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Materials in English, Danish and Swedish on the Muhammad Caricatures

Materials in English, Danish and Swedish on: THE MUHAMMAD CARICATURES

© TFF 2006
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research

Today, March 21, is The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination proclaimed by the UN Geneeral Assembly in1966. It called on the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination. Racism in its various forms is still with us. It seems a good day to circulate these materials:

PressInfo 235, March 17, 2006
- The Muhammad caricatures (3): The speck and the log. We must learn to see our own cultural blindness.
One side of the coin is what we in the West think of ourselves. The other side is what they think of us. No one, strong or weak, can afford anymore to ignore the other side of the coin, the coin of globalisation. And forcing people to share our view of ourselves is a recipe for world destruction, no less. Ends with a series of "perhaps we could..." learn something important.

Farhang Jahanpour, March 16, 2006
- The political repercussions of the cartoon of Prophet Muhammad
If we are not going to move towards a 'clash of civilisations', all of us must learn tolerance and forbearance. We live in a pluralistic world with ever increasing ease of communication. If we want to avoid constant war and bloodshed in this 'global village' we must learn to accept that others have views different from ours, and are free to express them. After all, God and the prophets can take care of themselves and can accommodate childish insults.

Evelin Lindner, TFF Associate, March 1, 2006
- "The Cartoon War" of humiliation versus humiliation: What should be done? (pdf)
I began my research on humiliation by asking myself: "What is the strongest obstacle to peace and to willingness to cooperate in our interdependent world? What is the strongest force that fuels destructive conflict?" Feelings of humiliation, is my answer.
What to do after these cartoons? 1. Cool down! 2. Avoid the pitfalls of victimhood! 3. Learn moderation and 4. Avoid bias and become aware of our commonalities by defining ourselves as one family of humankind.(pdf file)

TFF PressInfo 233, February 9, 2006
- The Muhammad caricatures (2): But there is a context!
There is a context to the Muhammad caricatures. If that context is addressed, Denmark - its government and people - would have to ask: What have we done wrong in the eyes of so many during the last 10-15 years? That would open for some kind of learning and long- term reconciliation with the perceived enemies.

TFF PressInfo 232, February 7, 2006
- The Muhammad caricatures (1): Freedom of suppression
These days I fear that Western culture increasingly comes across as lacking both empathy, self-critical debate and the courage to say, We are sorry!
My native country is now a rogue state in the eyes of millions of fellow human beings. Whether or not this is a fair judgment of Denmark is not the issue. The issue is that Danish politics is a prime reason that those millions hold that image.
We could well be witnessing the beginning of a drift towards unparalleled catastrophe, writes TFF director Jan Oberg who is a Danish citizen.

Jonathan Power, TFF Associate, February 6, 2006
- The Muhammad Cartoons: It takes two to avoid a clash of civilizations
We in the richer world have to recognize the transformed world we now live in where communications are so fast and borders so porous. We need a franker discussion on certain aspects of our Western culture. In this and all things a little more modesty would serve the West well.

Julie Dyer and Michel Tavir, March 16, 2006
Democratisation in the Middle East
Review of new book with many and varied contributions by Middle Eastern and Danish scholars, edited by Birgitte Rahbek. The best of the articles provide an insight into social and historical events that are seldom discussed in the Western media. Warmly recommended as a balanced input at a time with rampant misunderstandings and polarization.


Trine Pertou Mach, 16. marts 2006
- Regeringens rolle i krisen
Kommentar i Nyhedsmagasinet RÆSON 8. marts 2006.

Trine Pertou Mach, 16. marts 2006
- Hvis det bare var tegninger og ytringsfrihed
Debatindlæg i Det Arabiske Initiativs nyhedsbrev 17.februar 2006.

Jørgen Johansen, TFF styrelseledamot, 19:e februari, 2006
- Reparera karikatyr-skadan nu - från ord till handling
I länder där en minoritet är invandrare med muslimsk bakgrund, vilar det ett större ansvar och krav på hänsynstagande på den starkare parten. Det finns mycket man kan göra för framtida försoning - här ett förslag för Göteborgs del.

TFF PressInfo 233, 11 februari, 2006
- Mohamedkarikatyrerna (2): Det finns ju ett sammanhang !
Om ett större sammanhang rättas till, skulle Danmark - dess regering och folk - tvingas ställa frågan: Vad har vi gjort fel i så mångas ögon under de senaste 10-15 åren? Detta skulle öppna för någon sorts lärdom och långsiktig försoning med dem som uppfattas som fiender.

TFF PressInfo 233, 9. februar, 2006
- Muhammed-karikaturerne (2): Men der er jo en større sammanhæng !
Hvis man tager denne større sammenhæng med i betragtningerne over det der sker i disse uger så må Danmark, regering og befolkning, udfordre sig selv og spørge: Hvad er det vi synes at have gjort så forkert i så manges øjne de sidste 10-15 år?
Hvis man fortsætter med i politik og medier at stirre sig blind på disse tegninger og droppe den større sammenhængen så vil den danske reaktion forblive selvmedlidende. Og som "offer" kommer man at synke dybere ned i kulturel ufølsomhed.

TFF PressInfo 232, 9. februari, 2006
- Mohamedkarikatyrerna (1): Förtrycksfrihet
I dessa dagar fruktar jag att den västliga civilisation i snabbt ökande grad framstår som helt befriat från inlevelse och medkänsla, för öppen debatt och för den civilcourage som behövs för att be om ursäkt.
Det helt centrala är att den aktuella danska politiken är huvudorsaken till att mlijoner har en så negativ bild av landet. Det kan mycket väl tänkas att vi nu bevittnar början til en utveckling, som kommer att sluta i en katastrof för oss alla.

TFF PressInfo 232, 8. februar, 2006
- Muhammed-karikaturerne: Undertrykkelsesfrihed
I disse dage frygter jeg at den vestlige civilisation i stigende grad opfattes af andre som blottet for indlevelse og medfølelse, for egentlig åben debat og for den civilcourage der er brug for når man skal sige "Undskyld, vi skulle have håndteret det hér lidt anderledes."
Det helt centrale er at den aktuelle danske politik er hovedårsagen til at millioner har fået dette billede af Danmark og danskerne.
Det kan meget vel tænkes at vi nu er vidner til begyndelse af en udvikling, der efterhånden vil ende i en katastrofe for os alle.

Julie Dyer and Michel Tavir, March 16, 2006
- Democratisation in the Middle East
Anmeldelse af bogen med denne titel redigeret af Birgitte Rahberk. En helt nødvendig bog i en tid af misforståelser, ekstremisme og polarisering, ikke mindst i Danmark. På engelsk og på dansk i samme dokument.

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Posted by Evelin at March 22, 2006 04:53 AM