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Global Campaign for Peace Education Issue #39

With this letter may we extend our heartiest wishes for your good health and successful adventures in this new year. And for the world, our only wish is for less violence and more justice.

We have been writing and sending these e mail letters for a number of years and now find that it is time to turn over their management to Tony Jenkins and the Peace Education Center at Teacher's College, Columbia University. peace-ed@tc.edu,

http:// www.tc.columbia.edu/PeaceEd/

The Peace Education Center has long been involved in the Global Campaign and in developing peace education globally through the International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) and their newest initiative Community-Based Institutes on Peace Education (CIPE).

Your name will be transferred and you will continue to receive these mailings. Your news is very welcome, and we hope you will contribute to the content of the monthly newsletters. The Peace Education Center's list and this one will be combined to nurture a larger global community of people eager to see new generations of teachers and learners exposed to peace education as an integral part of their learning experiences.

The coordination of the Hague Appeal for Peace Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE) will also be transferred for the coming year to the Peace Education Center, co- directed by Tony Jenkins and Janet Gerson.

The new organization, Peace Boat US, will continue to work closely with the Peace Education Center so that the Campaign's members can participate in peace education programs on board Peace Boat US and in other venues sponsored by the Peace Boat family.

Peace Boat US will continue to be housed at the Hague Appeal for Peace office opposite the United Nations, and you are all welcome to visit us, correspond with us, call us, or send your e mail message. Peace Boat US will also begin running its own independent newlsetter starting this Spring, so please look forward to hearing from us!

Together we must build an ever growing culture of peace to assure a safer, saner, happier future for our children and grandchildren and theirs.

With all good wishes,
Cora Weiss (President, Hague Appeal for Peace)
Tony Jenkins (Peace Education Center at Teacher's College, Columbia University)
Maiko Morishita (Peace Boat US)

President Arroyo Signs Executive Order to Advance Peace Education!! PEACE NEWS COURSES & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EVENTS & CONFERENCES RESOURCES, MATERIALS, PUBLICATIONS Peace Boat US & Hague Appeal for Peace

President Arroyo Signs Executive Order to Advance Peace Education!!

A goal of the Global Campaign for Peace Education has been realized by a group of educators in the Philippines, including our own Loreta Castro, which has succeeded in getting peace education mainstreamed into schools beginning with teacher training. An Executive Order to advance peace education was signed by the Philippine President in September.
For more information visit: http://www.pia.gov.ph/Default.asp? m=11&sec=archive&r=ALL&sp=7&fi=p070109.htm&no=16

PEACE NEWS Nobel Peace Laureates Request to see Fellow Burmese Laureate Denied
The International Peace Bureau (IPB) joined with 12 other Nobel laureates in a special New Year action in support of the Burmese democracy movement.

International Peace Bureau PRESS RELEASE
Geneva, Janaury 5, 2007

Laureates worldwide - from Seoul to Washington- will seek visas to visit sister Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, the only imprisoned Nobel Peace Laureate. The day after Burmese Independence Day, thirteen Peace Prize Laureates will submitted visa applications in 9 countries in a collective effort to visit Suu Kyi. "We hope to visit our sister, who today is spending her 4088th day in detention,said Shirin Ebadi. We want to personally tell her that the world has not forgotten her and the people of Burma, and we want to tell her that we support her movement's call for a UN Security Council resolution on Burma.
All visa applications were denied.

To read the entire press release visit:
http://ww w.ipb.org/web/index.php

Former Cold War Warriors make an Impassioned Call for US Leadership to Abolish Nuclear Weapons in the Wall Street Journal

A World Free of Nuclear Weapons
By George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger and Sam Nunn

Nuclear weapons today present tremendous dangers, but also an historic opportunity. U.S. leadership will be required to take the world to the next stage -- to a solid consensus for reversing reliance on nuclear weapons globally as a vital contribution to preventing their proliferation into potentially dangerous hands, and ultimately ending them as a threat to the world.

Nuclear weapons were essential to maintaining international security during the Cold War because they were a means of deterrence. The end of the Cold War made the doctrine of mutual Soviet-American deterrence obsolete. Deterrence continues to be a relevant consideration for many states with regard to threats from other states. But reliance on nuclear weapons for this purpose is becoming increasingly hazardous and decreasingly effective.


WORKSHOP "Hiroshima and Nagasaki for College Teachers"
June 25- 29, 2007

Illinois Wesleyan University will host a one week workshop which will provide resources for educators planning for a general education course or units dealing with nuclear issues and the legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. College educators with interest in developing such a course, or units, about this topic; or individuals wishing to contribute additional insights and resources to such coursework, are invited to join.

