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Conference "Globalization and the Good Corporation"

June 24-28, 2007
Vertical Campus, Baruch College, New York

ICCA is pleased to announce its Second International Conference to be held
at the Vertical Campus of Baruch College in New York City. The general
theme of the conference is "Globalization and the Good Corporation."

The conference will build on the success of ICCA's First International
Conference that was held in May of 2004. The theme of that conference was
"Corporate Codes of Conduct for Multinational Corporations: Promises and

The Second Conference will broaden the scope of issues covered under the
umbrella theme of "Globalization and the Good Corporation." Some of the
topic areas to be developed include:

- Globalization, Corporate Governance and Social Accountability
- Corporate and Industry-based Voluntary Codes of Conduct - A New Form of
Corporate Governance and Social Accountability
- Globalization and Human Rights
- United Nations Global Compact and Corporate Social Accountability
- Globalization, Outsourcing, and Supply-Chain Management - Issues of
Fairness and Distributive Justice
- Corporate Reputation in the Age of Globalization: How to Build It and How
Not to Lose It
- Corporate Communications, Advocacy Advertising, Transparency and
- Corporate Social Performance Transparency and Accountability
- Environmental Protection and Sustainable Growth
- Eco-Friendly Business Practices
- Socially Responsible Investing
- Institutional Investor, Public Pension Funds, and Sustainable Investment
- Corporate Global Citizenship

Early indications are that this conference will draw even greater
participation from different parts of the world than the First Conference,
which drew over 350 participants. It would bring in representatives from
four major constituencies, i.e., academic scholars and researchers,
corporate executives, members of civil society and nongovernmental
organizations, and, representatives from various government agencies, and
international financial and development assistance organizations.

The conference will be organized around plenary sessions, roundtable
discussions, paper presentations on original research, experiential
learning, exchange of ideas, and development of best practices. Special
effort will be made to facilitate dialogue and discussion among various
individuals and groups representing the academic community, corporate and
industry groups, civil society organizations, international development
assistance organizations, and governmental bodies.

We already have tentative agreements for joint sponsorship from the United
Nations Global Compact and the World Bank. We expect a very significant
participation from the business community. In addition, a number of major
academic institutions and non-governmental organizations from around the
world would be co-sponsors of the conference.

An important element of the conference is to facilitate participation on
the part of non-governmental organizations from developing countries. Our
experience from the First Conference clearly demonstrated that these NGOs
have a great deal to offer from their work in the field handling real
problems and in real time. We believe that sharing their experience
promises to inject a dose of realism in all our deliberations.

Deliverables from the Conference

We expect that a large number of papers and presentations made at the
conference will be published either as individual papers or as "Special
Issues" of top tier and internationally known academic and professional
journals. This expectation is based on the fact that selected papers from
the First Conference have been published in special issues of five highly
recognized and heavily cited academic and professional journals.


We are devoting the next four to six months to soliciting ideas and
suggestions on the themes stated here. We would also like your input as to
plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, and thematic sessions, to name a


We would like to set up individual country-region coordinating groups to
identify and solicit participation for the academic community, corporations
and industry groups, non-governmental organizations, government bodies, and
other national and regional organizations.

Please let us know of your interest in being part of this organizational
effort. We would be grateful for all the help we can get.
For further inquiries or information, please contact:

Ms. Olga Emelianova
Director for Project Services
International Center for Corporate Accountability, Inc.
Tel.: (646) 312-2230
Fax: (646) 312-2231
Oemelianova @ CorporateAccountability.org
Olga_Emelianova @ baruch.cuny.edu

Posted by Evelin at August 13, 2005 12:34 AM