Video-taped Dialogues on Dignity



We often use #dignism when we upload videos on YouTube
See Evelin Lindner's channel, and Gaby Saab's WDUi channel

Howard Richards

• 01 Howard Richards: How to Create a More Viable World: The Theory of Growth Points
This video dialogue between Howard Richards, philosopher of social science, and Evelin Lindner was created on 23rd April 2012 in Howard's Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile. In this video, Howard Richards offers the Theory of Growth Points as a methodology for creating a viable world. The video was recorded by William Thompson.
See a summary of this video titled, The Theory of Growth Points, compiled by Evelin Lindner.
This summary points at the following other texts:
- the article "Culture Change" that Howard Richards wrote together with Joanna Swanger in 2008
- a powerpoint presentation by Richards of "What Exactly Does Bourdieu Mean by Habitus?"
- Howard Richards' essay "What Does it Mean to Be a Left Wing Economist Today"

- The Nurturing of Time Future, Lake Oswego, OR: Dignity Press

• 02 Howard Richards: Peacebuilding in Daily Life
This video dialogue between Howard Richards, philosopher of social science, and Evelin Lindner, was created on 30th April 2012 in Chile, in Howard's Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile. In this video, Howard Richards explains the connections between what is possible to do in daily life and what is necessary to do for justice and sustainability. The video was recorded by Shelley Damaris Richards Higgins.

• 03 Howard Richards' Personal Background
This video dialogue between Howard Richards, philosopher of social science, and Evelin Lindner was created on 30th April 2012 in Chile, in Howard's Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile. In this video, Howard Richards explains his family background and who inspired him. The video was recorded by Shelley Damaris Richards Higgins.

• 04 Howard Richards on Terrorism
Evelin Lindner is working on a book on humiliation and terrorism and persuaded Howard Richards, philosopher of social science, to comment on the topic of terrorism from his perspective. This video dialogue was created on 1st May 2012 in Chile, in Howard's Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile. The video was recorded by Shelley Damaris Richards Higgins.
- As for the "chemistry" of emotions, see Melvin Konner, The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit, 2002
- As for deriving moral authority for peace from Islamic theology, see Saoud al-Mawla
- As for the lack of feasibility of the use of violence to reach the aims it intends to achieve, check out the work of Stephen Zunes

• 05 Howard Richards on a Governable Plural Economy
Magnus Haavelsrud commented on the video on growth points that we created on 23rd April 2012 as follows (1st May 2012): "Thank you Howard and Evelin for this – make more! How about corporate responsibility as a topic and the new and reformed capitalism you are mentioning. Good business in other words and implications for Departements of Economy and research in economy and their great need for transdisciplinarity – also in economic thought. Greetings from oslo - magnus"
In response to Magnus' comment, this video dialogue between Howard Richards, philosopher of social science, and Evelin Lindner was created on 1st May 2012 in Chile, in Howard's Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile. The video was recorded by Shelley Damaris Richards Higgins.
- As for the relationship between economics and history and the error made by looking for invariate relationship between variables, see Robert Boyer, L'économiste face aux innovations qui font époque : les relations entre histoire et théorie, in Revue Économique, Vol. 52, No. 5, Sept. 2001, pp. 1065-1115
- For a plural economy see the work of Pierre Calame, see, for example:
- Ethics: Paradigm Shifts that Need to be Made for the Transition, by Pierre Calame, the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress, French Collective Rio+20, January 21 2012
- Turning the European Union into a Model of Multilevel Governance Founded on the Principle of Active Subsidiarity, a proposal by Pierre Calame, 2009
- As for an experimental society, see John Dewey, The Public and its Problems, 1927
- As for an open society, see Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, 1945

• 06 Charla harla para Universidad de Valparaíso, Howard Richards' talk, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile, 10th April 2012, as Pdf file and as video. (Español)

• 07 Howard Richards: Cambio de Paradigma Hacia una Economía Plural (Español)
This video was created in Howard Richards' Dialogue Home and Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile, on 26th April 2012. Howard Richards gave the presentation, Bill Thompson did the recording.
Este video fue creado en el Home Diálogo y Centro para el Desarrollo Alternativo en Limache, Chile, de Howard Richards el 26 de abril de 2012. Howard Richards hizo la presentación, Bill Thompson hizo la grabación.