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In Theory? Encounters with Theory in Practice-based Ph.D. Research in Art and Design

Call for Papers
Encounters with Theory in Practice-based Ph.D. Research in Art and Design

AHRC Postgraduate Conference, De Montfort University & Loughborough University, 26th June 2007, DMU, City Campus

The increasing amount of students undertaking practice-based PhDs affords the opportunity to uncover and examine some of the challenges faced when undertaking this type of research. We are seeking papers from current and completed postgraduate students, as well as researchers and practitioners, who incorporate and negotiate research through practice and theory in Art and Design disciplines. The aim of the conference is to address and discuss some of the generic, rather than discipline-specific, challenges of undertaking practice-based research.

Papers of 20 minutes duration are invited from across art and design disciplines. The one-day symposium will incorporate short papers followed by a panel discussion chaired by the keynote speakers.


To address and discuss some of the generic, rather than discipline-specific, challenges of undertaking practice-based research.
To examine the relationship between theory and practice in art and design research, and evaluate the usefulness of specific theories as well as theory in a general sense.
To identify and share knowledge of relevant research methodologies.
To highlight the challenges faced when undertaking PhD’s by practice.
To Increase confidence in dealing with familiar and unfamiliar theories and concepts.
To interrogate such terms as ‘academic practitioner’ and ‘practitioner researcher’.

Topics of Interest

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
Practice-based research analysis and evaluation of methods used.
The development of art and design specific methodologies/models and the value/adaptation of methodologies from other disciplines.
The challenges faced whilst undertaking practice-based research informed by theories.
Discussions of relevant strategies and solutions.

Instructions for Authors

All submissions should be in English (300 words) and should include the following details: Title, Name of Author(s), and e-mail address. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected based on their quality, originality and significance. Please email abstracts by 19th January to Emma Rooney, e.rooney@lboro.ac.uk

Notable dates

Submission of abstract 19th January, 2007
Notification of decision: 2nd March, 2007
Submission of papers: 1st June, 2007
Conference date: 26th June, 2007

Posted by Evelin at December 9, 2006 08:19 PM