysis of the political thoughts of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. She has a Master of Arts in Economics, a Master of Arts in Political Science, and a Master of Philosophy in Political Science. She received a silver medal for her Master of Arts in Political Science. [read more] |
ABHISHEK KUMAR JAIN Abhishek is currently an Assistant Professor of Management and Programme Leader at School of Law, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal, India. He started his career in the domain of Training & Development and served in both the Service and Manufacturing Sector. [read more] |
ONGMU TSHERING Ongmu kindly wrote (21st November 2017): I am a Tibetan by origin, born and brought up in a small town called Darjeeling in West Bengal, India. Married to my college mate Praveen, who hails from Kerala, south of India, we are blessed with a 7 year old boy, Joshua. I have my Masters in dispute resolution from the University of Missouri, Columbia, U.S.A., and I am a certified mediator under Rule 17 of the Missouri Supreme Court – 2005. I currently work as a corporate lawyer in a law firm in Mumbai, India. I speak Tibetan, English, Hindi and Nepali languages. [read more] |
ADRIAN MILLAR For most of the past 13 years, Adrian Millar has been a stay-at-home father. Yet, he has also somehow found time to write two works of non-fiction and two novels. In the former category is Socio-ideological Fantasy and the Northern Ireland Conflict: the Other side, which was published by Manchester University Press in 2006 as part of their New Approaches to Conflict Analysis series. Now comes The Quiet Life, a plot-driven novel that tells the story of a brother and sister growing up in the political conflict in Northern Ireland, and the trials they have to go through to be true to themselves. [read more] |
ELLEN RAIDER Ellen Raider is a recognized authority in the field of conflict resolution, negotiation, and mediation training. Her work has been cited in numerous publications, and she has been a leading advocate for increasing awareness of the impact of culture on the conflict resolution process. Since 1978, she has taught international negotiation skills to thousands of corporate executives and diplomats in the United States and abroad. Her clients have included the United Nations, the European Economic Community, IBM, AT&T, General Electric, and Schering International. [read more] |
DUKE DUCHSCHERER Duke Duchscherer is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team. Duke Duchscherer is a Certified Trainer with the International Center for Nonviolent Communication and is on the Board of Directors for the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. For the past 17 years Duke has taught and facilitated peacebuilding and reconciliation processes with a depth and breadth of peoples and groups from the grassroots to the United Nations on four continents. [read more] |
NOAM EBNER Born in the US and residing in Israel, Noam is an attorney and an accomplished mediator. Directing a Jerusalem-based mediation center, he has dealt with hundreds of conflicts as a third party neutral or advisor. Settling day-to-day conflicts in a conflictual locale, Noam has dealt with issues ranging from divorce mediation and business disputes to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. [read more] |
YOAV PECK Yoav Peck, a native of New York City, earned his BA at Berkeley and shortly thereafter traveled to Israel as a tourist. He fell in love with the country and chose to make Israel his home in 1973. Yoav lived, for fifteen years, as a member of Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi in the Upper Galilee, where he worked in agriculture, child-care, and as a psychotherapist and organizational consultant for the kibbutz movement. [read more] |
AVI SHAHAF Avi Shahaf is an organizational consultant whose expertise is helping organizaions to advance the value of human dignity in their daily lives. He was born (1951) and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel, and completed his BA in Sociology and Anthropology and his MA in Organizational Development — both in Tel Aviv University. For seven years, Avi managed an institute which focused on the development of managers and workers handling youth at risk. [read more] |
NIRA SHAHAF Nira Shahaf was born in Tel Aviv in 1956. Since early childhood it was clear that dance is her way to express herself. She was a member in two Israeli dance groups and taught dance in her own private school. She has B.A in Theater and Education from Tel Aviv University and M.A in Education and Dance therapy from Haifa University. She has also diplomas in psychotherapy in a psychoanalytic approach and in CBT (Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy). She integrates in her work the PE (Prolonged Exposure) approach that was developed by professor Edna Foa. During 15 years she worked in three big hospitals with adolescents who suffered from psychiatric problems, eating disorders and post trauma. She is teaching and training students and she is a supervisor in the Israel educational system. She has a private clinic. [read more] |
PRANJALI SINGH PARIHAR Pranjali Singh Parihar is a kathak dancer and student. [read more] |
ALMIRA HADŽIĆ–TIMKOV Almira Hadžić–Timkov has studied international economy at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and works as general manager of an insurance company in Sarajevo. She is interested in broadcast journalism, field and studio reporting, writing stories, news research and production, and confirming sources. She loves developing creative story ideas based on research of freedom of expression and freedom of press in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and on the impact of international treaties that guarantee freedom of expression as a fundamental human right necessary for democracy. [read more] |
BUJAR TAHO Bujar (Jari) Taho holds a Jurist degree from the University of Tirana (Albania) as well as an LL.M degree in International and Comparative Law from the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), where he studied as a Fulbright scholar. During 2003 – 2005, Taho was a United Nations Volunteer and worked as a training expert and local team leader on strategic planning, local development and good governance. [read more] |
