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Call for Papers: Identity Formation

Dear All,

I am on the committee which is organising a postgraduate conference entitled 'Identity Formation' for 4 April 2007. I wonder if I might ask for you to send this e-mail to postgraduates/post-doctoral students studying foreign languages, philosophy/ideology, psychology, sociology, history, theology and English, please.

This will be the first ever conference to incorporate all the discipline areas in the School of Languages , Linguistics and Cultures at The University of Manchester. This exciting inaugural event aims to be all inclusive and embrace all languages; it will treat the notion of ˇIdentity Formation˘ in literature, art, film and media studies under three main themes:

1. The role of philosophy/ideology in the formation of identity
2. Diasporic and transcultural identities
3. Narrative identity

We would welcome abstracts on the above issues from postgraduates and post-doctoral students. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 January 2007. The deadline for registration is 25 February 2007.

Enquiries can be sent to Louise Crowther at langsconference@yahoo.com

Thank you very much for your help and time in considering this e-mail.

Best wishes,
Louise Crowther

Posted by Evelin at December 17, 2006 07:29 AM