For more information on the workshop visit:

Identity, Interdependence & Nonviolent Transformations
International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) / Baketik, the Peace Centre in Arantzazu
July 14-22, 2007 Arantzazu, SPAIN

The International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) 2007 will be hosted by Baketik, the Peace Centre in Arantzazu in the Basque Country (Spanish Estate) from July 14-22, 2007. The event is being co-organized by Baketik and the Peace Education Center at Teachers College, Columbia University. IIPE was founded in 1982 by Betty Reardon and faculty colleagues at Teachers College and has been held annually in different parts of the world. It is an intensive multicultural and cooperative learning opportunity in which participants learn from and with each other about substantive peace issues and interactive teaching approaches. The IIPE is also an opportunity for networking and community building among those who educate and work for a culture of peace in the host region and around the world.

To obtain an application and to learn how to apply visit: http://www.tc.columbia.edu/PeaceEd/iipe/inde x.htm

Inter-American Summit on Conflict Resolution Education, March 14-17, Ohio
Global Issues Resource Center, Office of Community Continuing Education at Cuyahoga Community College and The Organization of American States will host a four-day Inter-American Summit on Conflict Resolution Education in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. This event will bring together government representatives from among the 50 states and 34 countries of the Americas and their non-governmental organization partners who have legislation or policies in place to deliver conflict resolution education at the K-12 level and in colleges of teacher education.

This first-ever Summit offers a dynamic opportunity to develop a hemispheric infrastructure throughout the Americas to advance the work in the fields of conflict resolution education and peace education. The Summit will bring together policymakers and educators representing regions across the United States and select member countries of the OAS representing North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. These national and international educators will exchange program best practices, evaluation methodology, creation of policy implementation structures, and consideration of obstacles to success. This event offers a needed opportunity for college students, college faculty, university scholars, K-12 educators, public health officials, prevention specialists, and state, local, and national policy makers in the Americas to convene in one location to learn more about the most current work being undertaken.

March 14th and 15th, 2007: the event is open nationally and internationally to anyone who wishes to attend. Presenters will share examples of best practices within their states and nations, implementation models, and evaluation results.

March 16th and 17th, 2007:
featuring closed policy meetings engaging teams of state and federal government agencies and their NGOs/University Partners. Teams may work on self-selected threads - evaluation, creation of policy, and best practices in creating the structures for K-12 and Higher Education policy implementation.

A compilation of the work in the states and countries will be published for distribution to all attendees and other interested policymakers in the United States, the Americas and the Caribbean.

For more information visit:
http://www.global- issues.org/about/Inter-American_Summit.php


AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, DVD Donations to Educators!!
50,000 DVD copies of the acclaimed documentary "AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH" will be donated on a first come, first serve basis to teachers across the country interested in using the film as a teaching tool in classrooms via Participate.net. This generous donation was made possible with the cooperation of Paramount Vantage, Participant Productions, The Environmental Media Association, and private funders.

The DVD's will be given away starting Monday, December 18, 2006 thru Thursday, January 18, 2007. Teachers are encouraged to log on to Participate.net to request the DVD, which will be delivered within 6- 8 weeks. A free curriculum guide is also available for download.

To request the DVD visit: http://www.p articipate.net/

Peace Boat US & Hague Appeal for Peace

Founded in 1999, the Hague Appeal for Peace Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE), is an international organized network which promotes peace education among schools, families and communities to transform the culture of violence into a culture of peace. The Global Campaign for Peace Education will be coordinated for this coming year by the Peace Education Center of teachers College, Columbia University. (jenkins@exchange.tc.columbia.edu)

Peace education is a holistic, participatory process that includes teaching for and about human rights, nonviolent responses to conflict, social and economic justice, gender equity, environmental sustainability, international law, disarmament, traditional peace practices and human security. The methodology of peace education encourages reflection, critical thinking, cooperation, and responsible action. It promotes multiculturalism, and is based on values of dignity, equality and respect. Peace education is intended to prepare students for democratic participation in schools and society.

The Global Campaign for Peace Education has two goals:
1. To see peace education integrated into all curricula, community and family education worldwide to become a part of life;
2. To promote the education of all teachers to teach for peace.

The Worldwide Activities Brief e- newsletter highlights how and where the GCPE network is active and growing. Submissions are encouraged! Please contribute how you are working for peace education including dates, locations, a brief description, and a website and or contact information and send it to Tony Jenkins at jenkins@exchange.tc.columbia.edu.

The papers of the Hague Appeal for Peace have been archived at Swarthmore College Peace Collection and can be found at
http://ww w.swarthmore.edu/Library
For more information on Peace Boat US visit http://peaceboat- us.org/. The website for Peace Boat US is under construction.

Please e-mail info@peaceboat-us.org for more information.

Posted by Evelin at January 15, 2007 01:45 AM