HELEN CREWE Helen Crewe has founded a research network called Research for Women in Prison, and is a member of the International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence. Helen is currently a consultant, writer, trainer and researcher about issues relating to women in criminal justice systems. Helen has worked for over 20 years in policy and education. [read more] |
GEORGE W. WOODS George Woods, M.D., is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry. He is also a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Woods has been recognized nationally for his clinical work in chemical dependency, consultation-liaison (study of the relationship between physical disorders and mental disorders), and sleep disorders. [read more] |
HENRY LOUIS TAYLOR, JR. Henry Taylor is Professor at the Department of Urban, and Regional Planning Director at the Center for Urban Studies School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York... The Center for Urban Studies (CENTER) was founded by Professor Henry Louis Taylor, Jr. to popularize public service at UB and to facilitate the university’s transition from a detached Ivory tower to a democratic cosmopolitan civically engaged university. [read more] |
DAVID BALOSA David Balosa is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team. David wrote (on 30th September 2013:) I am an Angolan-American Scholar whose research interests include language domination, Spanish in the US, political discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, interculturality, critical intercultural communication theories, postcolonial theories, and moral, social, and political philosophy. I am a retired High School teacher of French and Spanish from the School district of Philadelphia since 2013. [read more] |
SEIF SEKALALA Seif Sekalala is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team. Seif shared with us his background on 11th November 2014: "I was born in Uganda, East Africa, and came to the United States to pursue higher education (among other reasons) after high school in 2004; I have family spread out over 3 continents, and I love interacting with people from all over the globe. [read more] |
NOHA TAREK Noha Tarek wrote on 23rd May 2018: I am Noha Tarek, presently working as a researcher in the National Center for Social and Criminological Research in Cairo, Egypt. I hold a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in political science, and my Master's thesis was about Change in Egyptian Political Culture and January 2011 Revolution: A Field Study of Egyptian Youth. [read more] |
SPES MANIRAKIZA Spes Manirakiza is a leading expert on community-based approaches to peacebuilding, women’s empowerment and leadership, with 17 years of experience with international non-governmental organizations. Originally from Burundi, Spes has been involved in peacemaking for nearly her entire professional life. [read more] |
MUSTAFA KIRISCI Mustafa Kirisci is a Research Analyst at Pennsylvania Partnership for Children. His research interests are civil conflict, terrorism, international conflict, conflict management and the effect of humiliation on conflict dynamics. His papers appear in Government and Opposition, Critical Studies on Terrorism, Terrorism and Political Violence, International Negotiation. He is currently working as a research analyst for Pennsylvania Partnership for Children that dedicates its works to promote child development, welfare and education. [read more] |
RAMBABU TALLURI Rambabu Talluri is Bachelor of philosophy (religious studies), Bachelor of Arts, Master of Social Work (Specialized in Youth Development), Master of Law (LLB and LLM), legal and social researcher (qualitative and quantitative), human rights defender and fundraiser for a range of nonprofit organizations. He is an authorized facilitator for the Stewards of Children Training program by Darkness to Light for Beau Biden Foundation. He is a research fellow for the Environmental Constitutionalism for Asian Pacific. [read more] |
GREG JEMSEK Gregory J. Jemsek, M.A., is a Narrative Therapist and Leadership Consultant based in Ashland, Oregon, USA. He has worked internationally with Community Leadership organizations since 1986, including LISA, Leadership Plus, and the American Leadership Forum, providing Leadership development workshops and individual coaching to program participants. Greg has also worked as a Medical Educator, a University Lecturer, and an Organizational Consultant. Greg earned his Master's Degree in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University in California, where he began his pursuit of a lifelong interest in the abuses of power that take place in ideological organizations, both secular and religious. [read more] |
ANNETTE A. ENGLER Annette Anderson-Engler, Ph.D., is a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, the HumanDHS Education Team, our HumanDHS Research Team, and our Global Coordinating Team. Annette earned her doctorate in 2008 at Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco, California. Her research focused on secondary trauma and displaced identity in daughters of U.S. Vietnam War veterans. She specialized in using narrative analysis as a method of inquiry by examining how daughters of war-traumatized veterans use narratives to construct social and personal meaning to their lived experiences. [read more] |
RITA ANITA LINGER Dr. Rita Anita Linger is a Human Scientist, Integrative Health Practitioner and the CEO of SERA, Inc. in Raleigh, North Carolina, a capacity building and public health organization which strives to enhance the quality of life for families, youth, women, men and seniors in all aspects of life from health and wellness to financial empowerment and sustainability. The organization primarily serves minority and low wealth communities. [read more] |
CAROLINE AMOLLO Caroline Anne Amollo is also a Member in our HumanDHS Global Research Team. Caroline Anne Amollo is a believer in Social Justice, currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Conflict Resolution at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, with a goal of acquiring knowledge and skills needed to become a part of global change through globalization and egalization by influencing policies that impact developing country communities in order to eradicate poverty and enhance human development without disrupting human dignity. [read more] |
