Research Team | Refugees & Humiliation

Terrorism & Humiliation:
Why People Choose Terrorism

This is a large research project with 18 research teams of young scholars and their academic advisors, that was planed to be conducted in cooperation with the United Nations University. However, due to lack of funding, much of this research could not yet be realized. So far, Vegar Jordanger and Corinna Carmen Gayer are working on their research, albeit in revised ways.

For all the other projects that you see listed further down, we are currently looking for funding, and an umbrella organization for cooperation! We are grateful for your support and advice! We kindly encourage foundations and donors to consider funding this research, either as a whole, or in parts.

Why do people choose terrorism? This question merits deeper probing. This research project aims at shedding more light on the choices made by people who choose or support terrorism. The aim of this research is to help prevent terrorism more efficiently.

The original plan for the end product was to produce an edited book, Terrorism and Humiliation, which was envisaged to be finished within a biannual time frame, with the following contents:
a) conceptual chapters
b) cases provided by our research teams (already with relevance to policy)
c) a policy brief that summarises the insights.

Please see here a longer, more comprehensive version of this page.

•  Research Host & Management
•  Research Team
Material & Links


Research Host & Managemet

Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (Dr. med.), Ph.D. (Dr. psychol.)
Founding Manager of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS)

Paul A. Stokes, Ph.D., College Lecturer
Department of Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Dublin

Linda Hartling, Ph.D., Associate Director
Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, Wellesley College, Boston, USA

Moira R. Rogers, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Department of Language and Literature, EMU, Virginia, USA

Maggie O'Neill, Lecturer
Criminology and Social Policy at Loughborough University, UK

Alicia Cabezudo, Professor and Peace / Human Rights Educator
Educating Cities Latin America

Barbara Harrell-Bond, Professor
Forced Migration and Refugee Studies at the American University in Cairo, Egypt

Trevor L. Ballance, Lecturer and Researcher
Josai International University, Japan

Jack A. Goldstone, Professor
George Mason University School of Public Policy, kindly offers to help us present our research, when it is finished, in the Washington area

See pictures of meetings


Research Team

•  General HumanDHS
•  Academic Advisors
•  Refugees and Humiliation Project (alphabetical)
•  Terrorism and Humiliation Project (alphabetical)




Humiliation, Violence, and Terror in War-Torn Chechnya and North Caucasus


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  Finn Tschudi (Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway)
•  David Brubaker (Professor at the Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University Harrisonburg Virginia, USA)
•  Richard Alapack (Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, NTNU, Norway)
•  Islam Elsanov (Writer, Filmmaker, Chechen/Russian-speaking North-Caucasus Specialist based in Stavanger, Norway)
•  Bjørn Aksel Flatås (the Director of Research of the Falstad Center, Norway)
•  Vegar Jordanger



A Case Study of How the Feelings of Humiliation and Hopelessness are Turning the Students in the Religious Madrasas (Seminaries) of Pakistan into Potential Terrorists


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  David Brubaker (Professor at the Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University Harrisonburg Virginia, USA)
•  Syed Abrar Hussain



Damaged Bonds: A Study in the Social Psychodynamics of Conflicted Group Identities


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  Paul A. Stokes (College Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Dublin)
•  Mitch Elliott (Ph.D., is a Psychoanalyst working in Dublin and Belfast and the Director of the Irish Institute for Psycho-Social Studies)



Humiliation – One of the Root Causes of Terrorism


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  Altaf Ullah Khan (Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication University of Peshawar, Pakistan)
•  Noor Akbar


The Humiliation and Terrorism Connection


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  Paul A. Stokes (College Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Dublin)
•  Susmita Thukral



Africa, a Trigger in the Explosion of International Terrorism


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  Joseph Agholor (Ph.D., London School of Management and Technology, London, UK)



The Dialectics of Humiliation in Intractable Conflicts: How Language and Emotions Fuel the Cycle of Violence Between Israelis and Palestinians


•  Summary

•  Researchers

•  Corinna Carmen Gayer

Corinna is now working on another research project about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We leave the summary of her original research design on this website, because it may inspire others.



Terrorism and Humiliation of Muslim Women


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  Nora Angeles (Ph.D., University of British Columbia in Canada)
•  Imelda Deinla
•  Jessica Los Baños
•  Jelen Paclarin



Terrorism and Humiliation in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay


•  Summary

•  Researchers:

•  Alicia Cabezudo (Argentina, Professor and Director of Educating Cities Latin America (International Relations Bureau, Municipality of Rosario, Argentina)
•  Hans Ola Haavelsrud