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Pessimistic and Optimistic Visions for the Future of Our World, Provided by Tim Newfields

Tim Tim Newfields from Tokyo University, Japan, was present at my SIETAR lecture: Avoiding Humiliation - From Intercultural Communication to Global Inter-Human Communication (June 9, 2006, Reitaku University Tokyo Kenkyu Center) and he kindly writes (30th June 2006):

Dear Evelin,

Thanks for speaking with the Tokyo SIETAR group recently.
You outlined a wide range of fascinating concepts. What I remember
most from the presentation is the importance of a positive meta-myth:
a way to helping people envision positive future. This constrasts
with many of the destructive myths which seem to exist in many
religions. The fact that large portions of the Earth's population
believe in such populations concerns me. You asked for some supporting
references about the ways different civilizations conceptualize time.
Here there are -


(1) Pessimistic views of time suggesting civilization is heading "downhill"

Buddhist cosmology
www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/ publications/jjrs/pdf/282.pdf

Islamic cosmology

Jewish cosmology

Mayan cosmology

(2) Positive views suggesting we are somehow evolving to a "higher"

A purported upcoming "Technological singularity" which might be "positive"

Incan cosmology

Posted by Evelin at July 1, 2006 05:11 AM