DANA COMSTOCK In 2007, Dr. Dana Comstock has been named Chair of the Department of Counseling and Human Services. Dr. Comstock has served St. Mary's University for 15 years. She served as Program Director for 11 of those years, and is editor of Diversity and Development: Critical Contexts that Shape Our Lives and Relationships. [read more] |
SUSAN REYNOLDS PYNCHON Please see Susan Reynolds Pynchon's dissertation Resisting Humiliation in Schooling: Narratives and Counter-Narratives, at the University of Washington Library. [read more] |
HAYÂL (ÖZIŞIKLIOĞLU) KÖKSAL Hayal Köksal, Ph.D., is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. Dr. Köksal was born in Balikesir, Turkey in 1956. She graduated from Izmir Teachers' Training College in 1976 and Educational Faculty of Marmara University in 1985. She received her MA in English Language Teaching from Gaziantep University in 1992, and her Ph.D. in Educational Sciences in 1997 from the same institution. She is a teacher-trainer in pre- and in-service education. She is an author of 15 books about educational issues. Her last book Çekirdekten Yetiştirme (Catch Kids Young) was published by Dignity Press in 2014. [read more] |
KEMAL TARUC Kemal Taruc was born in 1952, and is a native Javanese living in Indonesia. Professionally, he was an ASEAN Fulbright Scholar, International LEAD Fellow, 21st Century Trust Fellow, is the President-emeritus of the Indonesian Association of Planners, founder of the urban and regional chapter of the Indonesian Association of Engineers, and he is a senior advisor on the board of several Indonesian local NGOs. [read more] |
MIRAJ U. DESAI (August 14, 1982 – November 2023, but always with us in our hearts!) |
SUSMITA THUKRAL Susmita is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and the HumanDHS Research Team. Susmita is from New Delhi, India. She has a Masters in Psychology and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Susmita has extensive research experience and has worked on an interdisciplinary research project on the lives of individuals who witnessed the partition of India and the violence that it entailed. [read more] |
CRAIG DORSI Craig Dorsi is is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team. Craig is a teacher who has taught social studies, sociology and psychology, in New York. He aspires to create a life geared toward the greater good. He has completed an MA in History and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, where he studied the foundations and history of education and society. [read more] |
LUIS MUÑOZ OLIVEIRA Luis Muñoz Oliveira was born in México City, and is a Professor at Mexico's national university, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), at the Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe. He studies dignity, humiliation, justice, and discrimination. He teaches ethics for undergrads and different seminars for grad students. [read more] |
ROSARIO TORRES-GUEVARA Rosario Torres-Guevara is from Mexico. She earned her BA in Applied Linguistics with a concentration in Didactics from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. She earned her MA in TESOL/Linguistics from Teachers College, Columbia University, where she also completed her EdD in International Educational Development with a concentration in Bilingual/Intercultural Education. [read more] |
STEPHANIE TICE Stephanie Tice (formerly Heuer) is also a Member in the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and Global Coordinating Team. Stephanie is currently a College and Career Adviser at Gunderson High school, and a public speaker on bullying and modifying teen behavior through consequential education methodologies. She is graduate of Notre Dame de Namur University, studying Human Services and counseling. Her current position also allows her to work directly with troubled and challenged youths, by introducing them to techniques to avoid loss of dignity through positive intervention and behavioral support. [read more] |
KATHLEEN FREIS Kathleen Freis is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team. Kathleen is the Manager of Group Offerings for Synergos, an organization that helps bring global philanthropists together to deepen their knowledge and commitment to social justice philanthropy. Kathleen is responsible for designing, facilitating and evaluating educational and reflective meetings, events, retreats, and workshops including overseas site visits that expose individuals to humanitarian fieldwork. [read more] |
CHRISTOPHER SANTEE Christopher Santee is also a Member in our HumanDHS Global Core Team, and Project Associate of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS). He is currently studying and residing in San José, Costa Rica. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on Peace Studies from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, USA in 2005. Christopher has been working and interning at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica since February, 2005. He hopes to enroll in a masters degree program in a yet-to-be determined institution for Sustainable Development, Peace Studies or International Relations with a focus on Latin America. [read more] |
KATHRYN CRAWFORD Kathryn Crawford is currently working with the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR) at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. [read more] |
Nora Femenia (Ph.D.) is also a Member in the Global Core Team. Nora is a Professor of Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building at the Labor Center in Florida International University, where she teaches courses in conflict management, cross-cultural communication, and organizational conflict systems design, both in English and Spanish. She has done extensive research and writing on the resolution of the Falklands-Malvinas conflict, exploring the emotional roots of war-prone governmental decision-making. [read more] |
