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Trauma Research Net Newsletter

Hamburg, September 20, 2005

To all interested in the work of the Trauma Research Net,

It's been a while since you last heard from us; we've been working hard behind the scenes to release "fresh" newstickers.

The TRN-Newsletter´s newsticker section is updated every three months.

The newsticker delivers a continous stream of information about trauma-related research, lectures, events, new websites, working-groups, etc. and keeps you up to date with the latest trauma research briefs online. Since Summer 2004 Newsticker, we've added a new section to call your attention to the latest publications from Trauma Research Net Members. If you have anything about your own publications or general trauma-related news to add, please contact the editor via Cornelia.Berens@his-online.de

Please go to http://www.traumaresearch.net, click on 'newsletter' at the top left and fill in the registration form which opens below of the login-field.
Soon after we´ve received your registration, you will be given a password which allows your access to the complete TRN-Newsletter.

By the end of the month we will be disseminating a "call for papers" for our third international and interdisciplinary Trauma Research Net Conference, which will take place from September 14-17, 2006. I will inform you about the call for papers with an additional e-mail.

We will also be releasing previously unpublished texts from a 2004 forum organized as part of the scholarship program of the Heinrich Boell Foundation. These four papers on the notion of trauma in psychology and cultural studies were presented last year and are now ready for publication. The texts will be available in German with English abstracts. In a departure from the procedures otherwise adhered to by the Trauma Research Net, we have agreed in this case to make the complete papers available to all internet users without restriction.

Best wishes from Hamburg,
Cornelia Berens

Trauma Research Net (International Network for Interdisciplinary Research about the Impact of Traumatic Experience on the Life of Individuals and Society)
Cornelia Berens, M.A.
Hamburger Institut fuer Sozialforschung
Hamburg Institute for Social Research
Mittelweg 36, D-20148 Hamburg

Office hours: Mon, Tue, Wed 10a.m.-1p.m., 2p.m.-7p.m. & by appointment
Tel. (+49 40) 41 40 97 - 38, Fax. - 501 (or - 11)
URL http://www.traumaresearch.net (TRN-Newsletter 2 is online)
URL http://www.his-onlinede/mitarb/berens.htm (German)
URL http://www.his-online.de/researchunits/visiting/trn.htm (English)
Email Cornelia.Berens@his-online.de

Posted by Evelin at September 21, 2005 09:20 PM