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International Insitute for Peace Studies and Global Philosophy

Dear Friend,
Please see furtherdown the message that Thomas Daffern kindly sends to us.


The Institute is unique among centres throughout the world in that it combines training and practical work in conflict resolution with studying the entire range of global philosophical and spiritual traditions with the proactive search for global responsibility and justice in our time. Founded in 1990, arising out of a feasibility study investigating the possibility of creating a Peace Studies Institute in the University of London, and subsequent years of active educational research, networking and consultancy, everyone interested in advancing peace research in London, the UK, and internationally is invited to join us. The Institute has also built on the work of Philosophers and Historians for Peace, an international networking organisation founded in 1985. IIPSGP Members are involved in a wide range of educational and research activities in both professional and voluntary capacities in all aspects of peace research, environmental education, comparative spirituality and philosophy.

With our unique library on peace research and global philosophy (catalogued partly online) the Institute acts as a support structure and information clearinghouse to empower individuals to develop their own research and action projects in the fields of peace and global ethics and works co-operatively alongside many other institutions and professional networks worldwide. We organise meetings, seminars and lectures programmes, while regular seminars have been held in the House of Lords focusing on 'Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding', 'Ethics, Politics and Economics', 'Social Development and Global Justice'. A 'PEACE AND GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY STUDY COURSE" is available, combining independent study, correspondence tuition, teacher training, service work in the community, and occasional peer group seminars & study retreats. A small Secretariat and Advisory Council service the work of the Institute, which is a voluntary educational charity, along with volunteers and interns; for internship/ student / faculty positions, membership of the Institute is a preliminary requirement.

The Institute runs the pioneering MULTIFAITH AND MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION AND MEDIATION SERVICE serving in situations of conflict or violence involving a religious or cultural dimension. The MMEMS is run as both a consultancy and voluntary effort and is available for situations needing outside intervention to resolve, and tackles disputes ranging from the small to the very large. We also proposed the COMMONWEALTH INTERFAITH NETWORK linking together educators, peace activists, environmentalists, human rights and social development specialists from Commonwealth member countries helping to transform the Commonwealth into a vibrant community of nations bearing witness to a wider world order based on peace and a love for common values and spirituality. The IIPSGP Director is a British-Canadian dual citizen. IIPSGP also aims to establish a Global Peace School for children up to 18 years of age in a rural location. THE GLOBAL GREEN UNIVERSITY, founded by IIPSGP, is an international network of educators and activists committed to building a peaceful, just, ecologically sane, cooperative and sustainable global society which accepts students for higher degree research on topics of importance to global well being. (alternative energy, new management studies, communications, transpersonal knowledge, new physics etc.) It is open to scholars in other Universities and acts as a complementary academic network.

The Institute produces several publications for its members. THE MUSES JOURNAL: LOVE, COMPASSION AND PEACE - THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH AND GLOBAL PHILOSOPHY is the only academic journal in the world dedicated to education and research into the positive dynamics of building global peace and justice through love. The journal is structured according to the Nine Muses, the guardians of the Classical Academy; as an academic journal it seeks to restore the lost intellectual and spiritual vision of the interconnectedness of knowledge, spirituality, aesthetics, feeling, and moral and political responsibility that comprise the educational principles of academic life in their ideal form. An occasional IIPSGP Newsletter includes news of developments for peace and global responsibility, particularly those involving research and higher education. Other publications include: Multilingual and Multifaith Dictionary of Peace and Philosophy; Enlightenments; Against Sophiaphobia. A full list is available on the IIPSGP website at www.educationaid.net

Other programmes of the Institute include supporting the work to set up an ALL PARTY GROUP FOR PEACE AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION in the UK parliament; THE ORDER OF WANDERING POETS FOR PEACE (an international network of poets and bards and Druids committed to using their poetic gifts for planetary transformation); THE TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION FOR BRITAIN AND IRELAND; EUROPEAN PHILOSOPHERS FOR PEACE; THE SCHOOL OF NONVIOLENCE; PEACE HISTORY GROUP; THE PAGAN ACADEMIC NETWORK. Another project of I.I.P.S.G.P. is to facilitate the establishment of the LONDON INSTITUTE OF PEACE STUDIES (LIPS) as a formal centre of academic excellence in the UK. The main ongoing work of the Institute is to continue playing its part in laying the intellectual, ethical and educational foundations of a sustainable, global civilisation based on peace and justice. Your contribution towards I.I.P.S.G.P.'s programmes of work is invited and your completed membership application will be warmly welcomed. Together we can do what is impossible alone in a world in increasing danger and need. Our focus is on finding together the positive solutions to our global crisis. We have contacts and branches all over the planet and seek to build a peaceful global civilisation based on the wisdom found within all faiths, all cultures, all traditions.

Member = One issue of Journal, newsletters, invitations to events, research support - £ 25 p.a.
Friend = Newsletters and mailings, invitations to events - £ 15 p.a.
Research Member Registration Fee = Publications, research, library access, study support - £ 50 p.a.
(Subscriptions payable in pounds sterling to "International Institute for Peace Studies and Global Philosophy / IIPSGP" and sent to the address above please; foreign currency cheques acceptable but please add conversion charges of £8)
Below is a partial list of Institute activities underway - please indicate which you might like to get involved with, and any special skills you can offer towards them as a member:

Global Green University:
Multifaith and Multicultural Mediation Service:
"THE MUSES JOURNAL: Love, Compassion and Peace: An International Journal of Peace and Global Philosophy:
Internet and Web based projects and Educational Computer Peace Software Development:
Publications Department:
United Nations, Commonwealth and International Liaison:
Helping organise and run educational courses and trainings:
Helping with Press and Media liaison:
Fundraising Committee, Administrative Assistance, Publicity and Outreach:
International Academic liaison:
Research Programme:
Ethics, Policy and Global Responsibility Programme & Parliamentary seminars:
Educational work and teaching and learning with children:
(Please enclose a copy of your CV with this application form and post to Rhos Gallt, Llanerfyl, Powys, Wales, SY21 0ER)

Director, Thomas Clough Daffern B.A. (Hons) D.Sc. (Hon) PGCE; Secretary General, Mary Napper B.A. (Hons.)
International Secretary: Sheena McDonagh Treasurer: Jenny Wheatcroft B.A. (Hons.) Global Ambassador: Krystyna Stevenson
Rhos Gallt, Llanerfyl, Powys, Wales, SY21 0ER, Tel 01938 820586 Mobile: 07951 600959
Website: www.educationaid.net Email: iipsgp@educationaid.net Centres in: UK, Russia, Israel, Pacific, Balkans, India, Americas

Posted by Evelin at June 30, 2006 06:49 AM