OLGA BOTCHAROVA Olga Botcharova is a conflict resolution expert who has designed and conducted numerous workshops on conflict resolution and reconciliation (community, ethnic, interpersonal, family), conflict management (organization/workplace) and cross-cultural communications. She has lectured and consulted in more than 20 countries, worldwide (...) and has led numerous seminars on victimhood-aggression dynamics in conflict escalation, and principles of peacemaking, for various groups, including political and business leaders, women's groups, peacemakers, and educators. [read more] |
OLGA R. PEREZ Olga R. Perez is a mediator in a not for profit program in New York that provides intensive therapy, social work and mediation services to adolescents and families where there is high risk of child placement (due to behavioral problems) or where the child is transitioning from placement back into the family setting. There are often issues of abuse and neglect. In addition to individual work with the families, the agency develops different support groups or workshops intended to strengthen the family relationships and the therapeutic treatment. [read more] |
NOOR AKBAR Noor Akbar is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and HumanDHS Research Team. He is a native of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and has earlier worked as a free lance journalist. He has a Master's degree in Journalism & Mass Communication from the University of Peshawar and is then did his Master's degree in Political Science from the same university. The title of his project in the HumanDHS's Research Agenda was Terrorism and Humiliation: To Show Empirically that Humiliation Is one of the Root Causes of Terrorism. [read more] |
GULNAZ ANJUM Dr. Gulnaz Anjum (Ph.D. Social Psychology) is an accomplished Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Oslo. With a robust academic background and extensive professional experience, Dr. Anjum has significantly contributed to the fields of Social Psychology, Cultural and Community Psychology, the Psychology of Peacebuilding and Extremism, Climate Psychology, and Gender Inequality. [read more] |
CORINNA CARMEN GAYER Corinna Carmen Gayer is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team. Corinna is a PhD-student in peace- and conflict studies at the Freie Universität in Berlin. She finished her masters thesis entitled Of Irreconcilable Nature? Biodiversity Conservation and Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Brazil at the Department for Social Sciences at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. [read more] |
SOPHIE SCHAARSCHMIDT Sophie Schaarschmidt is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team. She was born nearby Dresden, Germany, 27 years ago. She has lived and studied in several countries, including Great Britain, Netherlands and Malta. She is a doctorate student of psychology working at the "FernUniversität" in Hagen, Germany (a distance learning university). [read more] |
MARÍA CRISTINA AZCONA María Cristina Azcona is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team. María studied at the Universidad del Salvador / University USAL in Argentina. She is an Educational Psychologist (Psicopedagoga, which means Educational Psychologist or Psycho Pedagogist). She also obtained the title of Family Counselor at the University of Navarra in Spain in 1999. María is a bilingual writer, editor and poetry critic in both English and Spanish working as a researcher in peace education through literature. [read more] |
PATRICIA FRIEDRICH Patricia Friedrich is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language Cultures and History at Arizona State University. She is the author of Language, Negotiation and Peace: The Role of English in Conflict Resolution (Continuum, 2007). She is also the guest co-editor of a special issue of the journal World Englishes about English in South America (2003) and several articles in journals such as Harvard Business Review, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, English Today, and Management Research. Besides Peace Linguistics. Dr. Friedrich's current research interests include Cross-Cultural Communication and topics in World Englishes. [read more] |
ANTHONY WERNER (22nd May 1939 – December 2022, but always with us in our hearts!) Anthony Werner, born in South Africa of Swedish parents, came to live in England in 1960. His publishing career began at Oxford University Press. In 1973 he joined Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd, a new publisher and in 1979 became the owner of the business. The emphasis of the books published has been twofold: First to explore what it means to be a human being, our ‘Love of Wisdom’ list, at the heart of which are The Letters of Marsilio Ficino, the 15th century priest/philosopher whose Platonic Academy inspired many of the figures of the Florentine Renaissance. Second our ‘Ethical Economics’ list which explores how our present unstable and unjust society can move to a more stable and just society. [read more] |
DONNA FUJIMOTO Donna Fujimoto is Associate Professor at Osaka Jogakuin College in Osaka, Japan where she teaches English as a Foreign Language, Intercultural Communication and Human Rights courses. She was born in the U.S. and has lived in Japan for over 26 years, and this experience prompted her to organize a study group of other long-term Nikkei residents of Japan (Nikkei means people of Japanese heritage). [read more] |
DARRELL MOEN Darrell Moen kindly sent us the following introduction on 9th May 2015: Hello! My name is Darrell Moen. If you're interested, I have a relatively short biographical essay you can read here. My mother was Japanese and my father Norwegian-American. I was born in Japan and lived (t)here until I was seven. Our family then moved to my father's home state of Wisconsin in the United States where I spent my formative years. My father worked most of his life as a mailman so my class background is working class. [read more] |
ATLE HETLAND Atle Hetland is also a member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team. Atle is a Norwegian citizen. He has since 1984 mostly worked outside his home country, including as a Norwegian diplomat, international civil servant and in other functions. He has set up home in Nairobi Kenya but has during the last several years spent most of his time in Pakistan, with visits to Afghanistan. He is a Mass Media Candidate (Volda), Fil. Kand. (Gothenburg), Cand. Mag. & Cand. Polit. (Oslo), Fil. Dr./Ph.D. studies (Stockholm/Oslo), with further research with affiliation to his old Scandinavian universities and the East-African Universities of Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi. [read more] |
