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Earth Vision Website Now Available

Looking for a forum that goes beyond environmentalism? An entry into the world of nature that even a confirmed urbanite can delve into? The EARTH VISION website uses “spiritual ecology” to explore the interweave between human and nature forums.

Through this online presentation, the viewer can explore excerpts from the 5 ebooks that author Josef Graf uses to introduce the concept of spiritual ecology: a travelogue across North America; a calendar of nature and soul through the seasons; a compelling global perspective down through the ages; an art gallery exploring color theory and the nature-soul dynamic; and a compendium of humor within the irreverent biography of Hebert Returns to America.

If the modern world has arrived at an impasse in the face of nature, it will require extraordinary resolutions to find a way forward. EARTH VISION presents one of those forums. In the words of Dorothy McLean, noted co-founder of Findhorn, “I read Earth Vision with delight. I appreciate that it was comprehensive and beautiful. . . another thing that delighted me was the emphasis on humans sharing whatever qualities nature has. . . the words, and the spirit that shines through them, cannot but help people to expand their awareness.”

This new website is online now. The central theme of the site,


is spiritual ecology - the exploration of nature and soul

Please have a look. Also, if you can pass the word around to anyone you think may be interested, I'd be very grateful.

Thank you for any help with this.

Josef Graf
taking nature to the next level


Posted by Evelin at January 16, 2007 08:10 PM