Video-taped Dialogues on Dignity



We often use #dignism when we upload videos on YouTube
See Evelin Lindner's channel, and Gaby Saab's WDUi channel

Luis Razeto Migliaro

• 01
Luis Razeto: Solidarity Economics and a New Civilization (Español/English)
This video is bilingual (Español/English). It was created with Luis Razeto Migliaro, the "father" of Solidarity Economics, Howard Richards, and Evelin Lindner, by Gabriel Razeto Barry, in Liray near Santiago, Chile, 14th April 2012.
See,, or
Luis Razeto writes (15th April 2012): Te mando algunos textos míos que han sido traducidos al inglés y otros al alemán, que están en mi sitio web personal. Están a disposición para que los usen del modo que deseen. Estos son los links:
- What Is Solidarity Economics?
- An Alternative Analysis of Current Global Economic Crisis and the Way to Overcome It
- Solidarwirtschaft: Begriff, Realität und Projekt
- Wirtschaftsorganisationen Der Basis - Eine Strategie angesichts der Krise

• 02 Luis Razeto & Evelin Lindner: ?Podemos Ser Optimistas ante las Amenazas de la Crisis Global? / Can We Be Optimistic About the Threats of the Global Crisis? (Español/English)
This video is bilingual (Español/English) was created with Luis Razeto Migliaro, Evelin Lindner and Howard Richards in Chile, in Howard Richards' Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile, on 29th April 2012. The recording was done by Gabriel Razeto Barry.
Español: ?Podemos Ser Optimistas ante las Amenazas de la Crisis Global? Evelin Lindner responde esta pregunta - que le formula Luis Razeto Migliaro -, desde su experiencia personal y en base a su vision del ser humano y del mundo contemporaneo.
English: Can We Be Optimistic About the Threats of the Global Crisis? Evelin Lindner answers this question posed by Luis Razeto Migliaro by referring to her personal experience and to her vision of human nature and the contemporary world.

• 03 Luis Razeto & Evelin Lindner: Sabiduria Popular y Ciencias Avanzadas / Popular Wisdom and Advanced Sciences (Español/English)
This video is bilingual (Español/English) was created with Luis Razeto Migliaro, Evelin Lindner and Howard Richards in Chile, in Howard Richards' Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile, on 29th April 2012. The recording was done by Gabriel Razeto Barry.
Español: Es posible, y como conectar los saberes populares y de los pueblos indigenas, con los conocimientos cientificos y academicos avanzados? Evelin Lindner responde la pregunta, primero en base a su experiencia personal, y luego al nivel de su reflection teorica. Junto a Luis Razeto Migliaro y a Howard Richards, comentan las posibilidades que en este sentido se proponen las iniciativas de Universidades de nuevo tipo en que estan participando: la Universidad Mundial de la Dignidad, y el Proyecto Universidad Nueva Civilizacion.
English: Is it possible, and if yes, how can we connect popular knowledge and indigenous knowledge with advanced academic and scientific knowledge? Evelin Lindner answers this question, first based her personal experience, then at the level of theoretical reflection. Along with Howard Richards and Luis Razeto Migliaro, she discusses the possibilities to advance in this direction by initiatives such as universities of a new type: the World University Dignity, and the New Civilization University Project.
Howard Richards later shared that he and Evelin shared similar childhood contexts. He wrote the following book: Howard Richards, Letters from Quebec: 1992 The First Eleven Letters of Volume One: Philosophy for Peace and Justice. Toronto: Elliott Chapin.
He writes on page 70:
"My father, who never held a steady job, subscribed to and believed in a now defunct magazine called Country Gentleman. When I was still young he and my mother made a down payment on a half-acre in El Monte, now a suburb of Los Angeles, then country. There they built a house themselves and developed the land while my father tried to continue with truck-driving for a cash income; they wanted a lifestyle with the fun of farming but without the worries. For my little brother and me it was an education al environment: we learned from and about
page 71:
fruit trees; ducks; chicken; a goat; plantings of corn, tomatoes, green beans, onions, beets, squash, and Swiss chard.
My role in life was to help. If there was nothing to do in the house or in the workshop, I would give greens to the chickens, tether the goad in a new place, lead a flock of ducks into the iris beds so they could eat the snails, string black twine around the branches of the plum tree to keep the birds away from the fruit, or pull weeds among the bean blossoms. Thus my parents brought me up to believe that I was supposed to be a useful person. They quietly communicated the message that it was a good thing to be useful, and the more useful the better."