RANDI GUNHILDSTAD Randi Gunhildstad is a singer and conductor, and is able to practice her theories both as a soloist and with a choir wich also has members from a national prison. She is self-employed and gives lectures and practical workshops based on theory, as for example, at the Høyskolen i Vestfold's conference "The 7th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference," 17. - 19. June 2013. [read more] |
KRISTIAN LAUBJERG Kristian Laubjerg was born in a remote rural region of Denmark in 1948. He was the head of the Middle East and North Africa desk in the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) until 2001. This post provided him with an opportunity to gain close insight into how the United Nations and its agencies work. He completed his time with UNICEF by serving as head of three countries in Central Africa. After his early retirement, he founded a health care agency in Senegal. [read more] |
CHRISTOPHER LAYER For the last 20 years, Christopher Layer has been working in New York City as a multi-instrumentalist, recording artist, and producer, specializing in woodwind instruments and bagpipes including the Irish Uilleann Pipes, Highland Bagpipes, Scottish Smallpipes, Bassoon and the six-key wooden or simple system concert flute. He is the founding director of The New Harmony Music Festival & School in New Harmony, Indiana, USA. [read more] |
ELIZABETH "LIBBY" TRAUBMAN Elizabeth "Libby" Traubman is a retired clinical social worker. In 1982, in response to the threat of global nuclear war, Mrs. Traubman was a founding member of the Beyond War Movement, now Foundation for Global Community. In 1991, she helped organize the Beyond War conference for Israeli and Palestinian citizen-leaders which resulted in a historic signed document, FRAMEWORK FOR A PUBLIC PEACE PROCESS. [read more] |
LIONEL "LEN" TRAUBMAN (08 August 1939 – 04 October 2019, but always with us in our hearts!) Lionel "Len" Traubman retired in 2000 from his practice of Dentistry for Children in San Francisco. He is a former Director of the San Francisco Dental Society, and was Editor of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and of the California Society of Dentistry for Children. He was regional alumni President of Alpha Omega Jewish dental fraternity, and received the 1998 Distingushed Alumnus Award of the University of California School of Dentistry, for whom he gave the 2006 Commencement Address. [read more] |
JENNIFER KIRBY Jennifer Kirby is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and HumanDHS Research Team. She graduated from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology. At the university she published her senior thesis on "The Nature of Holocaust Survivor Poetry: The Power of Poetic Expression." [read more] |
HARI BANSH JHA Hari Bansh Jha originates from Janakpur, a center for spiritual awakening all over the Indian sub-continent in ancient times. Jha is a Professor of Economics and Executive Director of Centre for Economic and Technical Studies in Nepal. He has to his credit more than two dozens of books, more than sixty research reports and about two-hundred-fifty papers and articles written on economic and social issues. [read more] |
NAVARAJ PUDASAINI Navaraj Pudasaini is a human rights lawyer by profession and a permanent resident of Kathmandu, Nepal. He completed his LL.M in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in 2006. He has devoted his professional career to work in the areas of human rights, rule of law, conflict resolution, and the transitional justice. [read more] |
BONNIE SELTERMAN Bonnie Selterman taught Human Communication and Culture at New York University in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development for 20 years, and was the recipient of the 2014 Teaching Excellence Award conferred by the NYU Steinhardt Undergraduate Student Government. [read more] |
JONI BAIRD Joni Baird is a writer and activist. Since 1997, she and her husband Bill Baird co-direct a non-profit women’s rights organization in New York. Both educate the public about birth control made legal through the U.S. Supreme Court case Baird v. Eisenstadt. [read more] |
BRANDON SCOTT Raised by artist-activists in the New York City area, Brandon has accumulated a wide array of experiences and skills. He has toured seemingly disparate cross-sections of the world, guided by an insatiable curiosity and valuing wisdom and understanding over ego-building and other acquisitive approaches to life. ... He is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces and holds a B.A. in Communication Studies, a B.S. in Psychology. [read more] |
RENÉE MONROSE Renée Monrose's interest is in women’s issues, violence against women and social justice. Since 2012, she has volunteered as a rape crisis advocate at Bellevue Hospital. Her most recently completed work is photography-based and focuses on portraits and women: Face to Face: Women in the Forefront of History, is an installation com- missioned by Union Theological Seminary in New York City. [read more] |
HARVEY NEWMAN Harvey Newman is the director of community outreach for Transformative Communities, a social enterprise creating dynamic open source websites, web communities and enterprise platforms for business and organizations. Harvey was ordained as an Interfaith Minister 1984 and was co-founder and first president of A.I.M. as well as chairman emeritus of A World Alliance of Interfaith Clergy. [read more] |
BRUNO VARELA Bruno Varela is providing solutions that assist in the reduction of consumption and carbon footprint in factories and residential buildings ("Smart Building" solutions) and is involved in bringing awareness to ocean issues (pollution, global warming, piracy) and he also assists in combating these issues with technology innovations (blockchain, IoT traceability, open source ERP). [read more] |
Ted Schulman holds a degree in Social Anthropology from Queens College and authored the best selling Web design book Photoshop Web Magic (1996). His broad perspective and collaborative approach to the development of interactive media, technology and community is based on engagements as an entrepreneur, corporate manager, consultant and producer/director. He has the credibility that only comes from deep experience with major engagements. [read more] | |
MARIA LUND Maria Lund is President and COO of First Sun EAP a national provider of employee assistance program services in South Carolina. Maria has over 30 years of experience working in the counseling and EAP fields. She has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and is a Certified and Licensed Employee Assistance Professional as well as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She is a leader in the EAP industry and has received rewards and recognition for her leadership from several EAP Associations. [read more] |
LYNDON F. HARRIS is a forgiveness teacher, coach, and inspirational speaker, offering keynotes for conferences around the world. But Lyndon came kicking and screaming to the work of forgiveness. As a former priest, he thought he had it all figured out. Until he had to do the hard work of forgiveness: forgiving others, forgiving himself, forgiving life. Beginning at the foot of the besieged South Tower of the World Trade Center on the morning of 9/11, and continuing beyond the reclaiming of the WTC site, Lyndon’s journey has had many highs and some devastating lows on his path to reclaim his life through the power of forgiveness. [read more] |
JEFFREY KAUFFMAN Jeffrey Kauffman is a psychotherapist who works in private practice with individual, family and group psychotherapy since 1985. Since 1984, he is the Founder/Director for the Care of Community Institutions, Inc. (CCCI). Through CCCI, extensive consultation and training services are provided to hospices, nursing homes, schools, emergency services, mental health and mental retardation agencies, clergy and congregations, funeral directors, hospital and other institutions. [read more] |
MARK SINGER Mark Singer is also a Member in the HumanDHS Global Core Coordinating Team. Mark is an ethicist, writer, and professor from the USA. He has taught communication at the college/university level for over 25 years. His memberships include the Center for Global Nonkilling and North American Kant Society. Seminal Ethics – Discovering Your Ethical Core is his latest work-in-progress - a book designed to educate others via a values clarification process that can greatly enhance identity-awareness. Singer maintains that such strengthening of one’s personal identity is the key to overcoming the deleterious effects of humiliation. [read more] |
BERIT BROGAARD Berit Brogaard is a Professor at University of Miami and Director of the Brogaard Lab for Multisensory Research. Prior to that, she was Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Missouri, Saint Louis, USA. She is the American editor of the international philosophy journal Erkenntnis. Before returning the States she held a 2-year research fellowship at the Centre for Consciousness at the Australian National University, where she worked on perception and the contents of consciousness. She has a background in neuroscience from University of Copenhagen. Her current research is located at the intersection of philosophy of mind and philosophical psychology. [read more] |
KERSTIN REIBOLD Kerstin is a PhD fellow at the Globalizing Minority Rights project of The Arctic University of Tromsø, Norway. She has studied philosophy, political science, and literature in Germany, England, and Norway. She also has a minor in educational studies and experience in planning and teaching courses at high schools and universities. [read more] |
ALVIN BENJAMIN COTA Alvin Benjamin Cota, is a History teacher, writer, and lecturer. He primarily works at the Secondary School level, but also conducts seminars for teachers on Native American History, Law, and The Indian Termination act, especially as it affected Oregon Indian tribes. Originally from the most Indian state of Arizona, he has always been politically active in both the Native and the Teacher/ Education communities. Most recently, he has presented a history of "Naming and Race, in the Hispanic and Indian Cultures', for the Oregon Council of the Social Studies. [read more] |
AMANDA SMITH BYRON Amanda Byron is a faculty member in the graduate program in Conflict Resolution at Portland State University, in Oregon, United States, where she teaches critical peace education and violence prevention. Her research interests include loving praxis as a pedagogy of change, storytelling as a means to engage students in democracy, creativity as a conflict resolution practice, and the exploration of how identity and culture influence conflict. [read more] |
MARTHA EDDY Martha Eddy, RSMT, CMA, Ed.D., is a movement therapist, exercise physiologist lecturer, author and international speaker. She is Honorary Adjunct Professor of BioBehavioral Sciences at Teachers College, Columbia University. In 2019, she joined the Marymount Manhattan College as Visiting Artist-in-Residence and was named the First Geraldine Ferraro Fellow on Social Justice and Movement as part of MMC’s Ferraro Institute for Breakthrough Civic Leadership. Eddy is the founder and director of the Center for Kinesthetic Education (CKE) in New York City and brings to the fields of health, wellness and education her strong belief in the power of movement and somatic – or body-mind-spirit awareness – to enhance lives and build connections within and across communities. She does this with a racial and cultural equity lens. [read more] |
TALIA SHAFIR Talia Shafir is a Psychophysical Therapist, Registered Somatic Movement Therapist/ Educator, and Clinical Hypnotherapist. She writes about herself here: "I'm a Dynamic Embodiment™ Somatic Movement Therapist & Educator, a Psycho-Physical Therapist who specializes in a body-centered, movement oriented approach to adult attachment issues, the developmental underpinnings of current life challenges, as well as acute and chronic trauma and post-traumatic stress. ..." [read more] |
BARBARA ROWEN SIVERTSEN Barbara Rowen Sivertsen was originally educated as a biochemist, and worked for years as a science teacher. Teaching science took her to countries caught up in in conflict (Nigeria right after the Biafran war, or Colombia) and she started wondering how teachers could contribute to a culture for peace. She transferred to peace work, later becoming director of the umbrella organization for Norwegian Peace NGOs – the Norwegian Peace Council. [read more] |
CAROL SMALDINO Carol Smaldino has a 30 year psychotherapy practice with individals, couples, families and has worked with groups, as well as previously, in residential treatment and in social service agencies. Her orientation is helping people, find where they are stuck and unable to feel the gifts of choice, dignity, and passion, including laughter, and compassion. [read more] |
JANICE GILLIGAN WHITE My name is Janice Gilligan White and I am a blogger for targets of workplace bullying. I experienced the horrific effects of this phenomenon and would lose my 16 year career in the aviation industry. I began The Empowered Employee as a way to spread awareness, knowledge, and resources available so others may be spared the damage to one’s health and spirit. I hold a BA in Psychology and am affiliated with both The Workplace Bullying Institute and End Workplace [read more] |
NORIKO ISHIHARA Noriko Ishihara, Ph.D., is Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Hosei University, Japan. She also teaches language teachers’ professional development courses at graduate programs in Japan and the U.S. She started as a researcher of linguistic politeness (pragmatics) and a teacher educator promoting its instruction, and is currently working to bridge respectful/peaceful language use and critical awareness in the language classroom and teacher development. [read more] |
JOÁM EVANS PIM Joám is part of the leadership team of the Center for Global Nonkilling and has as primary responsibility identifying, leading and/or overseeing research initiatives, including symposia, collection of critical data related to nonkilling, research committees and related activities. Joám followed graduate and undergraduate studies in Journalism, Anthropology and Politics. He was Professor of Media Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela and Director of the Arab and Islamic Studies Program at Menéndez Pelayo International University. He is also Founding President of the Galizan Institute for International Security and Peace Studies and Board member of the Brazilian Institute for Nonkilling. [read more] |
PETER BARUS As a nonviolent activist since 1958 (first antiwar demonstration, age 10), and a Conscientious Objector in 1968, in the late 1970s my commitment to nonviolence was severely challenged. After dealing with fear (with a lot of help), I adopted the view that I was the source of the violence, regardless of circumstance, and knew nothing about it. [read more] |
MUNA KILLINGBACK Muna Killingback looks back on many years of experience advocating for and writing about women's and human rights, peace, and social and economic justice. Before joining the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, she worked with the Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters at UMass Boston, she had previously served as Executive Director of the Cambridge-based nonprofit organization Theological Opportunities Program (now Women Explore). [read more] |
REBECCA TABACZYNSKI Rebecca Tabaczynski is the CFO for the American Council of International Studies, an education travel company. With a BS in Nursing from UMass Amherst, and an MA Counseling from Framingham State College, Rebecca had a successful career in nursing... Rebecca volunteered for Oxfam in the research department, and at Bikes Not Bombs. She attended the Leadership Summit for Kiva, a micro-lending organization, and visited Mexico to experience the impact of the loans. She is currently enrolled in Global Post Disaster Studies at UMass Boston. [read more] |
INGUNN NORDERVAL I'm born in Finnmark, Norway, and grew up in Møre and Romsdal. Started political science studies at the University of Oslo, but when I received a Fulbright scholarship to the United States, I left for the University of Washington, Seattle, where I eventually received my Ph.D., married an American fellow student, and raised four kids. I taught political science at various colleges and universities in the US and Canada. [read more] |
MONA MARIE FRANK Mona Frank has completed an Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in Social and Cultural Psychology at the University of Oslo. She was born in Munich, Germany, where she received her Bachelor’s degree at LMU in Munich in 2017 and she completed an internship as a school counsellor in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2016. [read more] |
ELLA NYGÅRD AUTTI Ella Autti is currently undertaking PhD research into shame and humiliation in healthcare work communities at the University of Lapland, Finland. She aims to pursue an understanding of the dialogues and systems that humiliate or cause shame in work settings. She holds a master's degree in social sciences and has a background in marketing and communications. Ella is filled with a desire to help healthcare organizations to have mutually respectful and dignified work cultures. [read more] |
BANGCHUN (CHUNCHUN) LIU Bangchun Liu is a visiting doctoral Ph.D student in Psychology Department at Clark University, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Joseph de Rivera. She comes from Psychology Department of Human Normal University, Changsha, China. Her thesis is the comprehensive introduction to peace psychology. She also is working on peace education in a middle school in Worcester, MA. She received her master degree on second language acquisition in the Capital Normal University, Beijing, China, with Prof. Qiqi as her supervisor. She is now interested in peace education and writing a conflict resolution education in Chinese context. [read more] |
ABIGAIL GREEN Abigail M. Green is a Master of Arts in Global Inclusion and Social Development from the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her concentration was in Human Rights with an emphasis on global and domestic mental health issues and her capstone topic was The Preservation of Human Rights & Dignity for Those Suffering from Mental Illness. Abigail’s undergraduate work was in Writing, Literature, and Publishing at Emerson College. Her work aims to promote human rights and dignity related to mental illness and mental health and she hopes to work internationally to preserve and protect these inherent rights. [read more] |
TAKIS IOANNIDES Dr. Panagiotis (Takis) D. Ioannides was born in Athens οn 15th April 1955 to Dimitrios-Demosthenes Ioannides and Melpomeni Zagli-Ioannidou. Takis has 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Panagiotis Ioannides has worked as an executive at IBM Hellas SA and at EF Hutton sa, while at the same time being a poet, a painter, and an educator of martial arts. His poetic work has been published in Greece as well as in foreign press and has been recited on radio (ERA FM, Sky FM, Athens 984 FM, Thessaloniki FM etc.) over many years. [read more] |
TIJANA MILOSEVIC Tijana Milosevic is a Belgrade-based freelance writer. Before returning to Serbia, Tijana received an MA degree from the School of Media and Public Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and worked with various public diplomacy and international communications organizations in Washington. She lectured in media psychology and media research at Singidunum University for Media and Communications in Belgrade. Tijana was trained with the Radio Free Europe in Washington and BBC World in London. She is also the recipient of the Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Award and numerous Open Society Institute scholarships. Tijana is reachable at: tijana.milosevic[@] [read more] |
MARIANA I. VERGARA Mariana Ines Vergara is also a Member in the HumanDHS Core Team. Over 15 years ago, Mariana Vergara began her search of looking for answers to the complex situations in the American public school system. Mariana Vergara works with Dr. Edmund W. Gordon on issues related to the education of economically disadvantaged and immigrant populations. They were drawn together because of their mutual interest in supplementary education and its relevance for the pursuit of academic excellence. She is an educator who specializes in educational program and family development in immigrant and low income families. [read more] |
CLAUDIA ARCOS DUARTE Claudia Arcos Duarte was born in Santiago de Chile. Her family was forced into exile in 1974, after dictator Augusto Pinochet had come to power in 1973. First, her family went to Argentina, for three years, then the coup in Argentina forced the family to seek refuge in Germany. Claudia grew up in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. She stayed there for nine years, later returning to Germany several times for her education. Like many young Chileans, who could have stayed in exile, at some point, she decided to return to Chile, this was in September 1984, to help resist the dictatorship. [read more] |
GABRIELA SAAB Gabriela Rodrigues Saab Rivo is also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors and of the HumanDHS Research Team. Gabriela Saab has earned her PhD from the University of São Paulo. She holds two Masters in Public International Law and Human Rights (from the University of Sao Paulo and from the Université Catholique de Louvain). Her studies focus on human rights, environmental protection, and armed conflicts. She graduated from the University of São Paulo with a Bachelor's Degree in Law and has completed the Sciences Po International Program in Paris, where she studied sustainable development policies. At that university she also published her theses on "The Treatment of Child Soldiers in International Law” and on “The Right to Water as a Human Right”. [read more] |
JAVIER COLLADO Javier Collado has as project life the resilience of knowledge, in order to create new world-society horizon with transcultural, transpolitical and transnational approach. "There are not sense political borders and frontiers in the mother Earth-Land where Internet will connect civil society this century for a new stage of human being". World need "worldlists" and they gotta have a transdisciplinary, multireferential and polylogic vision approach. In this sense, he is working as Director of Edition at Global Education Magazine trying to raise awareness about global problems of humanity. [read more] |
NAYARA MENDES Nayara Mendez is a student of Social Work at the Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil. She is responsible for the blog City of Estrutural (Portal Cidade Estrutural), where she gets the opportunity to talk about the history of her city through postings on "Memory of the city of Estrutural" (Memória Estrutural), while keeping the local and the Brazilian Federal District populations informed about everything that happens there in real time. She also works with the project Hands of Ester (Mãos de Ester), which has been developed by the Associtation Hands That Create (Mãos Que Criam), also in the city of Estrutural. Nayara has participated in political training courses, and is active in social movements, especially those aimed at Brazilian youth. [read more] |
STEVE SUNDBERG Steve Sundberg is the author of Street Logic, a novel about homelessness in the United States. He graduated from Emory University, where in his senior year, as president of the Beta Alhpa Psi international honors business fraternity, he realized that the path of business did not contain the heart and passion that he wanted. [read more] |
JENNIFER K. LYNNE Jennifer is the founder and director of thecontactproject, an organization utilizing the science of complex systems, identity theory, and contemplative practices to collaborate with individuals, communities, and organizations in cultivating the capacities for listening, patience, and respect for conflict transformation. She developed The Engaged Identity theory and process while studying Buddhist Psychology and Peace at Naropa University. [read more] |
NICHOLAS CARL MARTIN Nick is a also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team. Nick is currently a visiting fellow at the United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE) campus in Costa Rica. He also serves as Deputy Director of UPEACE/US, a foundation created in the U.S. for charitable purposes and dedicated exclusively to the advancement of educational peace initiatives and programs established by the United Nations University for Peace. [read more] |